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New dog tag system?

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So I was thinking, if people found out about a zombie apocalypse and they were trapped on a island, you should have dogtags, which would identify a person if dead, unconscious, or once you are in a certain range of someone, say 10m, you would know their ingame name. It would be easier and make sense, because right now there is no study body, and you can only find out who someone is if they type in direct, or they are unconscious,and you check their pulse. I believe this system would make it more realistic, and you would actually see the dogtag on them, and you can take dogtags off dead bodys so people wouldn't know who was killed. Comment on what you think.

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So I was thinking, if people found out about a zombie apocalypse and they were trapped on a island, you should have dogtags, which would identify a person if dead, unconscious, or once you are in a certain range of someone, say 10m, you would know their ingame name. It would be easier and make sense, because right now there is no study body, and you can only find out who someone is if they type in direct, or they are unconscious,and you check their pulse. I believe this system would make it more realistic, and you would actually see the dogtag on them, and you can take dogtags off dead bodys so people wouldn't know who was killed. Comment on what you think.

 Why would our characters have dog tags? We aren't members of the CDF, Russian Federation Army, or USMC.

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Wearing a tag around your neck that says O- is like asking to be bled dry.

Have fun with that :)

Having a tag around your neck that says 'allergic to penicillin' means that upon being handcuffed, you will be stuffed with moldy bread (not in game).

Have fun with that ;)


But yea, the game does a prett good job of identifying you at the moment anyway with check pulse (unless you release/quit before viewed).

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You know how easy it is to make a dogtag?

But why would I carry a dog tag on me? Its not as if someone needs to identify my remains to send my body home.

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But why would I carry a dog tag on me? Its not as if someone needs to identify my remains to send my body home.


Industry has collapsed, nobody will be making new ones, at least not until industry starts up again ( That is an interesting idea. You aren't considered a "real clan member" until you get a dog tag, whcih would also signify your clan is advanced enough technology-wise to stamp sheet metal (Useful for reloading ammunition?). Clans can use enemy dogs tags as "war trophies" and bragging rights XD)


Plus, having a chain around your neck is a liability in CQC. I can grab it, and introduce your neck to the edge of my roofers hatchet, easily the most effective CQC weapon EVER.



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You know how easy it is to make a dogtag?

So we are non  military personal trapped in a zed apoc starving dying of thirst hunted by zeds( hopefully more of them as we go along) and we are going to stop and make dog tags?? who are the dog tags for??

if some random finds you dying on the side of the road odds are they are not going to waste scarce resources on helping someone they dont know( sure there might be a couple that do but knowing the general pop most would just rob your near corpse and if you had what blood type you were they would be like great i can blood bag him and i know what sort of blood it is.


All the info you might put on a dog tag you would just tell someone in game that you know eg hey bob who i have travelled with for a few days i am a- blood type is that compatable with you etc etc..


If your already dead then what good does the dog tag do you at all??? Only thing i can see a dog tag being good for is for the crazy killer types may like to collect them as trophies of there kill lol.....

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I actually had custom dogtags made. It cost.... 8 dollars? anyone can have them.

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I actually had custom dogtags made. It cost.... 8 dollars? anyone can have them.

Sure they are easy and cheap but what purpose do they serve?? If you were in a apoc and didnt already have dog tags why would you stop and make some??? Real valuable input there surprised you didnt put a plug in for an army surplus store...

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if you were driven enough you could cut out some bean-tin and scratch in your details, but more trouble than it's worth.

One more thing to catch and throw light or go cling cling cling when you're bending.

just put a note in your boot


"hey asshole, thanks for the bullet

Hope you like the smell!


dead joe


P.S i pissed in the beans"

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Sure they are easy and cheap but what purpose do they serve?? If you were in a apoc and didnt already have dog tags why would you stop and make some??? Real valuable input there surprised you didnt put a plug in for an army surplus store...

I should have plugged for him, the guy who did it was fucking awesome, great guy. but no, im a prepper, anyways, so i thought it might be important, in case of the worst happening, you know.

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Sure they are easy and cheap but what purpose do they serve?? If you were in a apoc and didnt already have dog tags why would you stop and make some??? Real valuable input there surprised you didnt put a plug in for an army surplus store...

I am sorry, but why are you so unmitigatedly unpleasant? All he is doing is expressing an opinion....

Edited by Whyherro123
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I am sorry, but why are you so unmitigatedly unpleasant? All he is doing is expressing an opinion....

I noticed, but it doesnt bother me. most people say Im insane anyways, hahaha.

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I am sorry, but why are you so unmitigatedly unpleasant? All he is doing is expressing an opinion....

He expressed how cheap and easy they were not if they had any value in the situation at hand. Be kind of like me coming on to one of your threads and giving my opinion on the weather it may be my opinion but it has very little value. You must be very thin skinned if you found that comment rough specially seeing i gave beans for his reply but then i always did find you a little whinny ( mr report people for offensive behaviour with one breath and throw an insult with the next lol).


Guess in your sheltered world where you seem to get most your info from wiki pages i may seem  rough but a couple years in the military you might discover i call them as i see them and dont take any offence when people do the same to me...

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I am sorry, but why are you so unmitigatedly unpleasant? All he is doing is expressing an opinion....

dude everyone on here is like that. oh you have a idea? THATS NOT REALISITC IN OUR ZOMBIE INFESTED WORLD!  no point in putting your opinion people are just gonna troll

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Well they're adding leather wallet in. Maybe that should be a basic thing that everyone has and it doesn't take inventory slot. There you can keep your ID if you want.

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dude everyone on here is like that. oh you have a idea? THATS NOT REALISITC IN OUR ZOMBIE INFESTED WORLD!  no point in putting your opinion people are just gonna troll

HUH thing is that he didnt actually give an opinion he stated a fact ( that they were cheap and anyone could have them both very true) what he didnt do was add anything in relation to it being used as a new dog tag system as per the title of the thread.


Shit id be happy to hear positive reasons for having dog tags on civilians i even gave one possible one (not a good one the memento factor for killers) It would be perfectly reasonable to find someone wearing a dog tag ( just dont see how it adds to the game)

But i ask do you actually know what your raging against or you just raging in general ???

Edited by SoulFirez

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Not everyone in the apocalypse would have/want a dogtag. So spawning with one, no sorry. However, iv said before in a similar post that you should be able to fine one and engrave it if you so wish.

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So checking someones pulse 

"Oh I now realize what this random persons name on a zombie infected island is." I'm not saying it needs to be dogtags, I'm just sayin do you really think it's realistic that everyone knows peoples names, I mean, its not like we're all friends or family and recognize peoples faces or anything. Maybe interogations, like if their handcuffed, they would be forced to give their name.

Edited by Dayzislovedayzislife

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So I was thinking, if people found out about a zombie apocalypse and they were trapped on a island, you should have dogtags, which would identify a person if dead, unconscious, or once you are in a certain range of someone, say 10m, you would know their ingame name. It would be easier and make sense, because right now there is no study body, and you can only find out who someone is if they type in direct, or they are unconscious,and you check their pulse. I believe this system would make it more realistic, and you would actually see the dogtag on them, and you can take dogtags off dead bodys so people wouldn't know who was killed. Comment on what you think.


I am trying so damn hard to refrain from using words like COD and BF in my response.


So, just no. 

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Screw dog tags.  I want to be able to collect my victims fingers.

Damn Boose that's Scary as hell.

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