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How was your Day(Z)?

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Pm sent. No idea where the server is though- sorry B.

Killed my first person today- was weird. Felt weird.

I was running south along the highway just trying to find some freshmen to help when on the side of the road next to a tree I saw something that didn't belong. Not a person- but something. It was very obvious. As I approached I saw it was a log and some binoculars. Kind of a nice find since I'd been looking for a pair. Pristine at that...

These things don't just appear from nowhere and my spidey senses kicked into high gear. While I'm standing there looking for room in my inventory I'm thinking someone is going to feed me a bullet via osmosis.

"Hey- hello?" I barely heard him but I definitely heard someone and I look around quickly- not quite grabbing the repeater off my shoulder. Haven't got those reflexes yet.


"Hey there." I see him come into the road. He's fresh. My next customer? "I'm the one who left the log and binoculars at the tree. You can have them. Can you kill me?"

"Um can I kill you?" I said, now pulling the repeater off my shoulder. "Yeah. I can... I have the technology. But why?" Why does anyone want to be killed while fresh. Spawn point... Which means berezino isn't hot enough for him... Which means he's looking for stuff. Which means he's probably much more hardcore than I am.

"This crappy spawn. This is berezino right?"

"Yup." I'm very suspicious of a trap but his voice is non-threatening. He just wants to get on with it. "You realize you'll be the first person I've ever killed?"

"That's crazy- so... Can you kill me?"

I shouldered my repeater and aimed for his head and he put his hands up and started doing the greeting dance. You know the one... Hands up then side to side. Okay then... Centre of mass it is. Pulled the trigger and he drops. Zeds would follow shortly but I managed them with my ax-

I don't want to count euthanizing as my first kill since it was a mission of mercy... Kind of a favour, right?

Anyway... Still trying to figure out how to "rebuild" burlap strips so I can hand out backpack and pumpkins. I did figure out that the improvised knife can be used to extract seeds so that frees up some space. I've also got a few good weapons stashed for freshies- no guns but enough to get them on their way safely. Some pick axes and sledgehammers.

I think I made it about 180 hours without killing anyone... And I have yet to do it in anger. One thing I now know for certain is the repeater will kill in one shot... But I suppose that works both ways.

Edited by ENO75

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had  great day. joined a half full server, near servograd, looted up the nwaf, vybor mil base, and vybor getting everything i could hope for (save 1911 mags) ran to zelenogorsk, and found a v3s, fueled it up and drove south, hoping to get to the coast. got to pavlovo military base, before i flipped it, and broke my legs in getting out.




ran to balota, met some mates, then ran in to axe a zombie and accidentally got shot... cant wait for tomorrow!!!

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thanks! i have no idea about the burlap sacks.. google doesn't come up with any answers either. but i'll keep my eyes open for bags and sacks when i hop onto your server

Edited by Belphegor

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ENO, looks like you got a good thing going there. do you mind passing me the server info and location? i might drop by some time



Pm sent. No idea where the server is though- sorry B.

One thing I now know for certain is the repeater will kill in one shot... But I suppose that works both ways.


Hi guys, I also want to join in and help out in any way that I can.  


Eno - I meant to reply to your PM to say that I tried to find your server but even using the filter option I just cannot find it.  Can you try this for me please?  Next time you play, highlight the name of your server before you join it and then click "Details" at the bottom of the screen.  You should get a box appear with the IP and Port details.  If you can post or PM those we can then connect directly to your sever :-)


I appreciate that we might not be on at the same time much (Eno's in Canada, I am in the UK, not sure about others) but I am happy to collect whatever supplies you think new spawns might need to survive (maybe bottles of water, canteens, boxes of matches and rags, etc - am open to suggestions) and leave them in bags at your location.


