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Goodbye Balota barracks

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I say we only put 2-3 areas in the whole map that even have military loot.


Its a bit excessive how easy it is to get Military Spec Gear.


Everything else needs to be civilian or police grade

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I say we only put 2-3 areas in the whole map that even have military loot.


Its a bit excessive how easy it is to get Military Spec Gear.


Everything else needs to be civilian or police grade


Exactly what I would like to see and even a greater focus on melee weapons. For now 90% of melee weapons are useless. If we are up against infected people and not the living dead then it should not take 15 stab wounds to kill them. Even the batons should slow the zombies down at least, in other words you should be able to break their legs with one or two hits to that area. Then they can easilly up the number of zed's.

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The game had too much Military gear to start with, and it was FAR too easy to get your hands on. I personally think this was a good change, with diminishing the amount available it might make players be more cautious of their surroundings knowing that if they die, it will be harder to get what they had, as it should be, this is the Apocalypse, not a one stop and go Military outfitter sim, lol...

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Balota is beeing overrun by hordes of zeds. We just have to find that damn horde before it overruns NWAF.

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If anything there too much military loot and not enough civilian.

Was looting cherno to find Blaze 95 found it on a 3rd server, grand total of 2hrs of looting.

Went to pavlovo military base found 2 AK 101 and 1 AKM within 5 minutes. Along with magazines for each. 

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This can be a great and awesome game if they focus on more important things.

Yeah because it's just one guy who works on mad edits, building design, bug fixing and animations.

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Server hoppers will be Pissed!


oh we are, don't you worry.

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There are more than enough SKSs and Mosins lying around for this to not bother me.  I don't mind running for an AK101.  I'm pretty excited to see how the civilian airports turn out.

This here. I was geared up with a Mosin, backpack, food, axe and cold weather gear in 15 minutes without military camps. I think that's a pretty decent bambi setup. No need to be picking up assault rifles and camo clothing along the coast.

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This here. I was geared up with a Mosin, backpack, food, axe and cold weather gear in 15 minutes without military camps. I think that's a pretty decent bambi setup. No need to be picking up assault rifles and camo clothing along the coast.


Right. :-)


But I want to see more different civilian clothes in the future (yes there are sure more important things to do).

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First they get rid of North East Airfield loot so we have to head down south to get loot, now we can finally spawn down south and we finally can get military loot THEY REMOVE THE BUILDINGS, so now we either have to spend 30 minutes running to northwest which still only has like 4 barracks or find Chopper crash sites for Military loot I mean honestly WHY

If that is the case, then I think it is obvious that they are trying to make military gear less accessible. IMO it is good, since it will make the process of acquiring the higher grade military gear a higher risk/reward adventure, meanwhile making intermediate gear more useful, throughout the game.


Less adding and taking stuff away and more attention on bug fixing?


If you guys can't find good loot then you're doing it wrong. If you do not like traveling the map to find things then this game is def not for you. It takes at most 10 minutes to get to the mil. base north of Balota airstrip. You will find your high end gear there. Maybe you will get lucky like I did and the server you're on will be messed up and there will be cloned gear everywhere. Got my AKM and 3 drum mags and emptied about 5 30 round mags for extra ammo like that. Found a crap ton of high cap vests and other cool things. Changed servers and passed the shit out like I was Santa.


But, really. If you think PvP will go away even a little you are delusional. There are always going to be that one person or persons that play to kill. They're too stupid to do anything else. I just pray that when this game goes to Beta, if it even does, a lot of the issues are fixed. Because watching a zombie run through a closed door or a wall is retarded. Getting pummeled to death by a zombie that is outside while you're on the 2nd floor of a building is retarded. Walking up steps and your legs randomly breaking is retarded.

What a patronising attitude. Who the fuck are you to tell others, how they should be playing\enjoying their game?! Like it or not this an MMO, and the majority of people(who aren't boring) started as or tried roleplaying as bandits, without them it wouldn't be a proper post-apoc game and a boring one at that if bots would be the height of your challenge. and Dayz is great because it offers versatile servers\rules that cater to different people play styles and or restriction, don't like go hide yourself in private server.

