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The Communitys Official Vehicle/Vehicle Idea Thread Version 1.5 (Now with constantly changing polls!)

Official Vehicle Thread Poll Questions  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see completely improvised vehicles?

    • Yes! I should be able to make a bike out of a car tire, a unicycle and some sticks.
    • Sure, I should be able to make a go-kart out of some car tires, welded pipes, and some plywood.
    • Sure, I should be able to add a machine gun, sheet-metal armor, extra suspension, and airbrushed paintjobs to an already existing car.
    • Dont care either way.
    • No, should only be able to change out tires, spark plugs, etc. for identical parts.
    • No, cars must be found perfectly working, and if a tire goes out then you need a new car.
    • I dont want vehicles at all.
  2. 2. Thoughts on military vehicles?

    • Yes! I should be able to find tanks and AC-130s easier then normal cars.
    • Sure, include tanks and such but make them incredibly rare.
    • I like military vehicles, but the extent should be a hum-vee with a .50 cal on top, or a chopper with guns mounted to sides.
    • No, MAYBE have the occasional extremely rare hum-vee without gun, or transport truck or something.
    • No, there should be only civilian vehicles.
    • military vehicles should be about equally as common as civilian vehicles (this option should be between 1 and 2)
  3. 3. How many vehicles should there be?

    • There should be working vehicles around every corner.
    • There should be many vehicles everywhere, with about a 50/50 ratio of working to non-working
    • vehicles should be common in large cities, but fairly rare in smaller cities and villages. Most vehicles found should be working.
    • Many vehicles should be in large cities,rare in smaller cities and villages. Most vehicles found should be non-working.
    • Vehicles fairly rare everywhere, but most of ones found should be working.
    • vehicles fairly rare everywhere, most found should be non-working.
    • ADDED OPTION: vehicles rarer in rural areas, very common in cities in the form of large traffic jams, some cars working and some not. These areas filled with zombies so they are very hard to access, but vehicles are common there.

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The first vehicles:::::::


1. The RollerSkate = With one roller skate your speed is slightly improved when running but they dont work as good on grass or other rough terrain.  People will murder eachother to make a matching pair.


2. The Unicycle = This allows the Day-Z-onite to travel slightly faster from town to town until dev's can make real vehicles. This vehicle requires an air pump after 25 minutes of use, to keep it going.


3. The Skateboard = I mean I know this isn't tony hawk, but skateboards should take up atleast 3 inv slots and allows the user to travel on roads slightly faster, sharper turns than the unicycle, with a chance to fall off if used improperly.  Can only break legs when grinding on rails XD.


K mon dayz, ill take a half of a skate at this point, just dont make me run so much.

Unicycle is a Bit out there though i Guess it Gos with the Clown Masks

Skates and Skateboard would be Decent for increased Sprint at Less energy Consumption

i Guess could strap the Skateboard on your back like the Axe/Gun

And use your Skateboard to lay on if you have Broken Leggs From the Grind Fail and use it to Get you away From Cities/Zombies Faster than Crawling

Hills Could Get you Some Decent Speed

But going up you Need to take the Skates off/ Pick Up Skateboard or Hold onto the Back of other Survivors Cars


Edited by NokyoOkami

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Trains please...though who would run them?


I'm thinking a neutral group attempting to rebuild society by linking communities.


The tracks are already laid down and players could hop on flat cars and open box cars. That would allow them to move down the coast more quickly.


And yes, i brought this up before a couple of years ago.. :)


I'd be happy to model the vehicle if that would help.

Been suggested many times.  First of all, there won't be any non infected human NPCs in game.  Locomotives are difficult to start up, let alone repair (I barely know how to turn a simple switcher that I've been riding in for something like 8 years, let alone remember which brake is the engine brake and which one's the train brake).  There's locos and boxcars in game already.

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Lawnmower is the most OP vehicle. The reason being is that nobody could stop laughing long enough to shoot someone on a lawn mower. Also the perfect anti-zombie vehicle, for obvious reasons. I'd also like to suggest (if it hasn't been already) the classic windowless van. The terror factor of this vehicle means nobody wants anything to do with it. The option to spray paint vehicles goes well with this. Think FREE CANDY in big, red, drippy letters on the side.

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As a little gift when they hit release.....Arma 3 team should let them port the go kart. Common enough I think to have one or 2 in chernarus. Maybe they could spawn randomly in one of the many long garage buildings around the map. If not....make us a go kart that handles like that plz :)

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Unicycle is a Bit out there though i Guess it Gos with the Clown Masks

Skates and Skateboard would be Decent for increased Sprint at Less energy Consumption

i Guess could strap the Skateboard on your back like the Axe/Gun

And use your Skateboard to lay on if you have Broken Leggs From the Grind Fail and use it to Get you away From Cities/Zombies Faster than Crawling

Hills Could Get you Some Decent Speed

But going up you Need to take the Skates off/ Pick Up Skateboard or Hold onto the Back of other Survivors Cars



Should have an increased chance of ruining your trousers when you hit that inevitable little stone in the road and face plant yourself into the ground!