I also cannot advise about the burlap sacks but I can answer a question that I think you asked earlier Eno, which was if it is possible to light a fire in the rain under a tree?  Yes it is, I did this last night :-)


Oh yeah, re the Repeater.  The thing is that almost all weapons will one shot kill if you can hit the head.  Assuming I am reading it right (and I think I am) looking at the DayZ wiki here for example, you can see that a Repeater shot does 500 shock damage on a hit but 20,000 shock damage if it hits the head - that's 40 times more damage!  Even the Sporter .22, which only does 200 shock per hit, will do 20,000 shock damage to the head and one shot kill another player.


My only player kill was also with the Repeater but mine was a full-on panicked self defense spray and pray where I didn't even try and aim - I just unloaded 9 shots into the guy's body mass at close range.  I obviously didn't hit his head once, I may even have missed quite a few shots anyway, but he only dropped in the end because I managed enough of the "500 shock" hits to take his health and blood levels down enough to knock him out...


So to summarise for those of us who aren't experienced in killing other players - either spray and pray, hoping to hit enough times to take them down (but more likely make them bleed so the subsequent blood loss knocks them out), or try for a headshot.

Edited by krazypenguin

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I appreciate that we might not be on at the same time much (Eno's in Canada, I am in the UK, not sure about others) but I am happy to collect whatever supplies you think new spawns might need (maybe bottles of water, canteens, boxes of matches and rags, etc?) to survive and leave them in bags at your location.




well, i'm in Belgium but i game at weird hours bc of my job. if no-one is there i'll also leave behind a bag of loot :)

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well, i'm in Belgium but i game at weird hours bc of my job. if no-one is there i'll also leave behind a bag of loot :)


Please PM me the details of the server, I'll try to chip in or just say hello.

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death, afk under a bush, came back just in time to see a dude with a shotgun, my m4 was set to single shot, which I just about managed to get off in 3pp, while lying prone, uggggggggggggggh anyhooo they scored big, got details to a few camps if they bothered to read the note on me, I just hope everything was ruined :D 

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I realized my error with the burlap after scouring the web for answers. It was breaking the ghillie down back to netting and strips (half strips) that the guy had been able to do, not making them back into bags.

The stock filter only allows pings under 100... May be the issue.

It'd be pretty awesome to bump into guys from the forums but as has been mentioned it may not work since our server banks may be too far from one another.

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Hope this isn't considered off topic but my DayZ experience does move beyond the actual gaming environment doing research on crafting etc. Just stumbled into a fun fact that others may not know... 


Did you know that both piles of guts large and small can be used as a heatpack and recharged on a fire? 


I have several fish traps out and do eat a lot of fish throughout the day but have been scratching my head as to how to put those guts to use. Guess you can just leave them on the fire- as they get more and more read they apparently generate more heat for your character if guts are in the inventory items. 


I have been leaving the small pile of guts in the fish trap hoping that they might work as bait instead of worms- but sadly no... I do not believe this is the case. A couple other things I've learned recently is that a small stone can be used to take a dull edge off your badly damaged ax (so it's only damaged)... and that those taller chicken coup looking structures (those flat, 5 level tall ones that look like they're meant for chickens) don't provide feathers. Instead, you need to find the "dog house on stilts" with the ramp... you can still find feathers there. 


I also must admit I encountered a bit of a weird bug which has resulted in doubling of loot... My system crashed right when I heard the sound of a zed launch- By the time I rebooted the game and got back in I was being mauled by a zed. I killed him- but realized very quickly that he had actually already killed me. My body was laying on the ground right where I spawned in. With all loot attached! 


Some of it was ruined... and some of it on my ACTUAL character (that I spawned back in with after crash) was ruined... but I was able to swap out various bits and not only got all good equipment but was able to take my full dry bag. This has been a REAL gift since the bags help to preserve the things I'm storing. Pumpkins have also been a real gift- since I've never, ever run into pumpkin seeds in almost 200 hours. Or maybe I did but didn't see them since I'd always thought the pumpkins were "just for show." I think the existing piles in the pre-existing gardens are just for looks- but the fresh pumpkins are a huge meal and very filling. Also, I got 50 seeds out of "extracting seeds with knife" so seeds / pumpkins for everyone! On a side note, I laughed when I saw my last guy stuffing his face with pumpkin- it just looks funny to me. 