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If that is the case, then I think it is obvious that they are trying to make military gear less accessible. IMO it is good, since it will make the process of acquiring the higher grade military gear a higher risk/reward adventure, meanwhile making intermediate gear more useful, throughout the game.


And I am all for that.


Interestingly, I ran to the new tent city west of Myshka and it was pretty devoid of loot.

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And I am all for that.


Interestingly, I ran to the new tent city west of Myshka and it was pretty devoid of loot.

Off topic, but your Ramsay avatar is giving me nightmares. ;)

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If that is the case, then I think it is obvious that they are trying to make military gear less accessible. IMO it is good, since it will make the process of acquiring the higher grade military gear a higher risk/reward adventure, meanwhile making intermediate gear more useful, throughout the game.


What a patronising attitude. Who the fuck are you to tell others, how they should be playing\enjoying their game?! Like it or not this an MMO, and the majority of people(who aren't boring) started as or tried roleplaying as bandits, without them it wouldn't be a proper post-apoc game and a boring one at that if bots would be the height of your challenge. and Dayz is great because it offers versatile servers\rules that cater to different people play styles and or restriction, don't like go hide yourself in private server.




Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down sweetheart. Im not telling anyone how they should or shouldn't play. You want a cookie or a hug or something? 

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I don't agree with them limiting military weapons and equipment.

There isn't any SWAT type or riot gear type equivalent to that gear and that kind of stuff just isn't going to just poof out of existence once the zombie outbreak happens. Them "destroying" the barracks is a lame idea, at least at this point when there are no alternatives.


Now I know there's some survivalist purists who are against having military equipment and guns with ammunition available, but that isn't my play style, I don't want to play "survivorman". I think there are parts of Chernarus that should be relatively abundant with weapons/ammunition, fighting my way across the map with a splitting axe doesnt seem like a good time, and I for one like being able to shoot the zombies who are chasing me from one city to another.


Not having guns is going to be boring, not having ammunition is going to be boring and having mostly mosins and SKS's is going to get boring. Weapon variety is fun, and limiting something just because its "military" is stupid.

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I don't agree with them limiting military weapons and equipment.

There isn't any SWAT type or riot gear type equivalent to that gear and that kind of stuff just isn't going to just poof out of existence once the zombie outbreak happens. Them "destroying" the barracks is a lame idea, at least at this point when there are no alternatives.


Now I know there's some survivalist purists who are against having military equipment and guns with ammunition available, but that isn't my play style, I don't want to play "survivorman". I think there are parts of Chernarus that should be relatively abundant with weapons/ammunition, fighting my way across the map with a splitting axe doesnt seem like a good time, and I for one like being able to shoot the zombies who are chasing me from one city to another.


Not having guns is going to be boring, not having ammunition is going to be boring and having mostly mosins and SKS's is going to get boring. Weapon variety is fun, and limiting something just because its "military" is stupid.



I was playing monopoly once and was terribly upset by how hard it was to find a grenade launcher to kill the other players with.


Needless to say I stopped playing monopoly until they fix their game.

Edited by umm_me

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If they limit military gear I'm cool with that...if... and only if they add a bunch of cool new civilian clothing and crafting options for gear. We need more jackets and trousers, different footwear and hats. We need civi vests (everything from fishing vests to hiker's gear) and survivor type clothing. We need a lot more rifles in this game and we need more pistols to make it interesting. We need a way to craft our own camo using spray paint, dyes, whatever. Heavy duty sewing kits are needed to repair what is currently unrepairable (tactical vests, rain coats, boots, etc.). Good clothing in real life lasts a long time if you take care of it. The game should reflect reality as much as possible. 


