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GhostDivision (DayZ)

Visual indication of hitting your target

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I think we really need to have an indication of whether our shots hit our intended target or not. I'm not talking about hitmarkers, but simply having your target "flinch" when shot.


What do I mean by this? Simply watch this video:


Example of an unclear situation:


As you can see, my crosshairs were dead on the money, the weapon and ammo was pristine, but there was no indication of him being shot. Instead, he puts his gun away, before I receive a bullet to the head (I'm guessing we fired at the same time and this was just lag). While I wasn't expecting to kill him in one shot with the Longhorn, I did expect to at least see blood, or to knock him out...


I'm definitely all for this system, what about you?

Edited by GhostDivision
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I know the blood splatter exists, but they should definitely react somehow. I'm hopeful as they tweak the animations and physics that this would be accommodated, for meelee as well (even though the "thud" exists).

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looks like a hit (unless he lowered his rifle)...

also the hit indicator is the blood spurting from their arteries or the corpses littering the streets.  It's good to know i suppose as a learning assist or for when you're upset and lost a fire-fight, but if you want to loot them you're going to need to get in and inspect anyway. 

I don't let down my guard until they stop moving, and then i've still got a healthy dose of adrenaline to keep me sharp.

also, he looks 100m>200 m away and you didn't shoot for centre mass/head.  You may have missed his right torso/arm and had the bullet drop short.  He definitely makes some kind of motion to stand up more straight and his rifle comes across his chest.

Edited by q.S Sachiel

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They should even take it further, more than just a twitch. Lets say you hit someone, but because of adrenaline they dont feel it straight away. So after 15-30 sec`s "wounded" walking animation kicks in. Also if they can make the character "hold" wounded area - even better.

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I'd like to see the area they were hit at become soaked with blood. Like in... wait for it... RO2.


You shoot someone in the leg, they become a bloody mess: on their leg itself, there is substantial blood, on the ground beneath them, and even on the wall behind them. Blood everywhere! I know handgun wounds aren't always that messy, but rifle wounds sure are. I'd like to see copious amounts of gore.

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I'd like to see the area they were hit at become soaked with blood. Like in... wait for it... RO2.


You shoot someone in the leg, they become a bloody mess: on their leg itself, there is substantial blood, on the ground beneath them, and even on the wall behind them. Blood everywhere! I know handgun wounds aren't always that messy, but rifle wounds sure are. I'd like to see copious amounts of gore.

Would like to see the mess at and around the wound itself, unlike in ARMA games where if you shoot a body part and the only thing that happens is a texture switch from "clean" to "bloody".

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I'd like to see the area they were hit at become soaked with blood. Like in... wait for it... RO2.


You shoot someone in the leg, they become a bloody mess: on their leg itself, there is substantial blood, on the ground beneath them, and even on the wall behind them. Blood everywhere! I know handgun wounds aren't always that messy, but rifle wounds sure are. I'd like to see copious amounts of gore.


Would be cool if they left a trail on blood drops you could follow.

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I was about to go all crazy about the topic, but after I understood what you meant, yes yes yes. This is a great suggestion and would be awesome!

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They had that small showcase thing a while ago showing a wounding system where an injured survivor was limping away clutching his abdomen having been shot.

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A cloud of red mist should do it.. but yes there should be a more solid indication from the player model

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They had that small showcase thing a while ago showing a wounding system where an injured survivor was limping away clutching his abdomen having been shot.

That sounds really cool, you got a link?

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That sounds really cool, you got a link?

Sadly no, it was attached to a post I saw on these forums.

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A cloud of red mist should do it.. but yes there should be a more solid indication from the player model


There shouldn't be much red mist at all

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There shouldn't be much red mist at all





I wouldn't mind the old cod approach aka puff of smoke when the body is hit and the smoke lingers in the for a split second.


The puff of smoke could be interpreted as being dirt or debris that the dirty survivor has accumulated and was dislodged by the bullet.

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This looks so awesome, why is it not in the game?


probably part of a in depth medical and injury system that is not quite ready yet.

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There shouldn't be much red mist at all

Well lets not split hairs here.. any kind of mist really ;) pink, white, rainbow colour for teh bronies :P

Edited by liquidcactus

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probably part of a in depth medical and injury system that is not quite ready yet.

Thing is, I haven't seen any mention of anything like this in the recent development blogs. DayZ really needs improved injury system

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Well lets not split hairs here.. any kind of mist really ;) pink, white, rainbow colour for teh bronies :P

Oh god... It is spreading.

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