One slight annoyance is that my fertilized, prepared garden slots reset with the server... but I guess that's what prevents the whole map being turned into a pumpkin patch. 

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That thing with the dead character full of loot happened to me once too when the server crashed while I was on a ladder.


I had big problems yesterday even joining a server. All I got was "Wait for host" or the servers crashing all the time. I did meet some swedes I ran around with and was chased by crazy people wanting to kill me. I also had a squealer come up to me screaming a guy was trying to rape him. But when he arrived it turned out he was just copping a feel so i let him live.  And when i spawned in Elektro I found a dead girl in the room right next to where I spawned which spooked me a bit. And when I left Elektro someone shot after me but missed by miles. I went to Vybor base and was very careful checking it out before I went there but still got one-shot as i was leaving a barrack.

 Also I was on one of the towers outside Novo when I saw three people down on the ground. I coule easily have killed them but didnt. Then one spotte dme and they went up after me so i had to sneak down. I had several more chances to kill them but didnt. I left novo and went to Berezino, once I got there something very funny happened. I was being chased by three zeds but didnt want to stop and kill them as I had two guns and i didnt want to shoot as there were people shooting downtown so i just ran. Suddenly I come upon a person fighting a zed in the street. I run by, he says something in russian and all the zeds attack him, lol!  I run along, whistling.

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That thing with the dead character full of loot happened to me once too when the server crashed while I was on a ladder.


I had big problems yesterday even joining a server. All I got was "Wait for host" or the servers crashing all the time.



Was that a Villayer server by any chance? 


I had the same issue- the server I was on was down for an entire 2 hour cycle.  (this happened when both me and the guy I was helping were locked in place as mentioned in above story).


It was easy to tell since the time didn't change- and in addition my game history showed that there were 8 people in there and the internet list said there were none- but they were both on the same time. 

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Aaaaaaaaaand it just happened again- time just stays the same. Been 20 minutes now. Who do you report these outages to? Is it a server provider issue? Host issue? 

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Interesting 2 days for me. I returned to a long forgotten private server where i apparently had a character in Cherno. Ran into somebody friendly after getting shot at 7 or 8 times by Mosins all around Cherno...such bad aim... Anyway, i proceded to loot chapaevsk, balota airfield and balote village with my new friend. It was nice. Then server went down.


Logged my other private character, and moved down to kamyshovo for some bandit play. Had good fun pvping there. Logged out at the fire station in elektro after a nice gunfight there. I ended up almost dying and most of my gear was ruined.


Next day logged back in inside the fire station, i immediatly hear footsteps. I wait for the door to open and have my magnum out. We immediatly start shooting at eachother, but my ruined clothes didnt really help. I dont know what happened to the other guy, but i guess he lived in the end. It was kind of a relief to get killed, as i didnt really have a plan for this character anymore and i knew that i was gonna get it sooner or later.


So i logged my public char, and chased some bandits that where killing fresh spawns north of elektro. Managed to get most of them, finaly found a CR75 clip, and logged out again.

I then  created a new character on the private server where i got killed earlier, as some buddies still have chars there and we where gonna meet up later this week. I got a Novo Spawn...I hate spawning in Novo tbh. I already got knocked out during a lag spike at the car garage. But i managed to escape an early death. Then i spent half an hour dodging bullets insinde Novo. Got lucky and managed to loot a corpse of some poor guy, but my gear got instantly ruined by some jerk with a .22 sporter who tried to trick me into an ambush. Anyway, i was glad to survive Novo and headed south so i could meet up with a buddy there later.