And backpacks...Why in the hell are we limited to only being able to craft a backpack with 25 slots (improvised leather backpack made out of boar hide)? Who really wants to run around wearing a bright red "shoot me" Mountain backpack/Taloon backpack on in this game? I sure as hell don't. At the very least give us an option to craft a leather backpack that is equal with the Hunter's backpack. That would be reasonable.


Good news...The Devs announced that new camo military tents are coming soon for individual use (I believe they will replace the small blue tents I've never been able to find?).

Edited by Schweinsteiger

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Good news...The Devs announced that new camo military tents are coming soon for individual use (I believe they will replace the small blue tents I've never been able to find?).

It sounds like the military tents will be larger than the blue civilian ones we currently have. I don't remember them ever saying anything about replacing the civilian tents either... seems an awful waste to develop them, then just scrap them.

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Off topic, but your Ramsay avatar is giving me nightmares. ;)

off topic also: i bet he's bathing reek


on topic: i never go to balota and have a full decked mosin and a M4 with double mag plus 3 40 round mags, and grenades, and a sawed shootgun and even a longhorn just because i like it. You dont need balota. Why complain, just move to the west side of the map... maybe with concentrating the military loot in the west we'll see more pvp at those areas.

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There was too much military gear in game as it was. Any player could just take the run to the NWAF and have the perfect gear set 45 mins later - it was too easy. 


Forcing players to search through smaller cities for SKS / Mosin and smaller arms is a good thing. 

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I don't agree with them limiting military weapons and equipment.

There isn't any SWAT type or riot gear type equivalent to that gear and that kind of stuff just isn't going to just poof out of existence once the zombie outbreak happens. Them "destroying" the barracks is a lame idea, at least at this point when there are no alternatives.


Now I know there's some survivalist purists who are against having military equipment and guns with ammunition available, but that isn't my play style, I don't want to play "survivorman". I think there are parts of Chernarus that should be relatively abundant with weapons/ammunition, fighting my way across the map with a splitting axe doesnt seem like a good time, and I for one like being able to shoot the zombies who are chasing me from one city to another.


Not having guns is going to be boring, not having ammunition is going to be boring and having mostly mosins and SKS's is going to get boring. Weapon variety is fun, and limiting something just because its "military" is stupid.

Cry more. Some of us want a game where it is actually difficult to do nothing but PvP. 

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If they limit military gear I'm cool with that...if... and only if they add a bunch of cool new civilian clothing and crafting options for gear. We need more jackets and trousers, different footwear and hats. We need civi vests (everything from fishing vests to hiker's gear) and survivor type clothing. We need a lot more rifles in this game and we need more pistols to make it interesting. We need a way to craft our own camo using spray paint, dyes, whatever. Heavy duty sewing kits are needed to repair what is currently unrepairable (tactical vests, rain coats, boots, etc.). Good clothing in real life lasts a long time if you take care of it. The game should reflect reality as much as possible. 


And backpacks...Why in the hell are we limited to only being able to craft a backpack with 25 slots (improvised leather backpack made out of boar hide)? Who really wants to run around wearing a bright red "shoot me" Mountain backpack/Taloon backpack on in this game? I sure as hell don't. At the very least give us an option to craft a leather backpack that is equal with the Hunter's backpack. That would be reasonable.


Good news...The Devs announced that new camo military tents are coming soon for individual use (I believe they will replace the small blue tents I've never been able to find?).


Sorry going a tad OT.



We already have far too much clothing. Most of it is crappy because that's life. I agree they could trade in a few beanies/bandannas for another less obvious backpack or more rain coats.  With guns and pistols I'm fine with having different types but the numbers need to stay low. The best part of the game is gearing up - if you flood the game with more weapons it's going to kill it's appeal.


Leather working tools are going to be pretty rare also, You'd also need a roll of calfskin or the ability to cure animal skin - how realistic is that "in the field" with bandits and zombie's running around?  I wouldn't even know where to go and find awls, some sort of heavy thread, beeswax, (ok beeswax I know),  and other leather-working goods in my local area, let alone in a strange foreign country I just got washed up on.


