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How are we supposed to play the game right now?

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The new loot tables have been designed to stop the CoD behavior, making survival more difficult so that people think more about how to stay alive rather than running straight to NWAF. But the game isn t as hard as you say, just some old habits to forget and replace them with new ones.

I don't really get that, if anything it means players will kill each other more often to find supplies. I can only imagine the NWAF becoming a massive warzone considering how they keep on removing military loot spawns around the map. Soon NWAF will be the only place worth looking at. 

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I don't really get that, if anything it means players will kill each other more often to find supplies. I can only imagine the NWAF becoming a massive warzone considering how they keep on removing military loot spawns around the map. Soon NWAF will be the only place worth looking at. 


Killing someone because you need loot you cant find is different than everyone running around with m4/ak and full gear pvp'ing cause there nothing left to do..at least the reasons are different

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a majortity isnt having a problem playing its a minority it seems having these issues either wau just ride the alpha storm a bit the weather system is still a work in progress matter fact so is the whole game it is alpha and it been only 1 year in a 3 year development cycle :D

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 recently ive taken 1 hit from a pick axe ruining my ttsko jacket,gorka pants,hunters backpack,dpm jacket, 3 protector cases and everything in them. my shoes my helmet, but not my weapon. all from 1 hit, when i shot/killed him at close range with a mosin unscoped, he still hit me 1 second later. 

Edited by R0B3RTF1SH3R

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Ill point out as well you need to move inland for food and gear get off the coast mainly because the spawns are coastal and you have to stop and remind yourself everyone who fressh spawned has already been through the coastal spawns.So move inland and dont be so predictable.

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Where is loot scarce? On a 40/40 server last night Berezino still had loot, enough to get semi geared. I'm not sure where you guys are looking but loot is everywhere. There were food houses passed over everywhere even in the middle of a death match with 12 to 15 people shooting anything that moved.

My idea of semi geared maybe different than most, hat, gloves, jacket, a garden hoe or splitting axe and my hunger and thirst status in check. Even found materials to make an improvised backpack and a bit of shotgun ammo. Hell if you can't find food eat apples to get you by until you find proper food

Edit: look at the pic Odin Lowe posted, if you manage to find the proper materials you'll never go hungry again

Im only trying to help the guy out. Iv played long enough to know how the game works.

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When you strafve to death...your just doing something terrible wrong. 

I just tells me you dont understand the gamemechanics of DayZ. 

Inform a bit about what happens when and playing will get mutch more fun.

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This game is definetly weird, just couple of days ago, i couldnt kill a zombie with melee weapon, even after lining up my shots and hitting every spot on the body, still nothing. then today with the same pickaxe i kill a zombie with one shot. Even those monkey ones two hits, what the hell, there was no update, what happened. Im too scared to log in, to find my pickaxe hitting air only.

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This game is definetly weird, just couple of days ago, i couldnt kill a zombie with melee weapon, even after lining up my shots and hitting every spot on the body, still nothing. then today with the same pickaxe i kill a zombie with one shot. Even those monkey ones two hits, what the hell, there was no update, what happened. Im too scared to log in, to find my pickaxe hitting air only.

yeah im noticing alot of buggy hitboxes again not all the time but melee is still f'ed up.

Edited by Rammur

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OP After a break of a few months I died twice just relearning the keys etc. Then I noticed there is a lot more food lying around so as people say the priority has shifted from hydration, food, weapons now to Clothing, weapons, food, hydration.


The same principle of avoiding the big towns and heading inland after spawning still stands but there really is so much stuff lying around in places that have already been looted.


I got to semi-geared which to me is able to stay alive with a ranged weapon and ammo before plunging to my death/death by bug from a tall building.


I'm now just short of semi-geared again and I,just need ammo.


Rain jackets and Farmers Hoes are the things to keep your eye out for, for the first 30minutes to an hour.  then you can start stocking up on the usual Fireman's axes and guns.


Also try a slightly lower population server if you can't find anything. It's still a game after all and you should be having fun.

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...what sense does that make? You can still play it it's just not going to function as well as the finished product.


How are we supposed to play it and test bugs if it's nearly impossible to live long enough to test any guns etc? Not like we can enable God mode and do whatever we want or spawn in new guns to see how they function, they should lighten the difficulty so we can actually test it effectively...

Alpha build means that it is still under active development, unlike Beta which is feature complete and just need all the bugs fixed. So its not just Dayz with new weapons for you to test, its Dayz with active work/redesign on some basic mechanics, and while you can play an alpha, it is mainly meant as task to help out the dev team, not fun. (unless you are a masochist)


The new loot tables have been designed to stop the CoD behavior, making survival more difficult so that people think more about how to stay alive rather than running straight to NWAF. But the game isn t as hard as you say, just some old habits to forget and replace them with new ones.

If by "designed to stop the CoD behavior" you mean 'designed to encourage slower paced game' then yes. Although I hope that design include new mechanics or tweaks to current ones, otherwise it will just make it into micromanagement hell.


Ill point out as well you need to move inland for food and gear get off the coast mainly because the spawns are coastal and you have to stop and remind yourself everyone who fressh spawned has already been through the coastal spawns.So move inland and dont be so predictable.

It is good advice, however, IMO IF you need to move inland to find basic survival items/gear something is broken in the game design. Don't forget that most people aren't veterans who know the game map and every drop site by heart, so while migration inland to find more rare/interesting stuff should be encouraged, the basics should be there for those who still Zombie shell shocked and need to find their barrings.

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The amount of crying when the game even gets remotely the tiniest bit harder is hilarious.

