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About anderswhk

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  1. anderswhk

    Who was killed by zombies in .61?

    Dying to zombies? Happens more this patch than previous ones. Not often but it's usually when trying to be cheeky and wrangle 6+ of them into something like a garage and just end up being corner blocked and mauled to death with nothing to shoot with. Zombies 1 hit KO'ing me also happens. That one is kind of bullshit.
  2. There was a very lengthy and well written post a year or so back, that had tons of screenshots and possible solutions, so nighttime is nighttime, and not a 1930's movie because people crank up the gamma or mess with tools like Powerstrip which is your graphics card settings which the game has no way of controlling. The poster knew what they were talking about. I doubt it went unnoticed.
  3. anderswhk

    Location of grenades

    Long barracks in the shower room, on the sink. Dunno if they still spawn there, I don't really look for them anymore. They are useful for clearing out campers hiding in buildings, but I find them inconsistent.
  4. anderswhk

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    Was at the military base in Zeleno with a friend and some freshy had picked up a ghili and was laying at the north west corner of the wall where there is high grass and debris. He was yelling "waaaah" when people approached the dead player next to him. Eventually we found him after laying 2 meters from him for a while. We let him live for making us laugh, his ghili did get ruined tho after we shot at him. Made a ghili once, and never again. We tend to play very aggressively and take many risks, so dying is likely. Creeping around in the bushes for hours is not for me.
  5. anderswhk

    from fun to pretty much unplayable

    I honestly don't see why zombies are a problem. Yeah, the hit detection is wonky at times, and lately they seem to have a habbit of aggroing back and forth between players in a weird and random way. They aren't a real threat in any way however besides alerting your position to other players. Either you shoot them and risk alerting more (if you got the ammo to spare) or just run from them and lock them inside buildings. Zombies should be the least of your concerns, so I guess they aren't the real issue here, it's probably you or how you deal with them.
  6. anderswhk

    3PP vs 1PP - I finally have an opinion

    The only reason I mainly play 3PP servers, is because I primarily play with a streamer and content creator. He plays it that way because it's easier to follow for the viewers. 1PP action is a lot slower paced, it feels more tactical, and satisfying as well. I like having an actual chance of spotting that guy looking at me, instead of him eyeballing me while prone and behind cover. The corner peeking thing just reminds me of how APB is played, which is not a good thing. My 2 cents.
  7. anderswhk

    What all got nerfed in 60 ?

    Not sure when this change was made as I had a 6 month break from the game, but I take issue with not having access to the player list. Not so much for the list of names, but more to see how many people are actually on the server still, sine I dont find half empty servers especially thrilling.
  8. anderswhk

    Footsteps and crouching

    Can you elaborate on how footsteps work, or how they are supposed to work after the new sound module? I find it quite inconsistent at the moment. Sometimes you can hear people 3 floors down as if they were in the same room as you, other times you cannot.
  9. anderswhk

    Footsteps and crouching

    Has anyone tested the volume of other players footsteps while they are crouched? I know it was somewhere around half the volume of regular running in the mod, but I cannot find any solid info regarding standalone. Your own character basically sounds like an elephant to you, but different to other players.
  10. It's actually kind of hilarious when you get KO'd out of nowhere by a freshie with the brass knuckles. Melee will most likely not get any major changes besides better hit registration and tweaking, and im honestly fine with that.
  11. anderswhk

    So whats the deal with the Zombies?

    Some patches they are completely turned off by the devs, in others the amount are a bit overwhelming, and in some it's somewhere in between. Right now they seem to be kept at a minimum in most areas, but from time to time you run into an area that has quite a few of them. My guess is they are attracted by gunshots and sort of pool on the area the shot came from. They are obviously experimenting with the "zombie slider", which is what, you know, an alpha is for. Why they are as scarce as they are right now? Who knows, probably performance issues or testing.
  12. anderswhk

    Current Status of My Character :D

    Seems to me like you are already breaking the #1 rule in Dayz. But congrats on the phat lewt, enjoy while it lasts ;)
  13. Officers tents spawn them. Officers tents are the.. well, green tents that has a door, and a few bunk beds inside. Both the AK101 and M4 can spawn in there. Your best bet is either the area with tents west of Myshkino, or the North West Airfield. I haven't seen an M4 at heli crashsites for a while, not sure if they spawn them at the moment.
  14. anderswhk

    so how good is the UMP 45 in 0.58 stable?

    They don't. At least not in the game, and it's pretty noticeable.