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About Haviland

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Haviland

    Stable Update 0.61.136770

    You just have to treat the rabbit like any other dead animal (i.e. chicken, cow, wolf). Look at it with a knive in hand and wiggle about until you find that "skin and quarter" spot.
  2. Haviland

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Yeah, that´s more like it! Thanx!!
  3. Haviland

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Just stumbled across two of this obviously newly added wheel-spawns on static wrecks that Kohlbar mentioned. Both pretty much next to each other at one of the bus-workshops (or whatever they are) up in Tisy. Pretty nice, me thinks! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007564773/screenshots/ (Sorry, haven´t posted for Ages and can´t remeber how to properly post pics. Is this visable for you guys now? So confused...)
  4. Haviland

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Just played for some minutes after the 4.5mb download. Servers are back to 50 slots. Experienced quite a noticable fps-boost. Everything worked by hitting button once. Like EVERYTHING, interactions, Hotbar, even the damn jumping. By far the best performance I had till now.
  5. Haviland

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Hey there! Just came across this one... Brian Hicks ‏@Hicks_206 53 Min.Vor 53 Minuten Exp Servers will now restart ever 12 hours, instead of 4. I hope this is due to some testing/fixing regarding the loot-cleanup since I had a quite similar experience as IMT mentioned some posts above. Had a nice little camp set up incl. tent, backpax, stone-oven and (buggy) barrel. Was out hunting with a friend for like 1 hour or so and when we came back - everything gone. Too much rubbish there, so if someone should just have raided the camp, there must have been some leftovers of some sort. Not a single item though... (haven´t been posting for quite some time, but always had an eye on this forum. Big thanks by the way to Tatanko, Barnabus, Grapefruit, IMT, Basher, Thurman and ev´rybody else who makes this forum such a nice and informative place to be! HAVE BEANZ!!) [sorry if this looks wierd, musst have fugged up the copying from twitter or summink...]
  6. Haviland

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Jep, weekly maintenance it is. :) The next update to stable branch is expected to come end of the month. But not sure about that, since 0.53 has not been running on exp for more than a few hours and is down with "hardware problems" since then. Hope this doesn´t delay the planned push to stable, since there is some new stuff coming in that I highly anticipate... :-)
  7. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Eugen Harton @eugenharton · 9 Min.Vor 9 Minuten ETA 2 more hours at most :(
  8. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Eugen Harton‏@eugenhartonExperimental servers going down, ETA 1 hour, we like it a lot more now :) Posted about one hour ago. ;)
  9. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I´m not totally sure, but he might be referring to a survivor having eaten raw human meat and suffering from Kuru, This then leads to sporadic laughing or crying attacks every ten or so minutes, which he might have overheard, while he was inside the Rify wreck. I might be wrong, though.
  10. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Wobo's videos are always very infomative in my opinion. Mostly answers all the questions I have! ;-)
  11. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I also noticed, that the character now picks things up again that he dropped while f.e. drinking a pipsi! A very nice change I think! No more losing/forgetting items that you carry in your hands! Beanz for the Devs!! :)
  12. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    While running through the woods with my spawn-sneakers on, I get red messages saying:"My feet hurt" and "My feet are sore"! Never seen that before... :)
  13. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Had a very satisfying run with my buddy yesterday night. Went to pick him up in Berezino where he spawned. By the time we met he was already in some trouble from the cold. We met at the construction site, I popped him a cooked rabbit and a wool coat and we went for the safety of the woods to warm him up and feed him till he would be fine. But in the middle of the open fields around Berezino constr. site he passed out! I immediately started a fire next to him and force fed him with everything i had. I even tried the cpr (compressing) for the first time, but that only made his still unconcious char stand up and lie down again every five attempts, which was pretty spooky. ;) It was a nice and tense experience to nurse my buddy in an open field next to chernarus biggest "war zone", exoecting gun shots like every second. Unfortunately Buddy got bored with my inept effords after a while and decided to respawn, so i never know if i did the right things in order to get him back, or if it was in vain anyway. We headed west afterwards, had some interesting encounters and ended up in my favorite spot on the map. I always make camp there since i first found it. If i could only tell you where it is, you would never want to go anywhere else! ;-) 15min after making camp we ended the night with a fire simultaneously cooking rabbit, boar, fish and deer, all freshly hunted. Unfortunately i forgot to take a pic of that lovely meal, but will take one later tonight... All in all I totally agree with everyone who thinks that the devs are doing great and that the game will (most likely) be nothing but awesome in the end! :)
  14. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I think its pretty helpfull (especially in the first hour of a new char) that you dont need to find an axe anymore in order to start a fire, since now stix (tested myself) and sheets of paper (only heard) can be used to fuel a fire.
  15. Haviland

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Totally agree with you on the blown mind thing! Wasn´t expecting an update like this right now... Also, check the video above. Looks like at this point of time, any melee weapon can open locked doors. Pretty sure this will be changed in time, though. Ok, you edited yours, before I posted mine.... ;)