I logged in my other private character and finaly got that 30 round sporter clip i was looking for. I never really tried this gun before, so it was nice to give it a go. I also made a bow and tried archery for the first time...i need some more practice tho. So a bit of a mixed bag really. Made some new friends, and some enemies. Got killed but took plenty of folks with me. Some deserved it, others didnt...  I think i will try out the sporter .22 some more and after that, i will try to find some sort of closure for my public character. Its been alive for too long now.

Edited by nillie

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I had a quiet DayZ. Played with my son on some random high pop private server he was on and discovered that we were nice and close up North. Met up in the train yard at Svetlojarsk where we discovered a blue truck with 20 litres of fuel. A little bored, and not too worried about the consequences, we decided to go for a drive.

Passing through Svetlojarsk in an incredibly loud truck is bad enough I guess, so opening voice comms and asking if anyone wanted an ice cream didn't really feel like an excessive risk. Sadly there were no takers so we left via the coastal road, passed the wrecked container ship at Rify and cruised South. We reached the outskirts of the Berezino sprawl in fine mood, singing various trucking related songs over open comms.

Now I know that we can't sing, but the criticism we received from one angry Berezino resident was unduly harsh - he started shooting at us! I do love the mindset of some people - Oh look, 2 random players driving a truck down the coast, no threat to me, not bothering anyone, just chilling and having fun. Right, I'm going to shoot them. I threw a few choice but tame insults in his direction, engaged turbo boost (yeah riiiiight...) and sped past him.

A few hundred metres down the coast we met a new spawn who panicked and ran for it - fair enough i guess. As we passed him I shouted to him not to head North as there was a bandit up there and we continued on our way with our fuel down to a meagre 10 litres.

And then we both lost connection to the server without warning. Pfff, spoilsports. Honestiy admins, how difficult is it to have a "server restarts in 5 minutes" warning? (Answer, it's not difficult at all). I don't know may, maybe it just crashed. Either way, I don't fancy the idea of standing still for 30 odd seconds in the middle of the road on a new spawn run next time I log in...

Anyway, my friend sprig had logged onto a public server by then so we joined him and then had the usual 30 minutes of "where are you" "I'm in Zonky Bonk Tronk or something" "Well I am definitely in Dubrovka. 100% sure. Oh hang on, this isn't Dubrovka" shenanigins before me and sprig finally met up but my son was hopelessly lost, ran out of time and had to log off. Our public characters are reasonably well geared (sprig's packing an SKS with over 200 rounds of ammo - just lol - and a Makarov with 3 clips) and I'm carrying a Mosin with LRS (but only the 5 rounds loaded in the gun - no spares at all), my own Makarov with 3 clips and a sawn-off shotgun with about 20 shells. I'm also packing a 30 round mag for a Sporter just in case we find one. As per my previous posts in this thread, just like nillie (post above) I've always wanted to try one and recently forsook the opportunity on a different character in favour of the Mosin & LRS which this character also has. But the "Last Stand Against Evil...with a Sporter..." video (here) really made me want to try one), We've also got 2 canteens each and lots of food. So....what to do? sprig says "I'm easy, not fussed, whatever you want. But I do have an AK-74 mag so I would quite like to get the gun to go with it" Ok, that sounds like an invite for a few hours of jogging through the countryside!

I decided to show him the military base in the South West, which was pretty much in the opposite corner of the map to our location and, since we were well equipped, we decided not to take any uneccessary risks by looting towns on the way. So off we set on an epic cross country jog using sprig's compass and only visible landmarks (power lines, deer stand, tree lines and the occasional distant building for reference. Amazingly, we didn't get lost once but we did have one major scare.

We'd been using out of game comms to chat on the way but then sprig had to take a call from his wife. Typically, 30 seconds after we cut comms we crested the brow of a forested hill and saw 5 players running across our path just in front of us! I dropped to the floor, got my gun out and typed "Down!" in direct comms, hoping I was far enough away from them for it to show on their screens. Fortunately, sprig was paying attention and also got his gun out and dropped. We watched for a second, expecting them to turn towards us and open fire, then relaxed, put our guns away and got out our fire axes. The 5 players were actually 5 zombies chasing a deer through the forest! We waited a few seconds to let them pass and then carried on our way.

