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I think it's time.

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No, you don't.

Such an intelligent and well thought out response my friend. 


Anyone can troll the forums spewing cheap shots, you aren't special or clever. 

Edited by SniperwolfMR

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Does anyone think it's time shit got REAL in this game? Before I go on, I understand it's alpha just as much as everyone else does. 


We need 70-80 man servers. 40 doesn't cut it, never will. Drastically reducing the amount of food that spawns? Yes. Making weapons so rare that we respect those who have them? Absolutely. I understand we are essentially testing things out...but isn't it about time we got a taste of how this game is intended to be? When was the last time you heard of someone dying of starvation? I feel like every update there is more and more shit to collect. Anyone who has the slightest bit of knowledge on how this game works can get fully gears in 30-45 minutes. 


What if people killed each other not to see if they have the latest and greatest piece of gear...but killed each other for food? People killing each other only because it is a dire situation, because ammo is so scarce or their well being and safety is seriously threatened. I'm sure this is the vision many other people have as well and the game is clearly not going in this direction.  


Maybe it's impossible to achieve this before private hives are introduced. 


Things are just getting out of hand now, too much of everything. Why can't we finally experience survival? It's time to weed out the weak. 

No, it is not that time.  That time would be during Beta, you know what you signed up for.

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Such an intelligent and well thought out response my friend. 


I thought so too. It didn't take long to comprehend that you're unclear of what "alpha" means. The things that you're asking for not only cater to YOUR vision of how the game should be created, but are all subject to change at a moments notice. Not to mention that everything you've already mentioned has been brought up & suggested countless times.


isn't it about time we got a taste of how this game is intended to be?


Again, everything that you've suggested is how YOU feel it's intended to be. Regardless, you're already experiencing a handful of in-game mechanics as the devs "intend" them to be. Ultimately, you're asking for a finished product. Which DayZ in it's current state, is not. The only thing that I've derived from this post is "this needs to be changed now".


Here's my opinion: No, it does not. We're in alpha stages. We're suppose to be testing, regardless of how many people simply play it for enjoyment & don't view this as a testing/developmental period.


The devs already have their roadmap laid out. You know just as well as I do that you can play the game as you see fit once we reach beta status. Don't try to rush things simply because what you have at the moment isn't your cup of tea.



Drastically reducing the amount of food that spawns? Yes. Making weapons so rare that we respect those who have them? Absolutely.


Okay, let's say the devs do this. The following week they add a new weapon & a new food model. Now nobody can find the new items & both testing & bug-fixing suffer & are now rolling at a snails pace. Devs combat this by now drastically increasing both food & weapon spawns so the players can find them more easily & test them. Why would the devs work ass-backwards & make all of that extra work for themselves? At that rate this game will never reach the state that you want it to in a timely manner.



I'm sure this is the vision many other people have as well and the game is clearly not going in this direction.  


The direction that this game is going in is not a reflection of the finished product whatsoever. Not even close.


Why can't we finally experience survival?


How can we properly experience survival when people are dropping like flies due to server desync? The devs are working on much more important matters at hand to even begin to try to tighten this game up to even barely reflect what it's intended to be come release date. I personally have a very minimal amount of programming knowledge but I know for a fact that the devs are working on FAR more than what meets the average DayZ player's eye.


If they tried to explain coding to you I'm sure you would be left dumbfounded. I would.


This is why I say that you don't understand what alpha means. Was this intelligent enough for you?


Anyone can troll the forums spewing cheap shots


Anyone can make redundant posts regarding subjects that they have limited knowledge about. & wouldn't consider it a cheap shot. It was just an easier response compared to this post.


you aren't special


My momma tells me I'm special  :rolleyes:

Edited by blunce
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This game isn't nearly finished. They should just start telling us so. They JUST actually started. It's just a half year ago that they hired shitloads of new people and now they are finally going to make engine changes, what everyone wanted to begin with because everyone knew how bad the arma2 engine was. That essentially means they start more or less over.


 I grow impatient aswell, because I wanna play the proper game, but wishing won't help. Meanwhile I'll moan about stupid decisions, that's all I can really do (like still the retarded zoomlevel of ironsighted/reddot M4, and still placeholder ACOG. Makes you wonder when they have made the PSO scope which is x4, why they didn't make the ACOG x4 aswell, as it's supposed to be).


You mean like the text above that big ass red button that says "I UNDERSTAND" that you have to click on every time you load up the game?


You mean that?

Edited by sloasdaylight
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Actually there has been 100 player experimental servers in the past.

"Jaa"-nuuskmuik. unstable at least

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Oh look, it's one of these threads again, where people who want to play a beta or release version of a game that's still in Alpha. Let's take a look at some of your exceptionally well thought out points and see if there's anything that even the casual observer can point out that may show these to be a touch beyond what is currently capable.

