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the case of items that are in the game but dont spawn

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so i started playing again. 2 weeks agoe.


to me it seems that there are items in the game that cant be found via looting Servers only by killing others....



items i have seen but dont seem to drop anymore:


green slugs, green bandages, M4, amphibia, FNX, longhorn, mp5k, explosive grenades, pso scope, ammo box



items that are a myth (never seen them):


 pm73 rak,, tent, smersh vest, craftable grenades (duct tape + canister + road flare)






also: are the heli Crash sites bugged again ?


also: throwing items is a joke! am i supposed to go prown everytime i throw something?!  grenades dont fly at all. jus drop where u stand (but they dont seem to do damage when they explode untder my belly goin prone after "throwing" them)


is it normal that i have to drink every Minute and when i journey around that i have to take a break inside a lake to COOL OFF ?

Edited by brumey
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i'm pretty sure that slugs and green bandages don't spawn anymore.


i haven't seen an amphibia S since 0.48 if i remember correctly.


M4 and FNX spawn at heli crash sites. you just have to be lucky enough to find one. longhorn are easy to find and spawn in small yellow and blue log cabin.


mp5k still spawn in police stations.


explosive grenades spawn at crash sites and in barracks. since the loot respawn mechanic is broken, they are hard to find but still in-game.


tent are quite easy to find in dubky appartments


smersh vest is very hard to find, spawn only on crash sites.


i haven't seen ammo box or PSO-1 in loot location, only on dead bodies


i agree that the PM73 rak is a myth, never ever seen one, even on other players (and i know looting addict guys)

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Its nice to hear that items that are supposed to be very rare are indeed very rare. Thats most likely the case for items with a low spawn rate and few spawn points like the M4A1 or PM 73 RAK.


I definitely found a Longhorn and according to reports/videos the only items not showing up are the shotgun slugs (did not show up since I started playing), the green bandages are probably not in and the craftable grenades - not even heard about this so maybe its just at the "planned" stage. People also reported to have found helicopter crashes even though they appear harder to find (for reasons unknown maybe just an illusion).


There is nothing wrong with temperature though. Just use your brain - its a little cooler than 20°C so you shouldn't run around in clothing that is clearly intended to be worn at cold weather. I wonder how people will cope when really hot weather (>30°C) is implemented - probably overheat in their winter gear and then cry about it.

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 you just have to be lucky enough to find one.



haha you are funny!




i was not able to find any helicopter in 40 hours of playtime on the Weekend!  i hypothermically checked all the spawnloactions of helis that are in izurvive on 3 different Servers within 1 reset cycle!    THEY ARE BUGGED IN 0.50!  AGAIN!


i am speakin about current stable 0.50!  dont care if somebody found any of those items in 0.49 or earlier!




plz provide screenshots if you found a helicrash site in stable 0.50!  PLZ

Edited by brumey

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I refuse to provide screenshots lol ... But me and a friend found a heli crash at the northwest air field just two days ago on .50 stable .... Nothing was in it besides a pair of gloves and a chemlight .. They are even more rare than before and I believe the loot on the heli crashes are now even more rare as well .. Next crash I find I will post a screenshot ... This was found on a first person sever by the way , and it's been my only heli crash site found in a month .

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Town hall of Novod for longhorns. Every single time I have gone there I have found at least one longhorn, usually several. And I don't really like them, if I find a magnum I ditch the longhorn on the spot for that.


But yeah, mp5s, never found one, raks neither. Nor tents, heatpacks and smersh vests.

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haha you are funny!




i was not able to find any helicopter in 40 hours of playtime on the Weekend!  i hypothermically checked all the spawnloactions of helis that are in izurvive on 3 different Servers within 1 reset cycle!    THEY ARE BUGGED IN 0.50!  AGAIN!


i am speakin about current stable 0.50!  dont care if somebody found any of those items in 0.49 or earlier!




plz provide screenshots if you found a helicrash site in stable 0.50!  PLZ





Two double heli crash sites at NWAF, both on the same non-persistent .50 private hive.  So these ones still do exist at least.  Just a 40 round m4 mag, a few CBQ stocks, and a rail optic between the first two.  RDS and ACOG from the second two, plus some flashbangs that didn't work.  No luck with an m4.

Edited by KyleSaysThings

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As I keep banging on about, something is definitely up with heli crashes. Either something to do with persistence (is that possible?), or because they've been lumped in with police car spawns, making their probability even less than it was in 0.49.


If that's deliberate, such that they're a once in a blue moon sight, then fair enough, but it would be very helpful to be clear about what's going on.


Maybe nothing has changed, but my experience and that of others would suggest otherwise.

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I haven't seen a AKM or a AK101 since I have been playing .50, I must have searched the barracks and bases 10 times or so, and found a ton of ammo, and a ton of SKS's, but no auto rifles.

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Don't assume that because you haven't found something, that it does not exist. Some of the items that you mentioned have less than a 5% chance to spawn. If you hit 20 barracks that have not been looted already, chances are you'll only find one of these items.

For instance, I hit a fire station last night that had easily over 1,000 separate items in it (loot spawning shenanigans) and found only one protector case. Many barracks you hit will be completely empty and picked clean. But then you'll find one that has hundreds of items in it and 3+ AK variants. It's even more so about luck right now and less about repeating the same loot run for guaranteed results.

Hope that helps answer your question.

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i remembering finding them in summer!

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Found a crashsite in .50  had all the M4 attachments mags one could want but NO m4...gah


Saw a m4 but let it be...whouldent find a mag for the next 4 respawns anyways. Wich is a shame given the abdundance of everything else.




 pm73 rak,, tent, smersh vest, craftable grenades (duct tape + canister + road flare)




never saw any of those ever.... :/

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Lucky enough, found 2 M4's in the last two days, both at crashsites :D

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Has anybody found a protector case recently?  I have been roaming the map for weeks and never found one. 


Look out for a lootgasm at a fire station (so you'll need to be on a persistent server). They're sometimes hard to spot, but if you're lucky (as I was a few weeks ago) you can walk away with five or six of them.

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green slugs, green bandages, M4, amphibia, FNX, longhorn, mp5k, explosive grenades, pso scope, ammo box

items that are a myth (never seen them):

pm73 rak,, tent, smersh vest, craftable grenades (duct tape + canister + road flare)

Green bandages and slugs no longer spawn.

M4 spawns, I have one. Amphibia does spawn, mags do aswell. FNX spawns, reddot does aswell, I have both. Longhorn still spawns. MP5K spawns, I have one. Both types of grenades spawn, I have them too. PSO scope spawns, Ammo box still spawns. I think I have four.

RAK spawns, pretty rare though. I have one, but no mags. Well I saw tents spawning aswell, I have seen both types. Smersh vest still spawns, yeah I have that aswell. Never heard of craftable grenades.

And last but not least: Crash sites still spawn loot on 0.51 and are not bugged on pers off servers. Their loot can be useless at Russian crashes, but American ones are all good!

Edited by Yazar8

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Helis spawn all right, got lucky and found mags and then m4.

Persistence on servers have invicible crash sites so check persistence off servers if you want to find them

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Has anybody found a protector case recently?  I have been roaming the map for weeks and never found one. 


Couldn't find any for weeks, I've found 2 over the weekend. Lost one filled with goodies to a bug.

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I haven't been keeping up with official dev posts, so maybe this is old news, but the loot tables looks totally messed up to me.  In my recent 10-15 hours of playtime, I've found nothing but hammers, boots, and cattle prods.  Finding a weapon and a clip to match is never going to happen.  I might take another break, whilst they keep working at it.

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