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With the gyrocopter gokarts or buggies that you have to put together make sense. Obviously gokarts wouldnt be able to go off road.

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With the gyrocopter gokarts or buggies that you have to put together make sense. Obviously gokarts wouldnt be able to go off-road.

Why wouldn't the go-karts be able to go off-road? Isnt that one of the main points of a go-kart?

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Why wouldn't the go-karts be able to go off-road? Isnt that one of the main points of a go-kart?


Homemade goKarts (at least the ones I grew up with) had small wheels and only were a couple of inches above the ground. Single seaters with 50-125cc motorcycle engines.


The newer off road ones are really small buggies, but then I guess its jus semantics.

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Homemade goKarts (at least the ones I grew up with) had small wheels and only were a couple of inches above the ground. Single seaters with 50-125cc motorcycle engines.


The newer off road ones are really small buggies, but then I guess its jus semantics.

Hmm...maybe in-game we could have the option to build a go-kart from scrap/extra material, and we could try to make it hwoever big or small we wanted? You could make a super tiny one with like 6 inch wheels, or you could put car tires on it and make a huge frame and make it really big. The bigger ones could be faster off-road and such, but in order to make it fair they would all have to be prone to breaking down easily, offer little to no protection from shots and stuff, and not go extremely fast. This would make it so everybody wouldn't just use a go-kart instead of a car.

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bumping again, this thread is great I don't want it to die.

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What about adding some motocross ?

great idea, ill add it.

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Bumping again, seems like the ideas have died off a bit...im trying to think of em too guys, but I cant do it by myself!

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Bumping again....what happened guys? this is the official list. we cant let it die.

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Bumping again....what happened guys? this is the official list. we cant let it die.

Just keep bumping - most people will only look on the list without posting or voting. And some will not look at all but start a new topic suggesting a single new vehicle already found here with a single line post.


As long as the list of already existing suggestions stays unchanged (and I don't think it will be updated any time soon) there is nothing else you can do.

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I would like to see civilian vehicles, and rare military vehicles.

Military vehicles shouldn't commonly have guns, even then ammo should rarely ever spawn in them.

The main thing I look forward to with vehicles though is customising them, I hope we can add armour to them in a similar way that Dean talked about barricading. Have zombie proof windows with chicken wire, put something in tires to make them run flats, wield different thicknesses of sheet metal onto doors like in the A-team.

Cut a hole in the roof and mount a gun, like an AKM with a 75 round drum mag, wield guns to the front of the car with wires on the triggers so the driver can fire them when chasing a car, adding extra shock absorbers to the front of the car for crashes like metal trash cans, extra lights, wings sticking out the side to run people or zombies down, cutting parts of the roof and its frame out for improved passenger firing lines, a pointy bumper rake thing so you can tailgate someone and rip up their tires.

The possibilities should be endless.

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I like this idea of having vehicles. its faster to get to places than getting killed on foot by Zombies or other players. I hope drive some cars soon. :)

Edited by Thumper1999

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I like this idea of having vehicles. its faster to get to places than getting killed on foot by Zombies or other players. I hope drive some cars soon.  :)

...you realize its not really the idea of "vehicles" anymore. they are confirmed, and already in development. Now the suggestions are revolving around what vehicles, specific features, etc.


No offense, but its pretty obvious your new here. Look around a bit and figure out whats being added and stuff before you suggest things that are already confirmed, try to read the weekly status reports and such.

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The possibilities should be endless.

Well definitely there should be a lot of customization options and that would be really cool, but please think of the poor old developers when you ask for "endless possibilities", okay?


...you realize its not really the idea of "vehicles" anymore. they are confirmed, and already in development. Now the suggestions are revolving around what vehicles, specific features, etc.

Hey, could you please add the 'vehicles should be craftable from scratch, And found perfectly working, and repairable' option? None of your poll answers tickles my fancy. 

Please don't take this the wrong way but the poll feels a little slanted, you have no degree in between "Military vehicles should be more common than civilian ones!" and "Military vehicles should be super rare"

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Had an idea today while heading to work.  Since temperature and such is going to be important to vehicles as well as players, they should add AC/heat to vehicles, along with being able to roll windows up and down.  So say if you have a fully functional car with you could warm up using the heater or cool off with the AC fans or by rolling down the windows.  Say your take a couple rounds to the radiator, to make it last a bit longer before overheating you could roll down the windows and turn the heat up high (which will draw hot air from the engine).


Wouldn't even have to be a fully functional vehicle to get either to work, as long as the engine/electrical system works and the AC/heat functions you could use a 'broken' car to warm up in when it gets cold but you'd be using fuel, even if the windows were shot out/removed it would still provide a source of heat (though not a toasty with the windows intact and rolled up)

Edited by BigMike
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