Although we had plenty of water in our canteens we wanted to stay fully hydrated so we dropped into the small town of Nadezhdino to fill up. There's a police station next to the well so we decide to take a quick but careful look inside and are rewarded with the discovery of....a Sporter! Sometimes DayZ can be very kind. I slap the mag into the Sporter, sling it on my back and take the Mosin in my hands then ditch it in the forest.

After a long jog we finally reached a hill overlooking the airfield at Balota. sprig scans the runway and buildings with his binoculars and it looks clear. We drop down and carefully check out the hangars and buildings but it's been stripped - there's literally nothing here except the low tech gear that people arrived with and dumped in favour of the good stuff. By now it's getting quite late so we retreat to a nearby forest and call it a night.

Edited by krazypenguin

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ZH was back home last night so we saddled up and joined in my private area so I could show him around the store front. He originally spawned in near Elektro where he must have had a character before since he was already injured. He committed death by zed and respawned in an area not far from Solichny by the factory along the coast. I met up with him quickly and we decided to head over to the medical center there for some supplies. He went in first (I was still running in) and while there saw a freshy hiding from the rain. They made contact and I cautioned ZH to be friendly but keep his distance. The character was very friendly and easy going- especially when I came rumbling up with my repeater / fire axe. We triggered a few zed launches as we made our way around the factory and I dealt with them since the other two were pretty fresh.

I had a bag of supplies with me for ZH but more than enough to share with our new friend so I distributed some pumpkin and cooked fish as well as a couple open cans I'd wanted to get rid of... content we headed towards our store as I explained everything to Carl. He was good with it- so he headed north with us along the coast. Unfortunately, this server has been crashing at a ridiculous rate and will be offline for hours so ZH and I headed over to our public characters (overwatch berezino) and made our way around there. I tucked my ghillie out of site in an improvised backpack I crafted up and we set about planting a garden near the well by the hospital in Berezino. I was getting more comfortable so I figured hey... might as well help out here if we can!

That server reset as well right in the middle of planting and we'd had a good run so ZH took a break and I branched off to another very busy private shard I'd visited a couple days before.

This was chaos to me.

I entered Berezino from a spawn up north and the first person I saw had a pipe wrench. I approached them calling out and they charged me swinging. Alright then- I'll give him a miss. He chased me a bit but then went off on his own. I bumped into him a few times and had no luck. I had nothing but an SKS bayonet and had an injured leg but I wasn't able to craft a splint... I got jumped by a zed and a couple characters- and one particularly annoying asshole who had his direct comms locked on with some stupid music playing in the background. Do they have a name for that?

I was killed twice in quick succession- both around Berezino since my respawn brought me to the coast just down the road from my shop in the other server. Figured I knew my way around but got jumped in a house by a guy with a splitting axe... okay... 2 down.

Spawned back in near Novo at that rare military outpost spawn... saw a couple of dead guys and another dude wearing nothing just standing there. Oh great- here we go again. Fortunately there I met up with someone who sounded quite a bit younger. He asked if I was friendly and I replied that "I'm about as friendly as I can be- I've been murdered twice in the last 10 minutes so if you're going to do it just get it over with now." He really, REALLY sounded like the kid I ran into a the factory a couple weeks ago... He was really cool so we shared a few supplies and got each other in good fighting form. We spotted a guy in a red shirt running down the hill into the city and chased after him in hopes of joining up. We called out to him but he kept running.

We came around the corner into a street and after a brief moment of losing my companion heard him talking to someone. "You just killed me man, so yeah- I'm going to kill you."

"No, no!" the freshie replied in a thick accent sounding like someone I've seen in a YouTube video. "I don't kill anybody! Don't kill me! No no!" I figured he was just acting and may have had some skills considering he eluded us but never actually ran away.

