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The Communitys Official Vehicle/Vehicle Idea Thread Version 1.5 (Now with constantly changing polls!)

Official Vehicle Thread Poll Questions  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see completely improvised vehicles?

    • Yes! I should be able to make a bike out of a car tire, a unicycle and some sticks.
    • Sure, I should be able to make a go-kart out of some car tires, welded pipes, and some plywood.
    • Sure, I should be able to add a machine gun, sheet-metal armor, extra suspension, and airbrushed paintjobs to an already existing car.
    • Dont care either way.
    • No, should only be able to change out tires, spark plugs, etc. for identical parts.
    • No, cars must be found perfectly working, and if a tire goes out then you need a new car.
    • I dont want vehicles at all.
  2. 2. Thoughts on military vehicles?

    • Yes! I should be able to find tanks and AC-130s easier then normal cars.
    • Sure, include tanks and such but make them incredibly rare.
    • I like military vehicles, but the extent should be a hum-vee with a .50 cal on top, or a chopper with guns mounted to sides.
    • No, MAYBE have the occasional extremely rare hum-vee without gun, or transport truck or something.
    • No, there should be only civilian vehicles.
    • military vehicles should be about equally as common as civilian vehicles (this option should be between 1 and 2)
  3. 3. How many vehicles should there be?

    • There should be working vehicles around every corner.
    • There should be many vehicles everywhere, with about a 50/50 ratio of working to non-working
    • vehicles should be common in large cities, but fairly rare in smaller cities and villages. Most vehicles found should be working.
    • Many vehicles should be in large cities,rare in smaller cities and villages. Most vehicles found should be non-working.
    • Vehicles fairly rare everywhere, but most of ones found should be working.
    • vehicles fairly rare everywhere, most found should be non-working.
    • ADDED OPTION: vehicles rarer in rural areas, very common in cities in the form of large traffic jams, some cars working and some not. These areas filled with zombies so they are very hard to access, but vehicles are common there.

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Hello all, this is the official thread for the community to make suggestions regarding vehicles and vehicle suggestions/ideas. This post will include confirmed vehicles, wanted vehicles, ideas, suggestions, etc. This post will constantly be being edited to attempt to stay up to date. Also, I will be posting these vehicles official names as much as I can, but due to copyright or whatever in-game they may have a nickname or similar sounding name, like in GTA 5.


NOTE: NOW INCLUDING POLLS! These will be constantly changing, and the votes will include thoughts on vehicles listed here, features that are undecided, and many other things! make sure to cast your vote, and keep the ideas coming!


Last Updated: 1/16/15 at 6:32 AM


Already Implemented Vehicles-any vehicles that are already in the game, and what build they are in. (if it is in stable, then obviously it is also in experimental.)


~V3S transport truck (stable)


Confirmed Civilian Vehicles-civilian vehicles that are for sure confirmed by devs or Dean.


~small cars




~ATV (4 wheeler)


~police car


~fire truck









Confirmed Military Vehicles-military vehicles confirmed by devs or Dean.




~V3S transport truck


Confirmed Air Vehicles-air vehicles confirmed by devs/Dean.


~military heli


~civilian heli


~small Cessna plane


Other Confirmed Vehicles-vehicles confirmed by devs/Dean that don't fit into any other category.


~small civilian boat


~large civilian boat


Below are vehicles wanted by us, the community, but are not confirmed yet. If people vote in favor of them I will make them dark green (to differentiate between confirmed vehicles) and if voted against I will make them red or add them to confirmed as no list.


Wanted civilian Vehicles- these are vehicles that are not neccesarily confirmed, but are wanted in the game by us, the community.


~Volkswagen Beetle


~limo (GAZ13/14)






~Porshe sports car


~civilian hummers


~3-wheeler ATV (predecessor to 4 wheeler, literally 4 wheeler but only 1 wheel in front)


~riding lawnmower






~steam-roller thing


~Ford Mustang


~Chevy Camaro


~Dodge Challenger


~pick-up truck-Chevy Silverado, Dodge Ram, Ford F150


~dirt bikes




~jeeps (off-road and on-road versions, could change out tires for offroad or normal, also could change out the top/doors like on a real jeep.)


~Jeep Wrangler (2 door and 4 door versions)


~moving vans (basically a moveable tent)


~Volkswagen vans


~windowless white vans


~Betty vans


~tandem bike (2 seated bike)


Wanted Military Vehicles-military vehicles wanted in-game by the community.


