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No more Towns

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Gimme some flooded towns.  Imagine Solnichniy or northern Berezino  with houses half deep in water.

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What would be a better idea is to scale back the new settlements, yes scale back and expand existing cities like the in the south. Most of the new villages are uninspired, repeat the same buildings and do not spark curiosity, Novo being the exception. The defaulted settlements from the mod were too small to begin with and the new podunk villages will erode player base building efforts as it will be harder to locate an area off the beaten trail and this will increase when vehicles are implemented. If there is a dev department that will be underused as a result, then their efforts should be to expanding the map with engine limitations being lifted soon. Anyone who played Breaking point for ArmA 3 can attest to how very large scale map enhanced the experience. Trying to hunt player bases in the remote island chains or break player made blockades at the land bridge to safer lands or the satisfaction of sending someone back to the spawn area from the western sector were very fun moments. Such events could be recreated in standalone, imagine trying to scale a mountain to cross the Chernarus Takistan boarder or boarding the beached wreck of the USS Khe Sanh on Utes Island.

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But, for the most part forests are boring areas where nothing ever happens, there is never any player interaction and for the most part it goes completely un-used, and there is really no getting around that. You might think they're pretty, or whatever your reasons are for liking them. But they don't add much if anything to gameplay, except for being a pointless timesink.


I disagree. I had plenty, plenty, plenty of player interactions in the forests in the mod. Once persistent structures/storage, vehicles, horticulture, and hunting are fully implemented (along with other ambient changes like lowering the available food item loot in towns) then the forest becomes a much more attractive option. When people can hide/live in the forest, and actually sustain themselves, I doubt they'll be as desolate as they are now.


It's fine to say that the forest doesn't really work for player interactions right now. But to say that it can never do so under any future circumstances, ever, is just lazy.

Edited by Katana67
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Yeah a lake would be cool too - anything anyone has suggested as unique places would be really good and yet the map designer apparently wants to shit out cities all over the map - where's the creativity that went with the original map gone and why aren't we getting the things we're suggesting? Why isn't Green Mountain being developed more? It's all start to smell of lazy.


Wow, is that seriously how you expect game development to work, allow millions of people around the world dictate what should be in your game? Maybe you should aspire to be an art director, that way you would be the one that signs off on what goes in the world your team is building.

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Why not make the whole map one huge city? Because that would be stupid, and wasn't what I was saying at all. Nice slippery slop, however.

But, for the most part forests are boring areas where nothing ever happens, there is never any player interaction and for the most part it goes completely un-used, and there is really no getting around that. You might think they're pretty, or whatever your reasons are for liking them. But they don't add much if anything to gameplay, except for being a pointless timesink.

Slogging through a forest is the DayZ equivalent of "Kill five rats".



I disagree. I had plenty, plenty, plenty of player interactions in the forests. Once persistent structures/storage, vehicles, horticulture, and hunting are fully implemented (along with other ambient changes like lowering the available food item loot in towns) then the forest becomes a much more attractive option. When people can hide/live in the forest, and actually sustain themselves, I doubt they'll be as desolate as they are now.


It's fine to say that the forest doesn't really work for player interactions right now. But to say that it can never do so under any future circumstances, ever, is just lazy.


I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to call bullshit on that one. In transit encounters almost never happen. I highly doubt that my paths are so damn unique that I never see another soul unless I'm in or on the outskirts of a town or city. One theory as to why this is may be that the majority of players will chose to gear up the easy way, on an empty server or by server hopping, moving to their 'spot' then logging in on populated servers. The other thing that seems to go on, and this is evident simply by watching streamers play, is that a lot of players don't go anywhere. The circle the same few towns, usually in the NE, over and over and that's it. Hell, you would think that tents spawning in the feed shacks would have increased the chances of an in transit encounter, but nope, I'm still as free as a bird as soon as I leave a town or city.


The last in transit encounter that I had with a player was in the mod, in it's early days and that's been about it. 

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Chernarus+++ at release date:



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I'm sure this is probably an unlikely scenario, but what if a lot of these small towns they are dotting the map with will eventually turn out to function like crash sites? One server might have town A, while another may have town B. I think that would be pretty cool, but perhaps introduces more problems than it's worth.