"Yes, yes!" Now, as a rule I wouldn't condone killing a freshie and though we weren't exactly combat ready we did have more than this guy. "You killed me just now, right around the corner. I know it was you. Your turn."

"I'll leave it up to you," I said as I approached... "I'll support your decision either way."

So it starts- this laggy, glitchy ring around the rosey with this guy begging as he runs around in circles in a proverbial slideshow... Wasn't great. We got a couple shots in on this guy but then a Hero shows up with a gun- presumably with ammo. "Hey! Hey! Leave that man alone!"

"This doesn't concern you, hero. This was warranted."

"Well let's resolve this like human beings-" And don't get me wrong, I totally agreed with the stance this guy was taking and in fact I admired it... But I was going to support my guy and what he felt he needed to do.

"Sorry friend- trying to resolve this like human beings at this point is like slamming the gate after the horse runs out."

"Hello? Hello?" That's a different voice... another pretty young voice. "I have 3 zombies chasing me- can you help? I have a friend coming with an M4 but he's too far away."

The 3 zeds enter stage left and everyone starts swinging and it was just a fricken circus. Pretty sure I knocked my own guy out by accident and in the meantime got smashed by someone else and had to pull back a bit to bandage. We all regrouped after the Zeds were dead and were standing in a group. My guy had lost interest in killing the red shirt- the hero wasn't saying much and the new arrival was telling us a story about their "friend with the M4."

"We can meet him here... he is coming."

There was random chatter back and forth... I don't really remember... I was too busy doing the sniper shuffle back and forth- keep it moving. It was like I was in my own aerobics class as the lead instructor... left 2 steps right 3 steps... back 2 steps... forward 5 steps... and one more time!

Snap! Snap! Snap! (enter ricochet sounds)

"Cease fire cease fire! Who is shooting!" I'm not sure who everyone else thought it was but the rate of fire suggested something automatic... I don't know- like an M4.

Everyone scattered- my guy had a bright blue drybag on so I was able to keep track of him but everyone else was a blur. I ran around the corner trying to use 3pp to figure out where the shots came from but couldn't see anyone. My guy spotted someone in a building with a green backpack on but I didn't see which building he was talking about... we were in the middle of downtown!

"Let's di di mau!" We broke contact pretty quickly leaving chaos in our wake... we headed towards the train station / factory along the main road heading east west and ended up crashing. I'd have liked to rejoin with my guy but was unable... the server with Chez Eno has had 2 or 3 multi hour outages in the last couple days so I'm starting to question its reliability. Hopefully they get on top of it. I was able to get back in to verify there were lots of supplies out and then logged off.

So overall- a busier day than I'm used to but it was good to dip my toe into the deep end of the pool for a change. I think if I can learn to be a better player in that aspect of the game my journey towards being a hero may be a more fruitful one.

Edited by ENO75
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had to use a weapon cleaning kit today for the first time ever to fix a damaged .357  in my Hi C vest from a hit from a Z, one poxy hit and ruined my pristine vest *sadface*

Edited by Calibre

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Todays day was nothing special, but the days I had planned for the future might hold some promise.


My latest session on a persistence public server was spent sifting through and sorting out gear out of my Military Tent ready for a server reset on wednesday. Kinda sad to see it go but alas I think a regular tent is far better in versatility mind you (actually be able to stow it in a backpack for one is a life saver).


Was also on the idea of trying to make a journey to the coast and see about giving some of the stuff away, even down to making dedicated "care packages" to freshly spawned survivors on the coast.


Decided to pop onto a private hive and had a few "interesting" moments. The first one was coming across a body pile while trying to meet a friend enroute to Kamyshovo, specifically the lighthouse at Krutoy Cap, must've been well enough about 5 or 6 bodies all clumped around the lighthouse.


