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About unit1stealth

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Hunting bandits and living off the land with my friends in DayZ.

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  • Bio
    I'm a Group Leader for our DayZ Bandit Hunting party. Check it out - www.wisegamer.net
  1. unit1stealth

    Longhorn or Sawed-off Mosin?

    I like using the longhorn strictly for animal hunting, and the occasional distant threat - in which I have enough time to switch weapons if I were to use the longhorn on a player. But I usually don't. Can't guarantee me a kill with the longhorn - so I don't take the risk. Mosin against players works well.
  2. unit1stealth

    Not new just a couple of questions

    Fire in a building does not dry you, correct. A fire period, does not dry you. Even though I think it should. Regarding the raincoat, I've had them on before and still was soaked. Possibly bugged.
  3. unit1stealth

    Put your hands up = death

    Always try to travel in groups with a lead spotter and rear tail, and keep a 1000ft between you and them. This has worked very well for all of our situations. If the lead spotter or tail gets attacked, our group kills the attackers. If the group comes under fire, we always have a spotter and tail to help flank. Give it a try. :)
  4. unit1stealth

    I think it's time.

    I like the firefight mechanics from Dayz. I'd love to see a gametype style TDM in small cities, where you increased spawn rate of more items and then have users spawn in, find loot and then shootout. I think it'd be awesome.
  5. unit1stealth

    Your funniest moment in Dayz

    A couple weeks back, friends and I were walking around the top of a mountain and I slipped. Fell down the whole way, body disappear and gear all gone. Was a fairly long fall, but somewhat amusing.
  6. unit1stealth

    Grenade Bandits

    Yeah.... big mistake. I'm going to find you and make you squeal.
  7. unit1stealth

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Thanks for the work @Dayz Team. Would wish that the hitboxes for zombies will be fixed. But can wait to have it fixed properly. Thanks again.
  8. unit1stealth

    AMD Vs Intel

    I have unfortunately used AMD and I have been displeased. Most of my friends and clan mates have Intel and it performs a lot better than AMD, in their opinions. Intel performs better with games and high intensity programs. If I could go back in time and redo my PC build, I'd definitely grab an Intel processor. I'm tired of my piece of crap AMD, and I've got a quad core black edition @ 3.2/3.4Ghz.
  9. unit1stealth

    Geting to a specific location.

    Use the sun, mate. Best way. I've found that railroads are a nightmare, and powerlines are quite confusing. Stay along the ocean and if the sun is on your right side, you're going south. If the sun is on your left side, behind you on your left, with the ocean on your right side - you are going north. My method above has worked wonders for me. I don't use the map unless I need to find a city name. Otherwise, I use the sun and that's about it. Best of luck.
  10. unit1stealth

    Does carrying a sporter 22 make you a more 'friendly" player

    I love the way you said that line. Could I have your permission to use that in my signature?
  11. unit1stealth

    Ella's standalone guide

    Great guide 'mam. You may want to add some disclaimers/warnings under the looting section -- specifically under looting airports, military bases and military campsites near airports. The warning should state that those areas, in populated servers, have the highest probability of having players nearby - most of which are bandits. A second suggestion, might I add, would be to new players that like playing on low slot servers. If you are looting the above areas, airports/military bases and campsites, and you are alone or with a small group in a low populated server, have someone in your group always watching the ATC (Air Traffic Control tower). Through learning the hard way, I've come to the realization that there are a lot of turds playing this game... that enjoy server hoping and spawning in those ATCs and sniping anyone that is looting the campsites or the hangers at the airport. So something smart to keep in mind is to always watch for the rooftop of those ATC towers, and also the top floors of the fire department buildings. Bandits love to join low-populated servers and spawn at the top and just camp and snipe... then loot the victim's body and move onto the next server. Really sucks, but it is reality. Other than that, great job! Very thorough.
  12. I've come to learn, through hours of wasted time, that combing through houses is a complete waste of time -- unless you need food or simple hats. But once I get my character set up the way I like it, I go to specific places in towns/cities and avoid everything else. Big apartment buildings are also a waste of time,... too many stairs, too many rooms that are empty = not enough gained. I know they are apart of the game... but I don't want to waste my time, or the guys in my group. Best to play smart and hit the places that have what you want/need, rather than spend hours in each town combing through homes and empty apartments. #justmy2cents
  13. +1 If you enjoy learning Russian while playing DayZ.. go for it. The map helps to navigate. It doesn't teleport you or anything. You still play the game and enjoy it as much as the guy that doesn't use a map. But at least you have a general idea of where you are.
  14. unit1stealth

    Log in, die

    Die on spawn has happened to me before, out in the middle of a military camp. No elevation whatsoever. Spawn in a patch of grass, leg in pain - dead. Really sucked. But this happened immediately after the server restarted, and I rejoined a second later. So it could be a bug that somehow killed me because maybe the server was still spawning items or something?