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HeroAtDay BanditAtNight

Does carrying a sporter 22 make you a more 'friendly" player

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insted of AK's and M4's i generally tend to trust him more.

Assault rifles just doesnt mean "you can trust me" in most cases, but ofc trust is a difficult word to use in a game like this :)


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Only a bandit would need a high capacity assault clip and an assault weapon with a pistol grip and shoulder thing that goes up.

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Only a bandit would need a high capacity assault clip and an assault weapon with a pistol grip and shoulder thing that goes up.

HUH?? you know a gun that is designed for shooting people would also be pretty good for shooting zombies right?? Now currently the zombies arent all that hard but i am hoping they get to the point were sneaking will be your only option then blasting a way through when things go wrong..


A gun doesnt make someone a bandit ( hey say your playing a hero and you find a m4 and attachments you going to leave it behind why?? the cloths dont make someone a bandit ( the use of masks is debatable ) what a character does makes you a bandit.... Most you guys use any excuse to start blasting truth is most of you ARE BANDITS...

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Since this gun is a pea shooter IMO, does carrying one makes them less hostile than someone carrying an SKS???

I have been shot by a sporter 22 while I was giving away a can opener to someone. Then while I was scrolling my items, the guy shot me a couple of time. I put him down of course.


So does it make you a more friendly player if you use a sporter 22?


I love the way you said that line.  Could I have your permission to use that in my signature?


Yes. Every time I see a player with a .22 I just get this warm, fuzzy feeling inside of me.



Edited by unit1stealth

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HUH?? you know a gun that is designed for shooting people would also be pretty good for shooting zombies right??


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Carrying mp5k in my backpack and wearing civilian clothes then say to you hi ım friendly... In some second bang bang you dead. You never ever can know that one player friendly or not. Also thats why many people doing KOS. trust nobody

Edited by KingofTheWorld

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You sure he is joking?? there is nothing indicating a joke ( like it actually being funny ) Its actually a fairly common belief( or excuse used for shooting people there gun there cloths.


But hey ill bow to your determining  of jokes i mean anyone who can throw out a tired racist joke must know whats funny and when someone is joking right???

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Its at least very likely if look at his other posts.


Then zombies are very weak so if I specialized in shooting zombies I would probably use .22LR weapons - not because I am more friendly but because their ammo is plentiful (just as zombies) and they are pretty quiet (so less players will get attracted by my gunshots). The Mosin for example is probably the worst gun for shooting zombies as the damage is overkill, its loud and has a low rate of fire.

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Tip for finding Sporter 22 magazines: go on a search for pistol mags. Found three 30 round magazines before I found a single pistol magazine (which happened to be for the Amphibia S).


Unless devs changed stuff, I got some Sporter mags from Police stations, Camo jail buildings and military buildings.

As many good folks already requested, Sporter as well as CZ527 and "civilian" pistols need to have their mags spawning purely in civilian buildings, just make  % of spawning reasonable.

Edited by Hombre

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Don't think so, I carry an AKM, FNX and a Mosin and I'm still friendly. My HC character carries a M4 and a 1911 and I'm still friendly.

I think if you want to be perceived as friendly or rather friendlier (as it is probably impossible to be perceived as friendly in DayZ), you shouldn't be wielding any visibile weapon.

Then again, people are still paranoid and you could be hiding a sawed off in your backpack.

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Some guy walks towards you and says "Hi!" -> probably friendly.

Some guy walks towards you and says "Friendly!" -> probably not friendly.

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A person's behavior matters way more to me than what they're wearing or what they're carrying.

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You sure he is joking?? there is nothing indicating a joke ( like it actually being funny ) Its actually a fairly common belief( or excuse used for shooting people there gun there cloths.


But hey ill bow to your determining  of jokes i mean anyone who can throw out a tired racist joke must know whats funny and when someone is joking right???

They're jokes on gun control, both mine and his.


It's because you can take an M14 in a wood stock and it's "one of grandpa's old hunting rifles" and then a black stock and all of the sudden it becomes an evil baby killing rifle. Gun control arguments commonly base weapons off of their looks, not function.


Second, his is 

Only a bandit would need a high capacity assault clip and an assault weapon with a pistol grip and shoulder thing that goes up.

A joke on standard sized (commonly called high capacity) magazine, assault weapon (a made up term to make them sound scary) and "shoulder thing that goes up" is an old quote by a person who thought something was scary on a rifle when they didn't know what it even did.


You get another picture.



I'm feeling generous so I'll even throw in a video.


Edited by Heav
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They're jokes on gun control, both mine and his.


It's because you can take an M14 in a wood stock and it's "one of grandpa's old hunting rifles" and then a black stock and all of the sudden it becomes an evil baby killing rifle. Gun control arguments commonly base weapons off of their looks, not function.


Second, his is 

A joke on standard sized (commonly called high capacity) magazine, assault weapon (a made up term to make them sound scary) and "shoulder thing that goes up" is an old quote by a person who thought something was scary on a rifle when they didn't know what it even did.


You get another picture.



I'm feeling generous so I'll even throw in a video.


Oh i get your american where gun control is an oxymoron.... still doesnt seem funny though but meh what do i know..(ps i am actually jealous with your laws as in australia gun laws are super tight there are many guns id like to add to my collection but are just not legal here..)

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Oh i get your american where gun control is an oxymoron.... still doesnt seem funny though but meh what do i know..(ps i am actually jealous with your laws as in australia gun laws are super tight there are many guns id like to add to my collection but are just not legal here..)

I'm Canadian actually, I just follow both American and Canadian firearms and laws closely.

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