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Ok. Can they please either reduce armor from clothing.... Or

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Is the next update going to fix how much armor we have from layers of clothes? Im tired of making one and even sometimes two shots on a guy who is moving from over 400 meters with a screaming hot mosin round and they not only live but they dont even slow down.

Either reduce the armor or simply add the realism of slowing us down after the shock of a high power rifle round tears a hole through us.

I normally dont pvp but with the coming wipe I have been engaging more and I dont understand how anyone finds firefights anything but frustrating and a let down. Yesterday a guy from 10 feet was hit by my bullet but due to lag I got his round and died also. In real life the 3,000 feet per minute makes it highly unlikely we could both kill each other instantly with one round each.

Firefights are pretty bad guys. I guess i will not pvp until they fix all this.

Edited by hothtimeblues
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Mosin bullet does the same damage as 7.62x39 (AK ammo), which is stupid as hell.

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Yeah. But its not the bullet coding upin game. I think its the amazing armor we get from layers of clothing.

If we put a condom on, its like plate steel.

Got to love dayz. I can wait till ayear from now. The game will be much better I hope.

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Lol. Thanks man. Love it.

The dayz irony is...

We have amazing armor from clothes if a bullet hits us..... But 135 pound weakened female zombie. ( i assume being sick weakens you).....

These zombies can break your bones from a swipe? Why is this?

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With the mosin:


I shot a guy in the head who had a helmet and all that happened was he knocked out for the amount of time it took the falling animation to play, then stood back up (about 1-2 seconds).  I then had to shoot him twice more in the chest to kill him, which indicates to me that the head shot hardly even did any real damage.


I shot another guy twice in the chest, the second shot only knocking him out then had to shoot him again to kill him.


It regularly takes about 3 shots to kill most people who are "kitted." 


I agree it's total shit, the main thing as you say is that the first shot does nothing to slow them down unless it's a leg shot.  Of course if you shoot them in the legs, you're probably looking at 4 shots total to kill some one, and it's actually pretty difficult to hit a prone target at distance.


I don't think sniping should be easier (it's already pretty easy), but I think head shotting anyone with a mosin round should kill them.  These helmets aren't designed to withstand that shit.  If it does knock them out, it should be a long ass knock out, not 1 second.  It should be 2 chest shots to kill imo, and the first one should really fuck you up.


In the mod, 1 shot from a sniper rifle knocked you out, the second killed you.


Hopefully we see damage in general become a lot less randomized by gear.  I'd rather bullet protection come solely from wearing actual body armor, rather than how many layers of shit and items you have on.

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There definitely needs to be some kind of balancing done eventually. I unloaded a full Makarov clip into the back of a guy on Experimental. I couldn't even KoS him because he was wearing a mountain backpack and I guess it absorbed all of the damage. I was wearing a blue shirt, some cargo pants and a crafted backpack so he just turned around (blood pouring from his body) and killed me in 2 shots...

Edited by scriptfactory

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It was stupid of them to add armor to plain clothes and army vests that don't actually have armor in them. Armor right now should just be the press vest and helmets.

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Mosin bullet does the same damage as 7.62x39 (AK ammo), which is stupid as hell.

Why is it stupid they do the same damage? They are virtually the same round, just slightly different sizes.

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Why is it stupid they do the same damage? They are virtually the same round, just slightly different sizes.




Yeah dude they might as well be twins

Edited by trtk
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The extra thick ones are practically plate steel.

tennisball condom?

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It was stupid of them to add armor to plain clothes and army vests that don't actually have armor in them. Armor right now should just be the press vest and helmets.


I believe it was an attempt to reduce KoS. Totally didn't work.

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Well they added the mechanic, b0lonce I belive its a Beta thing. Imo there is no need for such at this moment in the game.

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Lol. Thanks man. Love it.

The dayz irony is...

We have amazing armor from clothes if a bullet hits us..... But 135 pound weakened female zombie. ( i assume being sick weakens you).....

These zombies can break your bones from a swipe? Why is this?


I think they are actually stronger, utilizing maybe the adrenal glands and no logic/thinking to slow them down - a faster burning candle if you know what I mean

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Mosin bullet does the same damage as 7.62x39 (AK ammo), which is stupid as hell.

Pretty sure thats not the case. Mosin kills in 1-2 chest shots (and always killing in one shot is actually the unrealistic part - people love to overestimate gun damage) while people regularily survive 3-4 shots from an SKS or AKM.


I guess wound mechanics are planned and if they are implemented you would see an actual effect instead of people just not dropping dead. And if zombies break your limbs its very likely they were already damaged (it seems not being at full helath drastically increases the chance of fracture - or its just weird coincidence for me) or its a bug (I had that bug that breaks your legs and ruins pants, boots and items stored inside while fighting zombies once).

