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They nerfed characters.

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Meh. You can die to overheating when you run too long and there are no vehicles in the game. Dean Hall pls.

Which is the right priority because even when vehicles are introduced most people won't have one most of the time. In the end this might even help gameplay because its not viable to take a sprint to the next military base right after spawning. So this might cause more population in the middle part of the map as "passing through" won't be "sprinting past" anymore. However, I hope they also changed loot rarity. Otherwise you would find everything you need in your first town with not much to do during the rest of your journey.


As from the OP it seems a little bit exaggerated but after all its experimental - feel free to report the issue in detail. If you don't like it at all you can always play on stable. There are good chances they will release a more advanced version of the temperature model. Did you try to take a bath then light a fire?


Otherwise its probably better to play at nighttime to avoid overheating. Oh wait, most servers are daylight only! Well, about time to change it.

Edited by Evil Minion

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No problem.... Its terrible. Im energized and hydrated, and oly have baggy clothes, and am not running, ad yet every 3 minutes I am getting hyperthermia warnings. not really worth playing until they fix it. OFF TO RED ORCHESTRA 2!


I had no issues, ran from bero to cherno. with no shirt on and had a wool coat in my pants for when I stopped.

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Which is the right priority because even when vehicles are introduced most people won't have one most of the time. In the end this might even help gameplay because its not viable to take a sprint to the next military base right after spawning. So this might cause more population in the middle part of the map as "passing through" won't be "sprinting past" anymore. However, I hope they also changed loot rarity. Otherwise you would find everything you need in your first town with not much to do during the rest of your journey.

As from the OP it seems a little bit exaggerated but after all its experimental - feel free to report the issue in detail. If you don't like it at all you can always play on stable. There are good chances they will release a more advanced version of the temperature model. Did you try to take a bath then light a fire?

Otherwise its probably better to play at nighttime to avoid overheating. Oh wait, most servers are daylight only! Well, about time to change it.

It is OK that they implemented this, but right now without vehicles it just seems unnecessary to have a feature like this as there is no other way of making your way to military bases other than running.

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This is likely going to be one of the more annoying phases of the Alpha. Running through the rain for three minutes getting soaked, then another two minutes until your character starts sneezing. Then putting on fresh clothes and getting annoyed because you're still soaking despite having put on dry clothes. Then getting "sick". Running to a hospital to pack in a few tablets of tetracycline and realising it takes up as much space as half a set of World War II binoculars in your inventory. Almost dying of exhaustion while running there. Deciding to camp somewhere waiting for somebody to shoot before you die.


Bah, who cares, what new weapons are coming out with the next update???

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So, you cannot move anywhere, sit anywhere or do anything without your character spontaneously combusting or becoming the embodiment of an icicle...



Sounds like the first few days of release

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Oh no they have added a survival mechanic to a game thats ment to be a survival game what the hell were they thinking!!! Strange it seems to be working reasonably well for me if i dont sprint every where i dont over heat. If i wear cloths or make a fire at night i dont freeze hmmm strange that kinda sounds reasonable doesnt it.


PS for the why would they add this before vehicles crew ah what you think everyone is going to have a vehicle they will be rare ,hard to fix and maintain so the majority of people will still be walking/jogging/running to get around so it really doesnt make fuck all difference.


But hey wow you might have to slow down now and care about your characters health( weird in a survival game right actually working on surviving) but hey this might give you time while moving from town to town to spot animals to hunt so you can eat seeing as food is getting a little rarer also.

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Oh no they have added a survival mechanic to a game thats ment to be a survival game what the hell were they thinking!!! Strange it seems to be working reasonably well for me if i dont sprint every where i dont over heat. If i wear cloths or make a fire at night i dont freeze hmmm strange that kinda sounds reasonable doesnt it.


PS for the why would they add this before vehicles crew ah what you think everyone is going to have a vehicle they will be rare ,hard to fix and maintain so the majority of people will still be walking/jogging/running to get around so it really doesnt make fuck all difference.


But hey wow you might have to slow down now and care about your characters health( weird in a survival game right actually working on surviving) but hey this might give you time while moving from town to town to spot animals to hunt so you can eat seeing as food is getting a little rarer also.


Well, you see, there's people that have something called "friends" that they like to play with. And they might not have the time to walk three hours before meeting up with their friends a few miles across the map before playing with them.


Survival game tells it exactly how it is - DayZ is stil a game. They don't need to go over the top with everything to make it unplayable.

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Sounds like a fantastic change.


So dayz might not just be a brainless pvp fest.


There might be more survival to worry about then huh. Great.

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 You bring the handcuffs and i'll bring the canteen. We can milk em! Thus keeping hydrated in our down jackets. The perfect closed cycle system.




Haha i love it more...more...more...more i say!!! Played all day, never met so many friendlies! And the world! So quiet.. so hard up for guns! Shit I passed over an AKM finding no mags from Berinzo to Balota where i left it...at least i found 5 comp arrows in the next room for the ashenwood bow.




Sounds like the end of DayZ to me if they keep it like it is.


You will be missed. And we will enjoy what we were promised.

Edited by Trizzo
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Well, you see, there's people that have something called "friends" that they like to play with. And they might not have the time to walk three hours before meeting up with their friends a few miles across the map before playing with them.


Survival game tells it exactly how it is - DayZ is stil a game. They don't need to go over the top with everything to make it unplayable.

Then dont play with or without friends unless you have time to manage things Dayz has always been touted as being an anti game not your typical instant gratification game that you jump on for a quick 30 min PvP match like you would with say a BF4 etc.


Play it when you have time to play it ,if the idea of a difficult struggle that doesnt hold your hand doesnt sound good to you , you may have bought the wrong game..

Edited by SoulFirez

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Sounds like the end of DayZ to me if they keep it like it is.


Of course they will keep it.


It might not be finished or fully implemented but survival aspects will be an important thing if not the most important aspect in the game.


Disease, proper Nutrition , hyper and hypothermia, foot care and hopefully in the future defecation will all play a role to keeping your character nice and healthy.


All of these combined with a good stamina and weight system will make the game extremely hard and change the game completely.


These are all good changes that are badly needed.

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You guys are wearing too many clothes. Just wear the normal black or blue shirt unless it is raining. Only put on a rain jacket when it is raining. Weather effects have only limited the clothing you can wear. It really isn't such a drastic change.

Edit: I am almost geared after running around for 30 minutes on Experimental. I just ran directly to NWA after spawning. Picked up a normal shirt and food on the way. That is all.

Edited by scriptfactory

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1: "They nerfed characters." as a Topic title is lacking and misleading when people view the content.


2:  Use the dedicated Sub Forum and relevant Topic.


3: Please note: Experimental updates can come at any time, with any frequency. Things can be removed from the build at a moments notice and many of these changes are half finished and will be modified or even removed entirely prior to going to stable and many of which you will not see (on database side for example) They are development snapshots used for testing experimental work so producing patch notes is not possible. Experimental is not the place for strong user experiences, it's for testing new systems.


If you can't stand the heat......

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