Does anyone think it's time shit got REAL in this game? Before I go on, I understand it's alpha just as much as everyone else does. 


We need 70-80 man servers. 40 doesn't cut it, never will. Drastically reducing the amount of food that spawns? Yes. Making weapons so rare that we respect those who have them? Absolutely. I understand we are essentially testing things out...but isn't it about time we got a taste of how this game is intended to be? When was the last time you heard of someone dying of starvation? I feel like every update there is more and more shit to collect. Anyone who has the slightest bit of knowledge on how this game works can get fully gears in 30-45 minutes. 


What if people killed each other not to see if they have the latest and greatest piece of gear...but killed each other for food? People killing each other only because it is a dire situation, because ammo is so scarce or their well being and safety is seriously threatened. I'm sure this is the vision many other people have as well and the game is clearly not going in this direction.  


Maybe it's impossible to achieve this before private hives are introduced. 


Things are just getting out of hand now, too much of everything. Why can't we finally experience survival? It's time to weed out the weak. 


70-80 man servers: This would be great, no doubt, but I've found that desync issues get really bad now, even when there are 20-30 people on a server, if they're all close enough to one another. Perhaps it wouldn't be feasible to increase the number of players by double until they can fix the current character desync problems.


Making weapons rare: Truly, this is a noble goal, but one has to wonder whether or not it's what the Devs would really want right now. There are a number of upshots to making weapons more available right now, ranging from testing animations with every conceivable gear combination, to preference, and efficacy and more. Perhaps once all the weapons have been introduced (which they have yet to), and the player base has a chance to test them all out, then should the number of them be reduced.


Taste of the intended game: I would say we would get a taste of the intended game around mid-beta, since that is after content has been added, optimization has been done, and balancing has occurred. It would seem you want the developers to drop their work and turn the Alpha state of this game into a Beta with .50. I don't think that's how game development works.


Private hives: Perhaps, or perhaps we're merely seeing the game in a state of development and should expect that things will change as progress continues. Seeing as how we still have little but a rough idea of what the final version of this game will look like, perhaps we should reserve judgement until the final game is introduced, or at least until we are most of the way through the beta stage. But that would be silly, wouldn't it; we couldn't make posts like this if we did that.

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This game isn't nearly finished. They should just start telling us so.


They told you that from the start, it's literally on the steam store page.


They JUST actually started. It's just a half year ago that they hired shitloads of new people and now they are finally going to make engine changes, what everyone wanted to begin with because everyone knew how bad the arma2 engine was. That essentially means they start more or less over.


As far as the engine goes, that's been changing from the very beginning, here's a devblog from October and another from November telling you exactly that, what has happened is these changes and more that will come throughout development have reached a point that the engine is no longer recognizable as RV, and because of that - and the massive work to come, it is now known by its own name, Enfusion. So no, they aren't starting over.

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What I meant by "they should start telling us so" is that is that they shouldn't bother with bogus ETAs like "beta at the end of the year."

Edited by Khanarac

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What I meant by "they should start telling us so" is that is that they shouldn't bother with bogus ETAs like "beta at the end of the year."


What the Steam store page says (from launch) is "We estimate that reaching Beta version with all key features present will take more than one year from current stage. All features and plans listed here are subject to change, we may add or remove features as seen fit during development process."

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What I meant by "they should start telling us so" is that is that they shouldn't bother with bogus ETAs like "beta at the end of the year."


I don't recall them saying there would be a beta at the end of the year.


In fact all of these articles that I'm linking right now say players shouldn't expect a beta before the end of 2014:

http://www.gamespot.com/articles/dayz-sales-rise-to-875k-dev-says-beta-not-likely-before-end-of-2014/1100-6416986/ - "The developer also has announced that it does not expect that DayZ will reach beta status before the end of 2014."

http://www.polygon.com/2014/1/7/5283942/dayz-beta-end-of-2014 - "DayZ developer Bohemia Interactive doesn't expect to reach the beta stage of development before the end of 2014, according to a post on the game's official Tumblr page yesterday."

http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/72473656344/dayz-three-weeks-on-the-road - "Please keep in mind that we do not expect to reach Beta status sooner than the end of 2014." From the quote above





And on and on and on. I couldn't find a single post from a reputable source (I.E. a gamer website I know and/or a BI representative) saying that there would for sure be a DayZ Beta by the end of 2014. On the contrary in fact, nearly everything I've ever read said that we should NOT expect a beta any earlier than early 2015.

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I like the firefight mechanics from Dayz.  I'd love to see a gametype style TDM in small cities, where you increased spawn rate of more items and then have users spawn in, find loot and then shootout.  I think it'd be awesome.

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At this point, they are testing the loot spawn system. When we are out of alpha, maybe beta, they will reduce the spawn rate. Sorry man, but you gotta be patient just like the rest of us.