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They need to lower the amount of damage the actual clothing takes and let bullets sail through.

Shot to chest should instantly incapacitate and kill within seconds with high calibre and speed.

Lower calibre and speed should give you a few seconds to crawl around while bleeding to death internally which will make higher calibre weapons important, but not as important as placement.

Only kevlar clothing and plate vests should have noticeable effect on bullets, also bags with hard stuff in them.

Maybe tougher clothing like leather can affect it a bit too.

As a player progression thing, getting shot for the first time anywhere could cause you to go into shock. If you live to tell the tale you might be less likely to go into shock.

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Pretty sure thats not the case. Mosin kills in 1-2 chest shots (and always killing in one shot is actually the unrealistic part - people love to overestimate gun damage) while people regularily survive 3-4 shots from an SKS or AKM.


Nor is getting shot in a chest with a round with that much power, and all you need is a bandage to patch yourself up.

What we need to consider here is what type of ammo we have here, is it full metal jacket or soft-tip? 

Metal jacketed bullets have a very limited capacity to expand. This generally makes the bullet pierce through a soft target, often leading to less severe wounding, and possibly failing to disable the target.

But if those bullets are soft points, than there is a very low chance of survival getting hit in the chest or abdomen. Soft-tipped bullets are designed to expand upon impact, which means they will transfer most if not all of their energy into the body. And that's over 3500 J of energy. 

Even getting hit with FMJ to the chest /abdomen will do enough damage that without professional medical help your chances of survival or very low if not non existent. 

Edited by General Zod

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Can be a bit annoying not getting the kill after landing a great first shot with the mosin but at least it gives the person a chance. At 400m though I would wait till the target stops moving.


Here I got hit by 3 mosin shots and lived to tell the tale...


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A couple dys ago i got shot by a mosin in a police station point blank. It didnt even mamke me bleed, I had a pristine assault vest and after killing the dude with my mosin, I looked at it and the condition was now ruined. But it saved my ass. I dont mind clothing adding armor personally, it makes for more interesting firefights, sometimes it seems like everyones on bath salts and cant die but its fun.

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Armor and clothing is still very much a work in progress , no reason to believe that they are done with it just because it hasn't had love in a while !

But I regularly kill "fully kitted" people , the best way to do it is to go for the legs , a moisin shot usually always breaks their legs in one shot (aim for crotch no joke it will break one of their legs and it's a bigger target then the legs also the pants have the least protection by far ) and when they fall reposition yourself to confuse them (if you play first person , as their face will be shoved in the grass or floor ) and shoot em once more .

Although im looking forward to having some real armor values , i.e Ballistic helmets protecting only against small calibre rifles/pistols , and when Kevlar comes in (real Kevlar vests ) they could protect against pistols and long range rifles that aren't too high powered .

Edit : also there is a damage value called "shock" that adds into your overall damage when attacked , I believe they are going to expound on this and make it more complex so that if you recieve too much shock in one hit (like from a high powered moisin ) you will stutter, like dropping to your knees or falling on your butt (or go unconcious easier if they don't add some sort of stuttering system , although I believe it was planned some time ago ).

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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I wish mosins were a lot more rare. just seems like a good majority of the people who play just camp out cities and snipe people . shit whatever floats your boat play how you want im just saying it would be nice to be able to go into a city without 4 people sniping you out.

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The game being in development doesn't mean we shouldn't criticise the current state - quite the contrary: we should give as much constructive criticism as possible. Especially to gun damage that is indeed odd right now. For example weapons deal damage only depending on their ammo which makes longer weapons comparatively weaker than they should. Then .45 APC is for some reason as strong as .357 Magnum when it should be only slightly more powerful than 9mm. And distance seems to have no effect on damage. All things that are hopefully subject to change.

Here I got hit by 3 mosin shots and lived to tell the tale...

Only counted two but both into the upper body. Maybe they hit you in the arms. Not sure what happened before that shot knocking you out though - you took damage but it was way too low for a Mosin or most guns. The last time I was hit by a Mosin it put me straight into the state you had after getting shot for the second time (I wasn't aware the blur-removal bug is still in though).
So at absolute minimum you can survive two Mosin shots to the chest and some other but significantly lower damage spike. At maximum you survived 3 Mosin shots to the chest (without regeneration as the screen was gery the whole time).

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My theory on what the problem is, is that all clothing is acting like Kevlar with the impact of the bullet being dispersed across the surface of the item, maybe even the entire collision box. That's why so many items get ruined from a single round.

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