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Even more so the amount of Tarzan's, chest beating while crying its a Survival game! every time someone feels like venting.. (There are at least 10 of those here replaying to the same post) This also true for those who single mindedly believe that making the gameplay better = making the game harder, even if it is a SURVIVAL GAME!   :rolleyes:

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The new loot tables have been designed to stop the CoD behavior, making survival more difficult so that people think more about how to stay alive rather than running straight to NWAF. But the game isn t as hard as you say, just some old habits to forget and replace them with new ones.

I do kinda wish there were more blazes tho I must admit - seems SKS is the gun of the patch from all the SKS I keep finding.

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Get off the coast. there are 25sq km, i have no idea why people only want to use 5 of it. Yea you may die once, maby twice if your luck is really bad. But your failing at the survival part. Its hard now but not impossible.

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Im only trying to help the guy out. Iv played long enough to know how the game works.

Please don't think I was trying to have a go at you, I was only sharing my experience. I tend to find the things I need easily, don't get me wrong though I do have times where its a struggle but if food is scarce I will resort to foraging apples until I find what I need.

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OP, I know what you mean, it's tough at first. Frankly, a lot of just how tough it can be is determined by where you spawn, and determining the best place to run after that. So (and don't be a purist about it - everyone does it...), let a Z kill you and wait for a better spawn location. Speaking personally, I hate coastal spawns.


If you're really lucky, you'll get the naked Vybor bridge spawn, which is within 3-5 minute running distance of all sorts of helpful locations.

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i think the big difference in the wide range of "i found everything in 2 seconds" to "ive died several times, not finding a single piece of clothing" is persistence.

From what ive experienced persistence enabled servers is a step in the wrong direction loot spawning wise, the quadrant system seems to just funnel items into 3-10 rarely looted houses, while houses that are checked regularly are left with trash items. Pens, paper, hammers, wrenches, pliers, you get the point.


Now, the more you die the more loot is going to disappear from locations close to spawn and slowly move more northwest, and as the process repeats and stack up, eventually you're going to stack up those trash items, basically giving the server a point in time where trash items are the only items in game.


However they have implemented a loot cleanup method, but i have no idea how that works or what it will cleanup so i cant make a statement, but in short persistence needs tweaking.

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 recently ive taken 1 hit from a pick axe ruining my ttsko jacket,gorka pants,hunters backpack,dpm jacket, 3 protector cases and everything in them. my shoes my helmet, but not my weapon. all from 1 hit, when i shot/killed him at close range with a mosin unscoped, he still hit me 1 second later. 


That was me. Couldn't resist the pickaxe.

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They are building the game. Thus the early access/alpha status. Complaining about an unfinished/broken feature is irrelevant. Search the bug reports if you think you found a bug, and if it's already been reported, just up-vote it. Simply whining about your difficulty to play a unfinished, currently being developed software just make you look like a spoil brat.


I'm not stupid I know it's still being made...but what makes them buff the zombies and stuff when they don't need to?

Like why does setting up the navmesh mean zombies have to be changed, at all, besides where they run.


They're far more relentless than they used to be last month they didn't see you from like 300+m away now they do all the time and they don't stop chasing you until even the best computer can't render them any more...


The issue isn't that it's broken, it's that they broke it more when the zombies were fairly survivable and...well, why? Who decided "let's make zombies even more annoying when things like melee aren't working all that well so fresh spawns have a bitch of a time!"



Get off the coast. there are 25sq km, i have no idea why people only want to use 5 of it. Yea you may die once, maby twice if your luck is really bad. But your failing at the survival part. Its hard now but not impossible.


Can you explain how you get anywhere decent when you starve after like 20 minutes after spawning and might be lucky if an apple tree gives you an apple? There's not enough time to get anywhere with half decent loot in at least half the spawn points I've been to recently. Unless you get super lucky and nobody happened to loot places but that's just chance or if you're on a deserted server, which is dull.

Edited by UltimateGentleman

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The new loot tables have been designed to stop the CoD behavior, making survival more difficult so that people think more about how to stay alive rather than running straight to NWAF. But the game isn t as hard as you say, just some old habits to forget and replace them with new ones.


But people still do that...

You know what would stop that? Random loot spawns.

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But people still do that...

You know what would stop that? Random loot spawns.

This would be worthwhile giving it a try on an experimental server to see what happens. It could solve many problems inherent to players behavior, yet would the community accept it or start to complain about the fact that on guy found a M4 in the supermarket and that it is unfair because he wasn't so lucky and so on.


Have my beans

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So after dying of starvation like 3 times in a row, dying from losing a bathtub full of blood after a player and like 10 zombies attacked me while I defended myself with a pitchfork that didn't hit anything, I then spawn here.



Where once again INSTANTLY a zombie sees me, from that shore over there(and promptly runs in the water to do lord knows what)


Then I see a player who leads a zombie away, which means FINALLY I get peace from zombies for 5 seconds to search for food! Of which there was none, naturally.

Found a pickaxe though.


Then I had to join another server, instantly a zombie attacks again while I'm checking an apple tree.

Swung the pickaxe at it like 10 times, 2 hits...


Then some douchebag with a shotgun comes out of nowhere and kills me from like 30m away.



The game seems so much more of a hellzone than ever before...you have to be extremely lucky to get anywhere now it seems. If you want to look in literally any building you have to somehow survive many zombies with no weapons and it's just ridiculous, even if you manage to lure them away or kill them without losing all your blood you're not likely to find anything useful anyway.


Just wtf has happened since I last played the game a couple of months ago? It's just insane now. Last time it was at least survivable now you spawn hungry and more often than not get cold within seconds.


You are playing this game correctly.



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