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I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to call bullshit on that one. In transit encounters almost never happen. I highly doubt that my paths are so damn unique that I never see another soul unless I'm in or on the outskirts of a town or city. One theory as to why this is may be that the majority of players will chose to gear up the easy way, on an empty server or by server hopping, moving to their 'spot' then logging in on populated servers. The other thing that seems to go on, and this is evident simply by watching streamers play, is that a lot of players don't go anywhere. The circle the same few towns, usually in the NE, over and over and that's it. Hell, you would think that tents spawning in the feed shacks would have increased the chances of an in transit encounter, but nope, I'm still as free as a bird as soon as I leave a town or city.


The last in transit encounter that I had with a player was in the mod, in it's early days and that's been about it. 


Not entirely sure what you're trying to say here. I linger around some of the most unpopulated places in the mod (see Myshkino, Skalka, Petrovka [which is no longer there]) and I see players, vehicles, tents around all of the time. To the point where it's actually a problem for me to put up a tent, because all of the usual spots are taken.


And the issues you cite with gear/loot priority, in being able to circumvent the entire process via server hopping, is an issue to do with server hopping itself.


In-transit encounters are different from just plain encountering folks in the woods. I have never really encountered many people on my way to a place.


Point being, the forest needs to become more of a destination unto itself.

Edited by Katana67
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Once the tents are functional, you will see how popular locations from mod become popular again

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I am really liking the idea of replacing the coast with a broad river, but at least 50 meters wide, but i guess that will never happen

what i am sure of is that there are allready enough citys and towns in the map, if the map design team needs work they should stop copy-pasting buildings and add 4 to 5 variations of every building type (it is pretty weird that every single big apartment building has a broken first stair)


Dunno if you know this but the cherno map was taken from an RL location and in real life, it is a river that runs around that area instead of the sea...


I think this is the RL map with the river.


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I disagree. I had plenty, plenty, plenty of player interactions in the forests in the mod. Once persistent structures/storage, vehicles, horticulture, and hunting are fully implemented (along with other ambient changes like lowering the available food item loot in towns) then the forest becomes a much more attractive option. When people can hide/live in the forest, and actually sustain themselves, I doubt they'll be as desolate as they are now.


It's fine to say that the forest doesn't really work for player interactions right now. But to say that it can never do so under any future circumstances, ever, is just lazy.


And what does it matter if there isn't player interaction that doesn't mean remove it. In that case let's get rid of the sky, the sea, the fields and lakes and ponds and unused roads and condense the map down to a fucking square kilometer because COD Kiddy there wants to run and gun :rolleyes:

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Wow, is that seriously how you expect game development to work, allow millions of people around the world dictate what should be in your game? Maybe you should aspire to be an art director, that way you would be the one that signs off on what goes in the world your team is building.


Wow, is this seriously how you post in a forum that has a suggestions thread specifically for....making suggestions to put in the game. Hey if you're happy with shitty copy and past cities eating up the once brilliant landscape then I can only try and advise you to try a little more imaginative thinking.

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And what does it matter if there isn't player interaction that doesn't mean remove it. In that case let's get rid of the sky, the sea, the fields and lakes and ponds and unused roads and condense the map down to a fucking square kilometer because COD Kiddy there wants to run and gun :rolleyes:

The CoD kiddies are everywhere.. i just don't understand why they don't just play CoD instead of pissing in everyone else gardens. They play CoD for few weeks, they get bore with it, and then they try to make other games like CoD... fail logic.

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The CoD kiddies are everywhere.. i just don't understand why they don't just play CoD instead of pissing in everyone else gardens. They play CoD for few weeks, they get bore with it, and then they try to make other games like CoD... fail logic.


A varied landscape is interesting. If people are bored because they don't like walking and can't appreciate a good map when they see one and only want to get into a gun fight then DayZ is not for them. They should gtfo imo.

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And what does it matter if there isn't player interaction that doesn't mean remove it.


I mean, either way, the assertion that the forest is always and will always be devoid of worth, player interaction, or utility is just categorically false.


The mod's forests were practically high-traffic areas, simply owing to vehicles and tents. Add hunting, additional construction, horticulture, etc. and we'll see plenty more folks opting for the forest at least some of the time.

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I mean, either way, the assertion that the forest is always and will always be devoid of worth, player interaction, or utility is just categorically false.


The mod's forests were practically high-traffic areas, simply owing to vehicles and tents. Add hunting, additional construction, horticulture, etc. and we'll see plenty more folks opting for the forest at least some of the time.