I can understand making a splint and even some of the rudimentary backpacks that already exist. I agree raincoats should be repairable with tape. I think any sort of expert crafting would just not be possible in the DayZ scenario. That's more Madmax/ Walking Dead season 3+ territory, when survivors have banded together and fortified a place - several months or years on. Is it even possible in DayZ as the population has been pretty much wiped out?


I'm not for ultra realism because it's a computer game,  but we shouldn't be able to make a harpoon gun out of a stick and a fishing hook, that's where crafting gets silly. A tarpaulin/plastic sheet with a hole cut out for the neck would make a raincoat - that's realistic.


I think the balance is pretty good at the moment. Not perfect but not bad either. Crafted items should be inferior to machine-made items.


Although I would tone down the item degradation a bit. I love it. I gave up DayZ because I could fully gear up, (the best gear), in 3 hours and was left with nothing to do as they game does not have endgame content. The Devs have realized this. so to keep it interesting we have to keep searching for replacement gear. If I'm stupid enough, (I am at the mo), to keep getting hit by a Z then my clothing should get damaged.


I'm crapping myself as my lovely tactical vest is now damaged, my cargo pants are ruined and even my fireman's axe is now worn. This means I can't wait to log back in a start looking again. My last proper toon lasted 5 months and I was bored playing it yet to stupid/scared to risk killing it. I left DayZ and played other games.


I think they game is heading in the right direction, I'm glad I came back.

Edited by Jonah_Hobbes

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Sorry going a tad OT.



We already have far too much clothing. Most of it is crappy because that's life. I agree they could trade in a few beanies/bandannas for another less obvious backpack or more rain coats.  With guns and pistols I'm fine with having different types but the numbers need to stay low. The best part of the game is gearing up - if you flood the game with more weapons it's going to kill it's appeal.


Leather working tools are going to be pretty rare also, You'd also need a roll of calfskin or the ability to cure animal skin - how realistic is that "in the field" with bandits and zombie's running around?  I wouldn't even know where to go and find awls, some sort of heavy thread, beeswax, (ok beeswax I know),  and other leather-working goods in my local area, let alone in a strange foreign country I just got washed up on.


I can understand making a splint and even some of the rudimentary backpacks that already exist. I agree raincoats should be repairable with tape. I think any sort of expert crafting would just not be possible in the DayZ scenario. That's more Madmax/ Walking Dead season 3+ territory, when survivors have banded together and fortified a place - several months or years on. Is it even possible in DayZ as the population has been pretty much wiped out?


I'm not for ultra realism because it's a computer game,  but we shouldn't be able to make a harpoon gun out of a stick and a fishing hook, that's where crafting gets silly. A tarpaulin/plastic sheet with a hole cut out for the neck would make a raincoat - that's realistic.


I think the balance is pretty good at the moment. Not perfect but not bad either. Crafted items should be inferior to machine-made items.


Although I would tone down the item degradation a bit. I love it. I gave up DayZ because I could fully gear up, (the best gear), in 3 hours and was left with nothing to do as they game does not have endgame content. The Devs have realized this. so to keep it interesting we have to keep searching for replacement gear. If I'm stupid enough, (I am at the mo), to keep getting hit by a Z then my clothing should get damaged.


I'm crapping myself as my lovely tactical vest is now damaged, my cargo pants are ruined and even my fireman's axe is now worn. This means I can't wait to log back in a start looking again. My last proper toon lasted 5 months and I was bored playing it yet to stupid/scared to risk killing it. I left DayZ and played other games.


I think they game is heading in the right direction, I'm glad I came back.

Dude, are you a bit nuts?


It's a game. They could easily add a few more jackets, coats, leather materials, etc. They could easily add another 30 craftable things to do in the game. I want to see variation, not repetition. 


You also confuse more variation with more loot. The servers are going to become larger, i.e., more players will be playing. Instead of a limit of 40 it might double to 80 or even go to 100.


