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where are the guns ?

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In my pockets. I am hoarding handguns to have one ready when I finally find a magazine.


(You may also want to look on top of those little kiosks.)

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They are definetly there. My last session i found a LongHorn in a school (that's just wrong) Forgot which town, several SKS in an appartment buildings in Sveltojarsk, and a Blaze 95 & CR527 in those  small warehouses, with the catwalk backroom.


Haven't went to NWAF, as it's getting boring. I went to SWAF for a change, and didn't find a single gun or ammo there.

Edited by anderswhk

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Same places as usual, just less frequently do they appear.

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the red brick house with the arched entrance, piano house, barracks/mil buildings, blue doored terraced houses, firestations (magnums), schools/office, big wooden sheds. I've had a mosin with lrs, an sks with pu and now I have an akm. I notice more mosins than previously in barracks and I've seen no sks ammo outside of military locations. The blaze/shotgun appear quite often in sheds and the ammo for both is fairly prevalent.

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If you want to never have a problem with ammunition, it seems the shotgun is your best bet or a sporter. I found an SKS the other day in the backseat of a car. They're around, they're just not everywhere.

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long barracks are your best bet at a military base. Havent seen any spawn inside the jail building yet (except for a makarov if i remember right). Piano Houses and Police stations are the best places to look outside of a military base. I have seen SKS's and Mosins in both. 


After searching about 40 barracks, I have only ever seen 2 Ak101 mags, 2 Ak101s, 1 AKM, and actually a decent number of AKM magazines of both kinds. I have also seen shotguns, sporters, mosins, and the cr527 carbine spawn in there.


I got lucky and found 2 heli crashes at northwest of which one had a M4A1 in it.  

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I have found:



I spawned at Vybor and found an MP5K at the police station and a CR75 mag, I headed to the military base there and found an AKM,, I found a CR75 at the NWAF firestation and also a magnum, also ammo for the magnum. I went to the camp and found an SKS till I find an AKM mag I came back to the military  base at vybor and found a 75rnd mag for the AKM, I threw away my SKS, the mag somehow vanished and a few minutes later the server restarted, got myself back to the military base and found a 30rnd AKM mag and also a flashbang.

Edited by Yazar8

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i am not having trouble with guns, but the attachments. i used to be able to fully pimp out my AK101 in a single sweep of the airfield, but since the patch, not even a single mag...

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I cant even find ammo atm been searching for some hours lol. They should let every building have a possible change of spawning a gun or ammo, because, why should I enter those ''normall'' houses if there aint good loot in them? Why do we need to go to an airfield to get a gun?

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No issues with guns here. have a Mosin with more than enough ammo and a makarov, not mags though.


Have run into plenty of shotguns, sks, sporters and cr527's

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I cant even find ammo atm been searching for some hours lol. They should let every building have a possible change of spawning a gun or ammo, because, why should I enter those ''normall'' houses if there aint good loot in them? Why do we need to go to an airfield to get a gun?


There's so much wrong in these questions...


When you define "good loot" as guns and ammo ONLY...


Second: Immersion. This game is not supposed to be easy. You should not be able to get guns and ammo in no time. The sentence "I cant even find ammo atm been searching for some hours lol" makes me happy as f**k, because that's the way it should be.

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There's so much wrong in these questions...


When you define "good loot" as guns and ammo ONLY...


Second: Immersion. This game is not supposed to be easy. You should not be able to get guns and ammo in no time. The sentence "I cant even find ammo atm been searching for some hours lol" makes me happy as f**k, because that's the way it should be.

Dude, you can find a gun and ammo on every airfield... I only searched towns to look for ammo, to make the game a bit more challenging, and didnt find anything. I think every house needs to have a change of spawning good loot, and yes with good loot I mean guns/ammo mostly, because thats all I really need beside food and drink.

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Ammo seems either a bit more scarce or it was looted already.

I am still not convinced that the loot respawn system is perfect. I mean it often seems that not much respawns at all.


Yesterday, after few hours of looting, I had only 7 mosin bullets, dropped it for buddy at the ground floor inside school....and it vanished.

Kinda pissed me a bit.


Atm I'm using shotgun A LOT. It's the weapon I'm finding most ammo for, plus it's beast at close range.

Thinking about carrying sawn-off as backup instead of pistol whenever possible (finding hacksaw is a b*tch though).

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I've found a Blaze, a crossbow, a P1 and a 1911 Engraved, but no mags for either handgun, and only one box of ammo for the Blaze, on top of a fire station.

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-1 fnx-mag

-2 revolvers+plenty of .357rounds

-1 longhorn+3 boxes of 7.62

-2 carabines

-4 sporters+2 bananamags&10shoter

-3 blaze rifles

-1 shotgun&pleeenty of 00bucks

-1 ak101+some 5.56

all this found on one server, 2 restarts

love the rare militaryloot

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