The second incident came while looting Electro in one of the Pub's second floors, I apparently was held up by a guy with a pistol, who insisted on firing at the ground as a "warning shot", after further refusals (why even hold up a guy with nothing but a Baseball bat) he then proceeded to "try" and kill me but hearing those several clicks made it evident he clearly didn't know guns all that well. After knocking him out, searching his belongings found a P1 pistol, some ammo and no magazines. While he was still able to talk, he accused me of hacks and promptly quit shortly after knocking him out.


The last incident occured with a new character that had just spawned, geared up and while looting a nearby coastal house was ambushed by 5 new fresh spawns who all insisted they REALLY wanted my garden hoe and some berries. I think I managed to get one before being knocked unconscious, mocked for being a "bad player" and promptly laughing later once I heard them say "Great... those berries of yours made me sick! What kind of player picks up poisonous berries" :P

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I had an incident with a hacker. He wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack. I went to NE airfield on a 40 man server(great idea I know) and after getting to the firestation without any shots fired I locked the doors when I hear someone walking outside. I call out "hello" and almost immediately I notice my AKM dissapears. I think its strange but since shit like that happen all the time i am only mildly annoyed. A guy then appears by walking through the wall. He wears nothing but has my AKM on his back. I greet him but he's breaking up and not responding. Then he starts to talk, calls me noob and stuff and takes out the AKM. As I have a repeater as my first gun due to lack of magazines I fire first but it just goes click click. he has taken my bullets. Hea laughs and tries to kill me but the akm only fires once, surprising the hacker. i pull out my axe and start wailing. He takes a few hits and starts bleeding then teleports away. I hear him bandaging so I run out and look for him but soon realize that he's in the unaccesible room in the corner. I decide to log out as its a losing battle.

 I log in to a different server to see if I survived and I did. But he's taken my backpack and my facemask.


 At least i made it out in one piece.


This was on the Good game m8te server and the guys name was moocow, I checked his pulse.

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I see more and more reports of these hackers everyday. And i ran into one myself as wel 2 days ago. Fortunatly i was a fresh spawn and he could only steal my damn flashlight and knock me out once, before heading off to bother somebody else... Better enjoy my gear while it lasts !


Speaking of which, i really hit the jackpott last night. I decided to do another run of Pavlovo military base with my public character. I havent been on a military loot run in weeks due to playing on private servers.

I arrive at the northern most barracks, and its crawling with Z's around the place, which is a good sign. So i go inside and immediatly find 2 assault vests. Mine needed replacemet anyway, and having an extra pristine one couldnt hurt, altough my huntsman backpack was starting to fill up. I find a mountain backpack in the next room, and decide to go for the old backpack inside a backpack routine, you never know what i might come across. The southern barracks are empty, so i start to get paranoid and figure im not alone here. I decide to take a chance and head to the barracks at the hospital anyway...


Nothing to see there, so i loot both barracks. I manage to find a handgrenade in the first one, which is a nice thing to try out for fun. The last barracks contain another AK101, and im too greedy to leave it behind. My regular public buddy might enjoy an assault rifle for a change. So i put the new AK on my back and my regular AK in my hands and get the hell out.


As i am running away in the woods, the server suddenly begins the reset, and i have a golden opportunity to hit the barracks again for fresh loot. So i relog as fast as the server lets me, drop the mountain backpack and the AK101 in the woods, and head back out to the barracks. In the first one i find multiple AK101 magazines and various clothing goodies. In the next one, i pick up PSO-1 scope and a 75 rnd drum mag. I dont wanna risk heading out to the last 2 barracks because by now the server has filled up again and i can hear activity in the distance. I rush out and go search for the bag i dropped. It takes some time to sort out my gear and in order to carry everything i want, i need to to leave some stuff behind. By now my character is verry thirsty and hungry, and i head back to the town of "BoP" to restock on food and water.


Inside the first house i enter, what do i see lying around on the floor? : A pristine balaklava....


I decide that i have had just too much luck for one day, and log off for the night.

