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Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

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I just wanna figure out whether and how people manage to stay in the game any feasible period of time after all. Just now I logged in again and the game crashed just after 30 seconds. Maybe that's got something to do with my settings? Any ways to minimize the crashes?

on experimental servers it seems to be common. yesterday my pc just went black and quiet after 5 minutes. happened again 10 mins later. but it was the first time ever for me. so i don't think it was your configuration.

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I was day dreaming about underground bases when the game CTD'd for the first time since yesterday morning. It doesn't happen all that often, but it does happen in different ways. Once I also just got a black screen and had to restart my entire computer, the other times normally are like "DayZ has stopped working" type crashes.


Before that I was able to successfully kill a boar and get some nice chunks off it. I even kept the pelt for shits and giggles. Normally I don't do anything with it, but maybe one day I can figure out what to do with it.


Something else that would be cool would be searching for feathers and stuff them into a damaged Down Coat and then put Duct Tape over it - from Badly Damaged to worn in two easy steps. :P


I would love to be able at some point to cut branches off a tree and conceal stuff with it. That way, once we get underground bases, we can conceal the entrance, making them virtually impossible to discover :D


I am still very, very happy with how the patch turned out. I am now truly addicted to DayZ! Congrats Devs, you did it! :thumbsup:

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I think two things need to really happen. First, no specific starting spawn point. Make it so we spawn wherever up, down, and sideways. This will truly make the game better. Always starting on the coast makes the game very boring since you pretty much take the same routes to the middle of the map.

And second, the loot spawning needs a better loot despawning. Make it so that maybe 30m after someone passed through a town all the loot in the town left will despawn and new will spawn in its place. This is why I’m not playing persistence on in stable, cause all you will find is the stuff everyone left behind, if you find anything at all.

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Had a very satisfying run with my buddy yesterday night. Went to pick him up in Berezino where he spawned. By the time we met he was already in some trouble from the cold. We met at the construction site, I popped him a cooked rabbit and a wool coat and we went for the safety of the woods to warm him up and feed him till he would be fine. But in the middle of the open fields around Berezino constr. site he passed out! I immediately started a fire next to him and force fed him with everything i had. I even tried the cpr (compressing) for the first time, but that only made his still unconcious char stand up and lie down again every five attempts, which was pretty spooky. ;) It was a nice and tense experience to nurse my buddy in an open field next to chernarus biggest "war zone", exoecting gun shots like every second.

Unfortunately Buddy got bored with my inept effords after a while and decided to respawn, so i never know if i did the right things in order to get him back, or if it was in vain anyway.

We headed west afterwards, had some interesting encounters and ended up in my favorite spot on the map. I always make camp there since i first found it. If i could only tell you where it is, you would never want to go anywhere else! ;-) 15min after making camp we ended the night with a fire simultaneously cooking rabbit, boar, fish and deer, all freshly hunted. Unfortunately i forgot to take a pic of that lovely meal, but will take one later tonight...

All in all I totally agree with everyone who thinks that the devs are doing great and that the game will (most likely) be nothing but awesome in the end! :)

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Just got done playing for like 3 hours; taking a break to post some screenshots in the Gallery. Explored the new base a bit more, particularly one of the underground areas. If they weren't in such a high traffic area they would be a good place to stash stuff or set up camp.


I did run into one fellow up in Sinistok. I had noticed him through a window as I looted a warehouse building and called out to him, but he never responded. When I exited the building onto the road, I looked around for a moment and didn't see him -- then he proceeded to step out from a bush and shoot me in the leg  :| After making it clear that I meant him no harm, he apologized and dropped rice and ammo for my Repeater :) How nice of him. He was Aussie, but I made it a point to ask if he was a member of the forums and he isn't... oh well.


EDIT: I should also mention that I did CTD twice in less than 5 minutes, which is the first it has occurred for me at all on 0.50. It didn't happen until after I had already been playing for like an hour, and didn't happen again in the two hours following. Very weird.

