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More spray anyone ?

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I just read the 1st. devblog of Sept

following.. .. :

"Standup Notes for the week of 01 Sept 14

-Firefighter Helmet
-New civilian zombie
-SPOSN Backpack
-NEAF civilian hangar
-New 55-gal drum
-AK101 retexture
-M4 Drum Mag
-Pack of cigarettes
-Skate helmet

.. .."

This was when i stopped reading and thought..

"one Moment .. wtf ..  -M4 Drum Mag.. Noooooo"

with everybody running arround with akm´s and their drum-mags.. why moar ?
Hope the Game will not become more of a Sprayfest as it allready is..
Players like me want more PvP "interaction" wich is tense and full of paranoia but..
we all know how  PvP-Conversations look like
if everbody runs arround with two 100shots-full-auto-no-reload-Gun..  -_-

To not only moan about stuff comming in..i like the Vodka and the Rangefinder comming in.

maybe i am more of a survivalist, than a Superactionhero, who misses the times of running around in cold Namalsk..
terrified & scarded of starving and freezing to Death 

Edited by dawud
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could you link the devblog? cant seem to find it, wouldnt mind having a look for my self. 

and as for the m4 drum mag, i wouldnt mind it to much, as long as its rare asf, just like flashbangs are.

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My wild guess is that it will replace 60rnd mag.

At least i hope so.

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Oh.. now that would be sweet & acceptable plus also more realistic, since it originally is just 2x30 

But i would really like the devs to get mor hardcore on our asses.. like planned originally
Imho it should be more of a survial/rp sim than a CoD with bigger maps

desinfect rags to not get sick.. not drinking unpurified water .. so on & so on..
i know, more stuff like that is on it´s way (hyper/hypo-thermia) but sadly it is currently flawed
since it makes no difference in waterconsumption/sweating, if i run or if i sneak wich makes it kinda obsolete

i know were ment to test shit and report bugs.. but i in the process of bugtracking/reporting
i would love to have guns so rare that we NEED team up or build a bow to defend ourself from bandits.. 

patiance david
be patient

post  scriptum
curious about door reimplementation

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Bullshit. Fucking drums are a pain in the ass. Those things are absolute assholes to work properly, they are mechanically unreliable and constantly break. Dump the M4 drum (and that ridiculous 60 round coupled mag while you're at it), dump the AKM drum, maybe add a 40 round AKM magazine a-la RPK just for parity with the M4 and leave it at that. Personally I'd want to get rid of 40 rounders too but ah well.

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i also do not like the current state of "assault rifle-rambos"
running all around chernarus feeling like the carry a LMG

Meanwhile i´ll stick to my Blaze and 1911 combo .. i´ll still get those 75shot dudes killed
if they attack with their ridiculous aiming-skills .. i mean what do you want with over 40 shot mags.. ?
If you do not manage to kill some aggro-dudes with the first shots .. you´re doing something wrong

Edited by dawud
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And all I want are:

1) is a silenced 1895 Nagant revolver  It would be nice to drop Zombies without alerting their fellows. A Zombie that is killed with a truly silenced weapon like the model 1895 Nagant revolver shouldn't re-spawn and at +10 yards no zombies can detect the sound of the shot.   

2) that all weapons must become ruined if they are not cleaned and lubricated properly.


Edited by Xbow

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i'd def prefer seeing the arsenal focus on civilian weapons...bolt rifles, pump action shotguns, etc. 

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Have you never heard of making things rare? Advocate for that. Rather than excluding things illogically.


Simply because a 100-round magazine is available in-game, doesn't mean everyone will have it. Hence the rarity. If you don't want to see it all of the time, then advocate for it being rare.


People will spray regardless of whether they've got a 30 round magazine or a 100 rounder.

Edited by Katana67

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 Just met a guy with his drummag-AKM who seemingly had 2 friends.
After a worthless try to chat, an happy escape & one bandage later
i got 3 kills with the makarov..

Aiming is everything ^^

At least for close quarters, any semiatomatic gun is enough to defend yourself
and kill, with one shot to the head.

Their high-end gear rots in the next bush.
I´ll stick to my Mosin, stay hidden
and rely on 1911/cz for close encounters

new fav mp5+mosin".. 
hard to find but then.. .. 

Edited by dawud
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Have you never heard of making things rare? Advocate for that. Rather than excluding things illogically.


Simply because a 100-round magazine is available in-game, doesn't mean everyone will have it. Hence the rarity. If you don't want to see it all of the time, then advocate for it being rare.


People will spray regardless of whether they've got a 30 round magazine or a 100 rounder.


I don't think making something rare, especially something that would spawn with other military grade equipment, will stop people from having it more than they should.


People will server hop for their precious loot with a zeal rivaled only by a PETA advertisement director.


You shouldn't even have the option of just finding a hundred (100) rounds of ammunition at a time, let alone 75. The difference between thirty rounds and a hundred is that when you find a hundred rounds you'll just give what you don't think you will use to your buddies. So now two, three, or four players just geared up with ammunition thanks to a single loot spawn that one of them found. 

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I don't think making something rare, especially something that would spawn with other military grade equipment, will stop people from having it more than they should.


People will server hop for their precious loot with a zeal rivaled only by a PETA advertisement director.


You shouldn't even have the option of just finding a hundred (100) rounds of ammunition at a time, let alone 75. The difference between thirty rounds and a hundred is that when you find a hundred rounds you'll just give what you don't think you will use to your buddies. So now two, three, or four players just geared up with ammunition thanks to a single loot spawn that one of them found. 