If anybody trustworthy wants to trade an AKM for an AK101, send me a PM. I would love to try this gun out.

Edited by nillie

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Hmmm. How about an akm for a pumpkin? Fresh grown and only fired once!

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so here I am checking out green mountain / looking for crash sites.




I can hear footsteps so I start to freak out a bit, I can tell the direction they're coming in but can't see anything, heart is starting to race a bit and i'm getting anxious thinking all kinda of thoughts about invisible hackers, when I see a rabbit! pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew

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so here I am checking out green mountain / looking for crash sites.


I can hear footsteps so I start to freak out a bit, I can tell the direction they're coming in but can't see anything, heart is starting to race a bit and i'm getting anxious thinking all kinda of thoughts about invisible hackers, when I see a rabbit! pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew


Rabbits on the Green Mountain? Any specific location? These little bastards are super elusive.

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I was located pretty much at 050 091 np7

Edited by Calibre
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Today I indulged in some banditry. I figure with a wipe coming, I might as well.


I was headed into tent city at the NWAF, rolling up from the west in a truck I found at Vybor with a great arsenal. AKM with drum mag and spare 30 round mag plus some 80 extra rounds, sawn off with snaploader and about 40 shells, Magnum with speedloader and 120 rounds, 1911 Engraved with spare mag plus two derringers and about 40 spare .45 rounds, some brass knuckles and my trusty black axe. By then I was in clad black, cargo pants, assault vest, Riders vest, gloves, boots and aviators plus a black drybag (of course). Even the AKM was all black and metal. The only flaw was a green balaclava...


So I am going through the tents, not finding any rare things, just some ammo and food. I'm just about to enter the lookout post facing the airfield when I spot a zombie aggroing towards the runway. I take a closer look and see two guys running past the hangars. They shoot the zombie with an SKS, which aggros another zombie which is also shot before they enter the camo building. So I decide to teach them a lesson about why it's a bad idea to carelessly use guns at the airfield. I left my AKM and my clothes in a bush, taking only the sawn-off and the magnum, scroundged together a half-decent outfit consisting of green cargo pants, a gorka jacket and a UN helmet, and picked up an SKS from under a tank. Then I waited. About five minutes later, I can see them coming up. I came running out of a tent like an idiot, they panic fired at me while I zigzagged to safety yelling "Don't shoot me I'm friendly!" and threw my SKS away in surrender. They bought the act and told me to come out. I told them I spawned in Vybor and decided to try my luck at the airfield but that I hadn't found much. We did the round again, and gradually they told me more about them. They had morphine, cooked steaks, a rangefinder, an M4 mag from a heli, all things that piqued my interest. But the fatal mistake was telling me that one of them had an MP5 with optics and two magazines. If I had any thoughts of letting them go unscathed, they squashed those thoughts by divulging that. So I told them I was going to leave and try the bases further west and asked them if they wanted to join, they said no, so we said our goodbyes.


I went off and retrieved my hidden gear. I waited for them to separate, then snuck up on the one not holding a gun. I managed to knock him out with the brass knuckles and handcuffed him. Then I found the one with the MP5 and shot him in the head with the Magnum. I left the engraved 1911 and some gear and took the MP5 and the magazines, plus a box of 9mm, before going back to the unconscious one. When he came to I told him who I was and what had happened, and why I did what I did. He got really belligerent, so I told him I was going to let him live and keep everything except the MP5 if he calmed down or shoot him too and then hide both bodies. He told me to go fuck myself, so I stabbed him a few times until he passed out from blood loss and finally died. I didn't bother hiding the bodies after all.

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I just got done reading this thread in its entirety.  Great stories by all!


I live in NY (EST) and would love to group up with any of you who are in the states or in Canada.  I normally play the hero/helper role, but I do take part in some banditry on occasion.  I also can record our adventures, so if anyone is interested please PM me.  Can also find me on steam: steamcommunity.com/id/schwabam



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