As for a post-apocalyptic world, there would literally be millions of tons of shit lying around, most of it in fine shape. Go to the port of any large city and you'll see thousands of cargo containers filled with all types of goods. And that's just a single example. Most people are limited in knowledge and imagination in this world. Most would run to the local supermarket or gun shop, even a strip mall or other similar places. They wouldn't think of supply lines or how things wind up where they wind up. Most people would go to a gas station for gas post-crash. But those who have some knowledge would go to the source. Do you go to the gun shop or do you go to the gun factory? Do you go to the police station or an armory that most Americans don't even know is right down the street from them?

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Cry more. Some of us want a game where it is actually difficult to do nothing but PvP.

I was playing monopoly once and was terribly upset by how hard it was to find a grenade launcher to kill the other players with.

Needless to say I stopped playing monopoly until they fix their game.

Interesting, I didn't know there where grenade launchers in monopoly.

I never said anything about not playing anymore and actually I avoid straight up pvp, survivor man wanna be. If you wanna stay inland and farm and hunt good for you, but thats boring. I scavenge, and to do that you need more than a fire axe, because there's zombies and people who want to kill you in cities and towns. But you probably don't know much about that.

If my opinion is "crying" to you that's fine with me, but the fact remains that military/police/riot loot wouldn't just disappear if there was a zombie outbreak, especially in what was once a military state like chernarus.

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Dude, are you a bit nuts?


It's a game. They could easily add a few more jackets, coats, leather materials, etc. They could easily add another 30 craftable things to do in the game. I want to see variation, not repetition. 


You also confuse more variation with more loot. The servers are going to become larger, i.e., more players will be playing. Instead of a limit of 40 it might double to 80 or even go to 100.


As for a post-apocalyptic world, there would literally be millions of tons of shit lying around, most of it in fine shape. Go to the port of any large city and you'll see thousands of cargo containers filled with all types of goods. And that's just a single example. Most people are limited in knowledge and imagination in this world. Most would run to the local supermarket or gun shop, even a strip mall or other similar places. They wouldn't think of supply lines or how things wind up where they wind up. Most people would go to a gas station for gas post-crash. But those who have some knowledge would go to the source. Do you go to the gun shop or do you go to the gun factory? Do you go to the police station or an armory that most Americans don't even know is right down the street from them?


Look at the game. The ruined cars, the broken windows in buildings the outbreak didn't just happen yesterday. Most stuff has been looted and used up already before the rest of the population got killed. This is akin to The Road and it's not America where 50% of the population owns guns. If this game is based on the Czech Republic albeit much much smaller than the guns are going to reflect this. There's only 700,000 guns for 10,00000 people in the Czech Republic. Because they are limiting the military stuff then it's clear the army f*cked off at some point.


Also the majority of folk work in service industries or offices - what the f*ck would they know about making a leather backpack or curing animal skin? Bear Grylls might be able to do some basic curing but then he's not under threat of being shot dead by KOS psychos or eaten by the Infected is he whilst he's sat by his campfire.


Yeah every guy I know where I come from says they'll go rob the gun shop in a zombie meltdown even though 95% have never fired a gun in their lives. So if this happens you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be fighting over the guns and anything thing else not nailed down.


I do archery.  Do you know how long it took me to learn how to hit something as small as a rabbit with a modern  Compound let alone a Recurve? Do you know what an art form making bow strings is? You can't just pick these skills up you know they take hours and with string making months of knowledge to do them.


The game is interesting because you can only farm so much and the chances are you'll get killed anyhow. That's why people get excited over a can opener or a tactical vest because they are hard to find.

Look at the rest of my post - When you've finished sewing your leather armchairs and couches and sat watching your leather TV then what are you going to do? What you want is a DayZ version of the Sims or WOW


edit: agree we should be able to craft more but lets not have crazy things - realism.

Edited by Jonah_Hobbes

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