Not to mention it's a different environment and makes the map interesting. I loved the feeling of isolation, thinking i'd got myself completely lost only to find I had navigated myself correctly when I saw a lm. It was also fun running around the map edge trying to find player camps, etc

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yeah i was aware of that some time ago, i used to play the arma version where chernarus used to be a quarter of it's current size ad still land-only ;)


a river brings in many forms of interesting game experiences i would like, which i allready liked very much in Dayz: Celle Map (which had a brilliant way to show how european forrests actually look like)


- camping bridges

- use of boats

- landmark for orientation


these are just on top of my head, but everyone who ever played Namalsk knows how you feel when you need medical supplies and you are on foot and the only way is a bridge that is always camped by bandits

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They should add more towns along the far northern highway, but leave some space for lonely hermits like myself to skulk in peace.

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I think there is enough towns. They could remove some just to make a bigger more unique one in the middle of the map.

Edited by aasand

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Casinos, Strip clubs, go-cart tracks, public pools, fast food joints, bars, carnivals, bowling alleys, stadiums, malls, dams, convention centers, art galleries, and fair grounds.  Bring 'em all on!!  The more the better!

Movie theater, toy store, gun range, car lot, mini golf course, video game arcade!

But then again, how many of these would be in fictional Chernarus?

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God damn it people,its Chernarus
ain't no god damn US city,its CHERNARUS! Own state,back in some 1990 shit,old school,and ya'll want god damn theaters? toy stores? whatchu some maniacs o_O ? God damn be this community ._. trynna make this game some super mario shit?

Edited by ZombinatoRR
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Got bad news for you. As far as cities go, they are planning on making a circle of them. They stated their intention is not to make them only coastal. If you look at the north side of the map, you'll see many grid layouts where future cities and towns will go. And if you look at how they have been adding major cities, it is quite obvious they are attempting to form a circle around the map. They want to spread people out across the map instead of having them bunched up on the coast.


The "wilderness" as you may call it in the north part of the map, has roads for a reason. And if you have been paying attention since the game was first made available, there is like a third less forest up there then there used to be. It's only wilderness because the buildings aren't there yet. However, they may expand the map and I believe they stated they would probably do so. You have to figure they are planning wilderness somewhere.



You need to also think about the fact they are planning to have 100 players on a server. If you didn't have enough cities, it would literally look and sound like call of duty.




I'm sure this is probably an unlikely scenario, but what if a lot of these small towns they are dotting the map with will eventually turn out to function like crash sites? One server might have town A, while another may have town B. I think that would be pretty cool, but perhaps introduces more problems than it's worth.


That is actually a great idea. Right now it would be pretty dumb, because the game isn't yet "MMO'd" and allows you to jump to whatever server you like. Once they lock everyone to a server, it would make every server a unique experience and make it feel more like your home. Or even if they had like 3 possible layouts, it would still be cool to have some feeling of uniqueness to the map.

Edited by thatslyb

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You don't need to lock people to a single server. You incentive people to stay on a single server.


Now that we have persistent items they can add controllable spawn locations. Respawn in tents or sleeping bags. Players and clans will start to make homes. I would be surprised if they weren't already planning on adding sleeping bags since Rocket talked about this (i.e. controllable spawns) during the roadmap presentation.

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yeah i was aware of that some time ago, i used to play the arma version where chernarus used to be a quarter of it's current size ad still land-only ;)


a river brings in many forms of interesting game experiences i would like, which i allready liked very much in Dayz: Celle Map (which had a brilliant way to show how european forrests actually look like)


- camping bridges

- use of boats

- landmark for orientation


these are just on top of my head, but everyone who ever played Namalsk knows how you feel when you need medical supplies and you are on foot and the only way is a bridge that is always camped by bandits


Cherno land mass is smaller now than it was in the mod as you used to be able to go out into the nothing remember? They could and should have added rivers as well - I suspect they didn't because of the AI path finding for Arma but that isn't really relevant now but a river spreading out into a small delta at the coast would be cool and one coming down the map starting in the NW or Pobeba dam.


I loved namalsk. I felt cold when I played that map and the first time I saw the eyes..... lol that got the hackles up! There's a noise in the woods....I can hear footsteps but I don't see....wait! there's footprints being made in the snow....*crap pants*.....WTF are those glowing things RUNNNNNNNN!!!!!! lol

Edited by Jexter
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