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Why nobody want to play in the night time?

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People don't like to lose. So they will avoid situations that will put the odds against them.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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Two reasons.


You cant fight and use a flashlight.


The dangerous people all know about the gama exploit.

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Two reasons.


You cant fight and use a flashlight.


The dangerous people all know about the gama exploit.


Why can't you? Ever heard of head lamps? Weapon mounted flashlights?

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I've never seen a kangaroo but that doesn't mean they don't exist

Why should it harm everyone else? I don't give a fuck about kangaroo's. If one of 5000 persons experience that his monitor is pitch black, which means his hardware is probably broken. I don't think it should affect the other 4999, just because some dude are using a broken toaster.



Two reasons.


You cant fight and use a flashlight.


The dangerous people all know about the gama exploit.

You can knock people down with a maglite in real life. Pistols, M4, AK can have a flashlight attached. Gamma exploit is ridiculous, I like how they do it in the Project Reality mod for Arma 2, they've limited the graphic settings, so people won't get unfair advantages. 

Edited by Heradon2k

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I like night play but there arent enough servers IMO &  its even harder to try and find a UK/GB Night time server

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Because; Why would you?


If this were a Rl scenario ( as it is supposed to be, being a "realistic/authentic" game), you would not wander around in the dark. There is too much risk of injury for too little gain, not to mention the fact that in a RL survival scenario, you would have to sleep A LOT to recuperate.


Actually night time would be the best time to travel without being seen. And if theres a clear sky with moon and stars without artificial lightning, you should be able to see were you going but still maintaining your stealth.

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Night gameplay will get rivived with the new renderer. Right now you have only 2 options for night: Pitch black, so you can't abuse gamma bug or a "normal" night with tons of people exploiting gamma bug. 

I like playing in the night, but I won't until new renderer is in place and working ;)

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When having a light on doesn't mean you get automatically shot dead right away, i will start playing more night sessions. As it is now, the retarded players make it impossible. If night vision ever comes, I fear it will become much much worse.

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Should remove the gamma slider, so the admins are willing to have night on their server. The good thing with night is that our camps are safer when we are asleep and the server is dark. It's much harder to find camps during the night.

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Removing the slider won't change anything since the same function exists in your videocard settings.

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Actually night time would be the best time to travel without being seen. And if theres a clear sky with moon and stars without artificial lightning, you should be able to see were you going but still maintaining your stealth.


If you can see them, they can see you.


And, while humans indeed actually have very good night vision, our night vision is greyscale, which makes it very difficult to make out contrasting colors, such as sudden drops in terrain, brush, etc.


You are much more likely to hurt yourself by travelling at night, even if it is a full moon and you can see.

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Why can't you? Ever heard of head lamps? Weapon mounted flashlights?

And as a new spawn if you dont have these?

Also The gama exploit trumps both.

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Nobody plays at night because they have to join the dreaded Gamma Gamma Gamma fraternity.

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If you can see them, they can see you.


Basically right. But you can use the nighttime for advantage if you are sneaking. You can hide in places other people would see you while daytime. With the right clothing (and the right terrain) you can lying flat and another person will walk by a few feet / meters away from you without noticing. Means: You can see them, but they can't see you. ;-)

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The effectiveness of the cover of darkness is incredible in DayZ, and when you're not recreating half of Sam Fisher's autobiography with Gamma option adjustments, here's how cool the darkness can be.


In this screenshot, my friend is directly to the left of my reticle, he has a cap on and he's holding a Mosin Nagant with white burlap wrappings on it. I was standing in the corner there completely exposed, but told me that I looked like any ordinary bush and he walked by me without a second thought, asking where I was.



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I would love to have 24-h cycle servers, though the main problem, personally is that the loot respawn system still needs a lot more work to it. 

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If you can see them, they can see you.


And, while humans indeed actually have very good night vision, our night vision is greyscale, which makes it very difficult to make out contrasting colors, such as sudden drops in terrain, brush, etc.


You are much more likely to hurt yourself by travelling at night, even if it is a full moon and you can see.


You got a point but I still do believe that best time to travel would be at night in terms of stealth if we take the zombies out of the picture. 

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Imo,its better 2 play on nighttime servers,why?
You're hard to be seen,KoSd ...
You are free to walk through CREEPY woods...and not be seen :D

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nighttime is awesome...but game still need to be reworked for shadows and pattern colors during night.


It' difficult to see something even with a light...

And some players changes gamma settings to see quite perfectly. :(

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i dont play on night servers because too many people run around with their gamma cranked way up, and that takes all of the fun out of it.

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i like to play at night due to the better atmosphere but being able to adjust the gamma so much does spoil it.

let hope the new game engine will fix that.


first game of dayz i played was in the very early days of the mod after my missus had foolishly told me about it.


i spawned at night on the docks of electro.

found my torch after i found my inventory but couldn't get the thing to turn on.

did i mention it was night time thought the game was broken at first what with only being able to see a black screen.

after a short while i found i could start to see a little bit and could just make out a town across the water.

jumped in the water then started to swim and then swam some more considered turning back but decided to plough on.

after what seem a eternity of swimming and watching my temp go down i finally reached the other side of the water and found a place to get out.

now i started slowly heading towards the silhouette of a building with my tiny handgun drawn.

i can hear gun shots in the distance and the sounds of yet to be seen zeds.

after figuring out how the house door opened i found a can of beans and a can of coke but only after slowly searching the almost totally pitch back rooms so much so i had trouble finding the exit.

after leaving the house a player lit a flare in the town and i could now make out much more of the town with it hellish red backlight

started to head that way down a road and before i got too close i headed of the road to look in a building things start getting very dark again.

was about to enter the building and black figure comes out the entrance. 




now if i had started playing in the day time i'm sure I would have still have enjoyed the game but I don't think it would have had such a impact on me.

it had been such a long time since I had played a game that had me on the edge of my seat like dayz did with its atmosphere of tension which was just increased when you played at night.

some of my best games of dayz have been played in the night time.


so why don't people play in the dark?

A. because its harder to see and they think it makes the game harder to play. :huh:


think it would be nice to get that warm fuzzy feeling when "oh my god" you find a pair of nvg  if the cheating in items can be fixed so they are truly extremely rare rather than just cranking up the gamma for poor man nvg.

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