Sounds like an issue with server hopping, not the fact that X is merely in the game, or X is rare/common. Hence why I dismissed the OP's concerns as illogical, as there is no operative connection between the fact that something is in the game... and how frequently we'll be coming across it.


And plus, even if server hopping is left un-remedied, the loot management system will fix the numbers of certain items on the hive. So, if they wanted, they could have five 100-round magazines spawning on the entire hive. So five people maximum could be using 100-rounders at any time, no matter how hard they server hop.


I agree with the last bit. Hence why I said, in another thread, that the magazines (all of them or most) shouldn't spawn loaded. They should spawn empty the majority of the time, so that people aren't picking up 100 rounds in one smack when they happen across a 100-round magazine.

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At least for close quarters, any semiatomatic gun is enough to defend yourself

and kill, with one shot to the head.

Their high-end gear rots in the next bush.

I´ll stick to my Mosin, stay hidden

and rely on 1911/cz for close encounters

new fav mp5+mosin".. 

hard to find but then.. .. 


While I currently favour the AK101, I say +1 for (mosin with LRS and sidearm - I prefer FNX) as the most dangerous combination.


I once again tried an AKM spray against a dude running away with a mosin from about three meters last week. All 30 bullets gone, just like the dude, I hit him once and he was bleeding. Had to reload the mag and the gun and then put him down from about 30 meters with two aimed shots, he actually went down with the first. If he went further away instead of trying to hide and then loudly bandaging, I would have not chased after him. Spraying works only for ppl that are not me or that or not spraying at me, cause that also does not end well usually. What I expect to come later is a dexterity malus for drum mags, like for the bipod.


What I absolutely hate about the announcements is the range finder. As if lying somewhere far away in a tree is not advantagous enough, now those can also zero perfectly. Not a good game when everyone is just sitting in a tree because that style of play is op. Now the only thing missing will be body odor seeking sniper bullets, not like there is a high standard of hygiene in the west. And I have not once found toilet paper...yes body (and other) odor seeking bullets are missing.


Forgot: Even if loot is rare, there is hopping (mentioned above), obvious. But what about duping if it shows up again and again? What about hacks getting the stuff out of thin air? Absolute rarity does not make op items better.

Edited by bautschi

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Have you never heard of making things rare? Advocate for that. Rather than excluding things illogically.


Simply because a 100-round magazine is available in-game, doesn't mean everyone will have it. Hence the rarity. If you don't want to see it all of the time, then advocate for it being rare.


People will spray regardless of whether they've got a 30 round magazine or a 100 rounder.

Even if they only allowed one to spawn per 20 servers once a week.  By the end of the week there would be thousands of people running around with them due to duping.  Rarity is useless with duping enabled.

Edited by huf757

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And plus, even if server hopping is left un-remedied, the loot management system will fix the numbers of certain items on the hive. So, if they wanted, they could have five 100-round magazines spawning on the entire hive. So five people maximum could be using 100-rounders at any time, no matter how hard they server hop.


I agree with the last bit. Hence why I said, in another thread, that the magazines (all of them or most) shouldn't spawn loaded. They should spawn empty the majority of the time, so that people aren't picking up 100 rounds in one smack when they happen across a 100-round magazine.


I can get behind that. 

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Anything which diminishes the overwhelming and artificial advantage large groups of players have is good, and large magazines do that.

Edited by trtk

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(Drum) mags are just big ammo boxes for me these days. In one single 3-hour session yesterday I went from wielding a Mosin with 26 rounds to a geared AKM with 7 30 round mags and 4 drum mags, and that is when space ran out because I found more still. Then I thought to myself, no sane person would ever need this many magazines and just emptied out all the ammo. It's even more space-efficient to carry your ammo like this. 40 rounds for the same space as a 30 round mag, and 80 rounds for every 75 round drum mag.

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I feel like DayZ is adding too much of the same gun varients over and over, retextures, and pretty much identical guns, then making more tacticool things and drum mags.



Seriously, wtf. They act like every single survivors is some ex super army general commando or something who is an expert at everything. It's just a shitfest of "oh yeah, go pick up that giant AK 101 that just happens to be on the floor like a casual thing, then go kill every player you find!". 

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First of all, it needs TIME to load a 75bullet-mag..
thats not something you do in the middle of a combatsituation
With this considered by the devs, highcap-mags loose some of their imba/op abbility

(please even don´t start arguing with me about the time needed
eating a whole box of cerials.. what the survivors/chars are consuming atm is ridiculous)

Removing op-items ?
seems not to be the answer

making them rare ?
also, not the solution

the items that change the whole gameapproach in a negative way, just should be nerfed..

who is shooting empty his 100+ rounds mag in fullauto
if  he/she knew it will need 5 minutes to reload ?!?

ever loaded a couple dozen rounds into a drummag ? it´s one fiddly pain of a job

Edited by dawud

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Seriously, wtf. They act like every single survivors is some ex super army general commando or something who is an expert at everything. It's just a shitfest of "oh yeah, go pick up that giant AK 101 that just happens to be on the floor like a casual thing, then go kill every player you find!". 


Not sure how big a variety of guns is really good for the game. But figuring out how the guns work that were constructed to be used by everyone recruted including the not so smart seems easy to me compared to surviving in the wilderness. No one is complaining about how most survivors should simply not make it and die off. Guns are not rocket science to use.

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the moment i read about M4 drum mag it hit me right in the survival hood,damn it hurts. DayZ is survival game yet every guy i meet is this huge ass tacticool military ubersoldier.

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You can kill them all the same, stop crying so much.  Survival is supposed to be hard.  Adding these things makes it HARDER.  I'm down to make this game as difficult as possible to survive, on all fronts.

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