~BA-30 half-track (turret for cosmetic purposes only)


Wanted Air Vehicles-air vehicles wanted by the community.




Wanted Other Vehicles-other vehicles that are wanted by the community


~john boat (small fishing boat)


~RHIB boat (no turret, can add assault rifle mounted or something)




Anti-Confirmed Vehicles- vehicles that for sure will NOT be in the game for whatever reason. This is based on what devs will be adding, im not counting what modders will inevitably add in.




Vehicle Suggestions- ideas that have to do with vehicles, if they are green they are confirmed, orange community votes in favor and red means the community does not want, blue means undecided.


~driveable RV's


~trailers that attach to cars with a hitch, trailers for boats, ATV's/dirt bikes, more supplies, etc. Making it so you could have a boat or a dirt bike or something at the ready depending on the terrain you must cross.


~ability to make a car out of ramshackle parts, for example a red car with a blue door, or a Prius with off-road tires :P


~spraypainting cars, to either change color completely or airbrush designs on to them, probably need more colors of spraypaint before this is added.


~ability to shift gears, use parking brake, etc. in order to coast down hills and such, also to add realism to driving.


~similar to above, ability to shift car/ATV/whatever into neutral, and have 1 or more people push it. would be obviously easier to push something like an ATV then a full size truck. would be good so you could push back to base in event of mechanical breakdown or fuel shortage.


~ability to add tape or other material to damage in body of car, in order to make her look perty again


~gasoline rare, cars common


~working train that goes around map


~tons of islands



~siphoning gas most common way to receive it, could also find jerry cans/gas cans at certain places.


~functional car radios, people on walkie talkies on same channel could talk and it would be broadcasted from car radio, but car radio cannot respond. Also could be used for jamming to some tunes while your on the way to your next location. Several people could stand nearby, listening to a broadcast from a clan or something. it would have many purposes.


~jump starting cars


~will add more as they are suggested/thought of.


PARTS LIST-this is the list of parts that are changeable and could go bad on a vehicle. The communitys wanted level of rarity for finding the part will also be included. The categories will include very common, common, uncommon, rare, very rare. Every part can also be found in different conditions, and the part will work better and last longer the better condition it is in.

~gasoline (uncommon)

~spark plug (very common)

~tire (common)

~battery (rare)

~electronic circuit (rare)

~brakes (rare)

~air filter (very common)


Thats it for now. This thread will grow as more vehicles and ideas get confirmed/rejected, ill try to keep it up to date. Thanks for reading, and post your ideas you would like me to add to the list below!


Edited by d.walker43
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I want to make my own, in game out of ramshackle parts

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trailer would be cool. but id like one from a moving company make it like bag with 100 slots.  Tent on wheels lol

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Thanks for the ideas guys, ive added most of them to the OP. keep it up!

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Something I'd like to suggest for vehicles is being able to shift gears and use the parking break, or actually needing to do so.  IE you could park at the top of a hill, gas the engine a little to get you moving downhill and turn off the engine and silently coast down to the bottom of the hill and keep rolling till gravity takes it's toll.  Or alternately put a vehicle in drive and it'll keep going forward at about 10-15MPH.  Could do this to recreate the 'Ambush' scene from Super Troopers (since DayZ already has a history of people hiding in the trunk of cars :P)

EDIT I also suggest this so we actually have variable speeds, not just full speed and stop.  While I mastered taking the Bus through Vybor at high speed while being shot at with AS50s I'd much rather be able to go slow without having to keep tapping W and S at different intervals (don't have a throttle... :( )

Edited by BigMike
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Mobile users cant read that...

And this is the 1900th Unofficial Vehicle Suggestions thread, but at least it was set up nice.

Id like to see SUVs and Betty Vans :3

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:12 PM, Owen. said:


Mobile users cant read that...

And this is the 1900th Unofficial Vehicle Suggestions thread, but at least it was set up nice.

Id like to see SUVs and Betty Vans :3

Sorry 'bout that, ill fix it. also ill add your ideas, both good.

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As long as we can spray paint them. I wanna see those cool unicorns/my little pony things in fantastic airbrush on vehicles. It would be a great distraction.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 5:14 PM, hothtimeblues said:

As long as we can spray paint them. I wanna see those cool unicorns/my little pony things in fantastic airbrush on vehicles. It would be a great distraction.