Edited by Tatanko
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Can't read all the previous posts (will do it later) but here are my thoughts:

Three attempts to survive, 1st person server with like 6 people online. First spawn - Berezino. Whole bunch of different loot, almost no food or drinks. Ate 2 cans of beans, still hungry. I've found apple tree and starved to death while desperately trying to find those apples. This mechanic needs to be seriously reworked. I've also found pump action shotty, not sure if it's new.

Second attempt. Kamyshovo, no food, no drinks. Managed to get to Solnichny before starving.

Leasson learned: do not sprint! Ever! It will kill you faster than a horde of zeds. Your calories burn at crazy rates and you die of starvation.

Third attempt. Novodmitrovsk. Found a can of beans in first building, opened with matchete - form hungry to healthy. Wut?

Then I moved to scavenge the city. Loot spawning is completly fcked up, again. Hats, boots, chemlights and similar useless items are 90% of what I found. Drinks and food almost non-existant. This time I didn't sprint and managed to survive on one can of beans untill server restarted. Then I came here.

I've started making screenshots, so here's some stuff.

Loot spawns.

Books everywhere:


Working as intended:


Got plenty more of these. 3 Longhorns in one spot etc. Here's the stuff everyone wants to see:




Forgot to put it on :/

Saving the best for last. In the middle of a fcking road:




It doesn't work though or I just could figure out how to make it work.

One more thing. When you spawn you will start getting cold. I've managed to find one piece of clothing for my upper body (that warm jacket that doesn't fix anything) and two rangefinders. Yeah. I was still shaking in my jacket.

Basically get ready to respawn a lot since some of the spawns are a death sentence. Get used to freezing, starving a lot before you manage to find anything new and test it. I guess the real test is how long can a player play experimental before giving up.

I'm using a cell so I don't know how to quote a small part

Did you try putting batteries in the range finder?

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Did you try putting batteries in the range finder?

I did in the last build of 0.50 and it did not allow for the RangeFinder to work. I'm pretty sure it just doesn't work yet.

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iv had more CTD's on this exp build than i have on any other exp  builds put togther. it seems fairly regular but nothing specific i notice causes them...

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Rangefinder is in game but does not work yet, I know that for sure, if there were still any doubts. I read something like that a while back in the 49'er version I believe.


How is your guys' success with hunting so far? Where do you find the most deer? Are cows even still in the game? I haven't seen one in forever. Rabbits are kinda hard to spot, but I finally found one. Of course I didn't shoot it, I just said "Hi" to the little guy and wandered my way, watching him hop happily off into another direction. (In case you hadn't guessed yet, I love Bunnies. So there!)


Mostly I find animules in open, wide fields. Only once have I spotted a boar by a creek in the middle of the forest and that was three patches back I think.


I wonder how dog steak tastes... :P

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There are 3-5 cows on the western edge of Pustoshka, the first town southwest of Vybor.

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Rabbits are kinda hard to spot, but I finally found one. Of course I didn't shoot it, I just said "Hi" to the little guy and wandered my way, watching him hop happily off into another direction. (In case you hadn't guessed yet, I love Bunnies. So there!)

I finally saw one of the rabbits tonight as well. I spotted a zombie chasing him, and I had to deal with the zombie so the rabbit got away. I looked everywhere and couldn't find him :( I haven't been able to find any wire yet to craft a snare, either.


There are 3-5 cows on the western edge of Pustoshka, the first town southwest of Vybor.

I can confirm that. They seem to be there like all the time.

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On SE04 right now. There's the option to add metal wire to a fish trap. If you add the wire to the trap, the wire just disappears. Haven't tried to use the trap yet since I need worms.


Edit: The trap contained the wire but wasn't showing up until I put it in my hand.

Edited by whiskeytango
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Rangefinder is in game but does not work yet, I know that for sure, if there were still any doubts. I read something like that a while back in the 49'er version I believe.