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I just had to chime in on this, I hear so many people complain, while every time I play I am impressed with the story I walk away with and get to tell other people. Even the stupid things, like walking off a building, or having 4 zombies go right through a barracks door to trap me in a room. 


I think the new survival aspects (which seem to be one of their main focus points) is AWESOME!!!!!!. I think making melee more accurate and useful is AWESOME!!!!


I have a hell of a lot of fun, even when I die, because I get to start a new story and see where it will go. It looks like they are making some good decisions with changing engines, so they can direct the game the way they want it to go, working on 64 bit servers to increase the performance and player counts.


Do they have a crap ton of work to do? of course, but I still am having a hella fun time while they add and experiment new things. (minus random leg breaking a while ago) :) 


just my two cents, quit bitching and have fun

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Totally agree, this game needs to get mind-breakingly hard soon, zombies everywhere, scarce food so you actually are happy if you can afford to hunt


right now the difficulty to survive is a joke

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Agree with everything except player count. 40 would be fine once vehicles and basebuilding is in.  The map shrinks loads when you get a car and encounters are much more likely to happen. Not just due to mobility, but down to the sound and concealment disadvantages vehicles bring.


Say you have a server with 3-4, 4-8 man groups, then a few lone wolfs in there. Those 3 or 4 groups going about there business in cars, motorbikes, and even maybe a heli really lights up the map for clan wars and camp hunting ect.


Also for me its an immersion thing, I want the desolate feel, like only a few of us survived. 100 players in a chunk of land that size means that globally there would be millions of people left....hardly an apocalypse :)

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You better take vacation for a few months. If you ain't happy about game right now.

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I find it funny how Rockets all like "I want to encourage player interaction besides kos" yet he adds CANNABILISM to the road map. You think kos is bad now, hell imahine a tasty bambi running fown the road. Punch oit a character, your geared up and have tons of food, including the food he was carrying.


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Also for me its an immersion thing, I want the desolate feel, like only a few of us survived. 100 players in a chunk of land that size means that globally there would be millions of people left....hardly an apocalypse :)


This. Very yes. So much post.

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Does anyone think it's time shit got REAL in this game? Before I go on, I understand it's alpha just as much as everyone else does. 


We need 70-80 man servers. 40 doesn't cut it, never will. Drastically reducing the amount of food that spawns? Yes. Making weapons so rare that we respect those who have them? Absolutely. I understand we are essentially testing things out...but isn't it about time we got a taste of how this game is intended to be? When was the last time you heard of someone dying of starvation? I feel like every update there is more and more shit to collect. Anyone who has the slightest bit of knowledge on how this game works can get fully gears in 30-45 minutes. 


What if people killed each other not to see if they have the latest and greatest piece of gear...but killed each other for food? People killing each other only because it is a dire situation, because ammo is so scarce or their well being and safety is seriously threatened. I'm sure this is the vision many other people have as well and the game is clearly not going in this direction.  


Maybe it's impossible to achieve this before private hives are introduced. 


Things are just getting out of hand now, too much of everything. Why can't we finally experience survival? It's time to weed out the weak. 


Thats what the work on the engine and server backend is building towards. Be patient.

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This. Very yes. So much post.

You must have a wild imagination if this game entertains you without player interaction. 

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You must have a wild imagination if this game entertains you without player interaction. 


At no point did I say that it did.

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My point I made earlier about not wanting more people on a server because it increases the likelyhood of a hacker being in the game was just confirmed last night.

I was on a full server last night and after just 10 minutes of playing I got to behold the new fucking hack where everyone is spawned together naked and by a lake. So this new hack literally ruins the game for all 40 people on the server.

So if it only took 10 minutes before the server of 40 was ruined last night... how fucking fast will our game be ruined by hackers on a 80 person server? Hackers go to the biggest servers, so all the 80 person servers will be fucked.

This whole game is fucked until they stop hacking.

Edited by hothtimeblues

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Won't it be great when in the future a bunch of the people who were so critical of the Alpha are the guys who will one day say "Man, remember the good ol' days of Alpha, those were some fun times."


I hope that isn't the case, but normally when I take a liking to a game so hard and so fast I get disappointed in the final product, but I have hope.

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This is not Battlefield 5 or Call of Duty. I don't understand all of the Dayz players that want 100% PVP and 200 people on the map just murdering each other all day long.

It's nothing like CoD. Thank God.

Killing people in Call of Duty is so hollow and empty. I'm here, taking cover, waiting to snipe you and steal your time. Yes, your time, not your gear. See, in Dayz it requires much more of a time investment to get kitted out. Killing people in CoD is almost meaningless. PVPing in DayZ is the pinnacle of fighting in video games. In CoD, you really have nothing to lose (finding gear is absolutely trivial) whereas in DayZ you put it all on the line. It's the time spent surviving and finding the things that you need that makes death/killing relevant.

Edited by Parazight

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