You would need a lot of sprays for that :D

But I think you should be able to spray just some patterns on them similar ones to flags or full camo (black n green) something like battlefield 4 emblems.

Because if you give players a free hand in painting their own vehicles, you gonna see a huge amount of dicks painted all over the cars across the chernarus

Edited by Dildo Baggins

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  On 9/9/2014 at 5:14 PM, hothtimeblues said:

As long as we can spray paint them. I wanna see those cool unicorns/my little pony things in fantastic airbrush on vehicles. It would be a great distraction.

I'd happily use your grey matter to 'paint' over your ponies after donating some 7.62x39 to you.


I'd call it the Murdertruck.

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bumping this again. im trying to make this the master list, lol it needs to stay on the front page



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The first vehicles:::::::


1. The RollerSkate = With one roller skate your speed is slightly improved when running but they dont work as good on grass or other rough terrain.  People will murder eachother to make a matching pair.


2. The Unicycle = This allows the Day-Z-onite to travel slightly faster from town to town until dev's can make real vehicles. This vehicle requires an air pump after 25 minutes of use, to keep it going.


3. The Skateboard = I mean I know this isn't tony hawk, but skateboards should take up atleast 3 inv slots and allows the user to travel on roads slightly faster, sharper turns than the unicycle, with a chance to fall off if used improperly.  Can only break legs when grinding on rails XD.


K mon dayz, ill take a half of a skate at this point, just dont make me run so much.

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As a joke / I know it's not going to happen, I want a Tornado Intercept Vehicle.



In honesty, give me a Ford Mustang and I'll be happy.


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one thing that really needs to be added is damage.. 


take for example, my old 180sx, hit a guard rail side ways and presto, it was fucked.. BUT, bit of black race tape (or really really strong masking tape if you're from USA) and bam, instant fix.


something like this would make the game way more realistic.


just my two cents.


pre putting tape on





after putting tape on



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  On 9/18/2014 at 3:47 AM, Evaris said:



In honesty, give me a Ford Mustang and I'll be happy.



Yes. Yes. Just yes. I added this along with a Camaro and a Challenger to the list. Would definently love to have a fast car like this, if there was no pick-up trucks around :D . Thanks for the suggestion.

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  On 9/18/2014 at 9:54 AM, alascer said:


take for example, my old 180sx, hit a guard rail side ways and presto, it was fucked.. BUT, bit of black race tape (or really really strong masking tape if you're from USA) and bam, instant fix.

Though the tape only prevents rust and gives some added stability. It won't magically reshape your car.


Some utility vehicles that might also help with basebuilding etc.


Garden Tractor:






Road Roller:


Self-propelled Howitzer:


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  On 9/18/2014 at 9:54 AM, alascer said:





  On 9/19/2014 at 12:57 AM, Evil Minion said:



Good ideas to both of you, ill add the tape idea to the idea list. As for the vehicles that Minion posted, I like the tractor and riding lawnmower, but I don't know if I like the construction vehicles. They are so slow, it seems kind of pointless. Ill add them to the list regardless, but those are my thoughts. And I really hope the "self propelled howitzer" was a joke, if it is added I just might quit playing :P

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  On 9/19/2014 at 12:57 AM, Evil Minion said:

Though the tape only prevents rust and gives some added stability. It won't magically reshape your car.


Some utility vehicles that might also help with basebuilding etc.


Garden Tractor:






Road Roller:


Self-propelled Howitzer:




  On 9/19/2014 at 2:50 AM, d.walker43 said:

Good ideas to both of you, ill add the tape idea to the idea list. As for the vehicles that Minion posted, I like the tractor and riding lawnmower, but I don't know if I like the construction vehicles. They are so slow, it seems kind of pointless. Ill add them to the list regardless, but those are my thoughts. And I really hope the "self propelled howitzer" was a joke, if it is added I just might quit playing :P







Think of tape to damage as you would would sewing kit to backpack, doesnt fix it 100%, patches it up kinda thing.

the tractor in the mod is crap, it has no real use apart from being crap.

if you could however attach things to it eg; claw, hoe etc than you'd have a different story.


even an excavator so you can dig underground / into mountains to make a cave.

but than you'd need to have both unleaded and diesel options of gas, however, diesel could found at bigger places such as sea ports, airport etc, where as fuel can be anywhere.

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