How is your guys' success with hunting so far? Where do you find the most deer? Are cows even still in the game? I haven't seen one in forever. Rabbits are kinda hard to spot, but I finally found one. Of course I didn't shoot it, I just said "Hi" to the little guy and wandered my way, watching him hop happily off into another direction. (In case you hadn't guessed yet, I love Bunnies. So there!)


Mostly I find animules in open, wide fields. Only once have I spotted a boar by a creek in the middle of the forest and that was three patches back I think.


I wonder how dog steak tastes... :P


Yesterday I took a road from Gorka to Novy Sobor. On the fields around it I spotted about 5 cows and a deer.

Before that I spotted a boar and a deer in the forest N of Gorka.

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is it just me or is the mouse sensitivity/use fucked up for you too? I thought I've somehow changed my controls settings for the mouse so I've been fooling about, but it seems not to be the case. With this version - all previous were OK, it takes me 3 moves to turn left/right instead of not even the whole one move. It causes the inabillity to guickly turn around/turn my head in the exterior areas for me and over sensitivity in the same case in the interior areas. Also meele combat suffers of over-sensitivity so I can't keep my foccus/point/crosshair on the zombies.


Mouse acceleration OFF of course. It's the same bullshitty mouse sensitivity I've suffered in the beggining of this game, before they changed it. So anybody else? Or is there changing in controls taking the backtrack again?



Edited by Tupoun

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is it just me or is the mouse sensitivity/use fucked up for you too? I thought I've somehow changed my controls settings for the mouse so I've been fooling about, but it seems not to be the case. With this version - all previous were OK, it takes me 3 moves to turn left/right instead of not even the whole one move. It causes the inabillity to guickly turn around/turn my head in the exterior areas for me and over sensitivity in the same case in the interior areas. Also meele combat suffers of over-sensitivity so I can't keep my foccus/point/crosshair on the zombies.


Mouse acceleration OFF of course. It's the same bullshitty mouse sensitivity I've suffered in the beggining of this game, before they changed it. So anybody else? Or is there changing in controls taking the backtrack again?





Are you using a wireless mouse?  Maybe something is obstructing the sensor?

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cant play any server other than uk5 or all my gear disappears 

edit seems ok now,touchwood

Edited by GrumpyOldMeeper

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you can make 3 fireplace kits with 1 book 2x blank page's then the book itself

I would save that for later and use it as a protip in new players discussion...they would be like "wow, this guy is a vet...teach us ur ways survival master"

Edited by svisketyggeren
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Has anyone else awakened under the bridge between Vybor and Pustoshka after changing server. Naked and all gear lost. (i know, it sounds like a good night out) :) I had forgotten, but it's now twice for me. First time was months ago. Now today after server crash. Was on UK14 i think and then when it crashed changed to UK4 and tadaaa there i was no gear no nothing. And i was at Berezino before that.


Still having alot of ctd's too. :(

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My friends had that earlier, no problems for myself. Also just had about a 5 hour session without a single CTD on my end, another friend did have it once.


Kinda skimmed though the last 40 pages, but has anyone noticed/reported that you can still move around after going unconscious? after i did, i hid escape to respawn only to notice my character standing with my sledgehammer in my hands and i could use WASD to walk around. No idea if this was just a clientside thing but i definitely could move and run.

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My friends had that earlier, no problems for myself. Also just had about a 5 hour session without a single CTD on my end, another friend did have it once.


Kinda skimmed though the last 40 pages, but has anyone noticed/reported that you can still move around after going unconscious? after i did, i hid escape to respawn only to notice my character standing with my sledgehammer in my hands and i could use WASD to walk around. No idea if this was just a clientside thing but i definitely could move and run.

Weird. Reminds me of a body-duping issue I saw on the Mod once.

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You can actually get sick patching yourself up with a badly damage sewing needle. Tried using antibiotics, charcoal tabs, alcohol; nothing seems to work.

Remember kids, don't poke yourself with rusty needles.

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