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Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

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  On 8/6/2014 at 7:08 AM, basinox said:

Nades are older that .45, SMERSH vest have just been added in .48, and raks are just rare

I know that

I said since none of them spawn since they are helo crash site only...so fixing us helo sites is like giving us new items....

I never once found a nade or the like before helo sites were taken out.

Also anything new noticed in exp after maintenance guys ?

Edited by trev186

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  On 8/6/2014 at 1:51 PM, Jonnierambo88 said:


Brian Hicks @Hicks_206  ·  7m

Experimental branch will be coming offline shortly to prepare for the update to exp branch targeted for today.


I am hoping that the tents start to work properly !





They already did in experimental...

Edited by basinox

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I might missed someone posting this status/devblog:




Last week, DayZ version 0.47 was pushed to stable branch servers. As mentioned before, this version and its accompanying build included fairly comprehensive changes to how the DayZ server operates, as well as a good deal of gameplay mechanics adjustments and additions. Work continued this week on addressing issues within this version/build for the hot fix intended to deploy to stable branch in the early weeks of August. 
Currently the target for this hot fix (0.48) is regular maintenance within the second week of the month. (Wednesday, August 13th). The hot fix is intended to address issues with melee combat, container contents, global voice manipulation, some camera clipping issues, as well as what we're sure many survivors are excited for, persistent containers and items.

In addition, work continues on version 0.49 - our August update. Within this report, Peter our Lead Designer will be speaking on some of the design targets for this version - which include horticulture. (See below)
Over the next few weeks we will be working with our game server provider partners to begin the final steps required for the central hive, and their respective back ends to support renting private shards of the DayZ central hive, which will enable dedicated communities to create their own private DayZ worlds.

It is important to understand what private shards entail for DayZ, and why they are different from "private hives" so well known from the Arma 2 mod.

  • Password protect the server
  • Operate a white list (using BEC)
  • Ban/Kick trouble makers
  • Define and enforce server gameplay rules (eg: DayZRP, PvE only, etc)
Can not:
  • Access or modify the base game configuration (amount of loot, amount of dynamic server events, vehicles (when they are implemented), etc)
  • Violate the naming convention declared in the hosting rules (these will be updated to reflect the new private shard capabilities)
  • Have access to the database itself
  • Operate any 3rd party “Admin tools” aside from the approved BEC (BattlEye Extended Controls)
  • Access debug logs (currently these are unavailable for both user privacy, and performance)
  • Exceed current maximum player limits per instance (40, as of the time of the writing of this status report)

We hope that in addition to the thousands of public hive game servers, these private shards (marked by the "Private" flag in the server browser) will empower strong DayZ communities to grow and strengthen their groups. 
More information on Private Shards will come as we get closer to this feature going live with our game server partners.


Peter / Lead Designer
"We have recently added swine in game to expand the domestic animals present in Chernarus, and work continues on the next batch of animals. As well some other new items and weapons from our great artists were added like the new bandana, modular SMERSH vest (consisting of vest and buttpack) and the CR 527.

Apart from that we started initial work on a new big feature known as horticulture. This will serve as complement to hunting and scavenging - to provide much needed food to be able to survive in the hostile environment of Chernarus. You will be able to till your garden, plant seeds, care for said plants, harvest their crop and use some of the byproduct for crafting. 

We all know that one of the most unpleasant things in DayZ right now is the melee system. Problems with melee can be divided into two separate issues - collision shapes and hit detection. Until recently the melee system was prototyped in script and it introduced a nice hit detection mechanic during the swing where a trace is cast directly from the weapon, however this solution is suffering from desync and lags in the multiplayer environment. Now the melee system is being redone within the engine itself so we will expand upon it and hopefully find the most ideal solution on how to retain hit detection during swing in game but the task will take some time. 

Anyway don't worry as I have good news for all you lovers of short range weapons and the stealth approach. To bridge the gap until the new system is ready, we have turned off swing hit detection and put straightforward cursor detection in for the interim. Together with adjusted collision shapes it results in a usable melee system for our purposes. While you will not be able to block your firefighter axe swing on a wall, you will at least hit what you are aiming for and that is what counts.

I'm glad you can finally enjoy some good brawling so watch out... and see you in Chernarus folks!"


Viktor / Lead Animator

"We have successfully finished all rifle aimed moves. There is now a new animation when sprinting (Shift+W) with gun raised. This should better indicate to other players (and player itself) if the character is in lowered or raised stance. As well there is a new way of running for restrained player. The restrained players could only walk until now, but we have added faster animations so now you can use Shift+W and try to run away. We will continue on the restrained player for the next week.

At the same time we will start work on throwing since the animations in game right now are just placeholders. This will be a priority for us to replace them with proper (and nice) throwing."


Raist / Senior Programmer
"One of the difficulties dealing with huge maps populated by thousands of items, is that players literally sooner or later find it all, collect it all, and leave the streets littered with trash again and again.

In certain cases intentionally, in others, accidentally. Some items may even remain located somewhere in the woods and to never be found out by anyone, forever.

The first iteration of our cleanup system is quite simple, it adds to all player owned and dropped items a lifetime. The lifetime is observed by the server, and once the item reaches the lifetime cap, it is deleted and brand new loot can be respawned elsewhere in the map.

This affects only loot already manipulated by players, items you drop or throw on ground. Important containers like tents and the content persists (is protected from item lifetime).

Our final goal is a little bit more complex, the future system will count with item state (If item is worn or pristine (etc)) as well as probability of disappearance (meat placed on ground will probably dissolve sooner than can of soda).

Also players won't have the opportunity to observe the removal of the item itself. Once complete this system will become part of the central loot economy, dynamically tweaked on demand by data we'll get during analysis-phase.

So far? Don't wanna lose your gear? Place it inside tent!"


Mark / World Designer

"We've been busy continuing development of the north expansion. The Northwest has received some love and will continue. Two small villages west of the NW airfield are complete and will be released in the near future (Vavilovo and Sinystok). The other towns east of these are under continued development. 

Work has also begun in the center large town "Severograd". Some unique content for this town is being discussed as to stand out from the other large towns.

Food stands that were implemented in newer towns are being added to most towns across the map. This will hopefully add some loot possibilities for those smaller villages where loot is rare."






  On 8/6/2014 at 2:13 PM, Jonnierambo88 said:

 not when i tried it ;)


They workin fine on experimental except of duping items themself.

Edited by Guest

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  On 8/6/2014 at 2:14 PM, h0nkX said:

I might missed someone posting this status/devblog:








They workin fine on experimental except of duping items themself.

So i can put stuff in my tent , Go away and come back and unless somebody else has found it all my stuff will still be there after server restart?

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  On 8/6/2014 at 2:24 PM, Jonnierambo88 said:

So i can put stuff in my tent , Go away and come back and unless somebody else has found it all my stuff will still be there after server restart?


Yes! But this is for experimentalservers only so far.


  On 8/6/2014 at 2:25 PM, MG9207 said:

Servers just went offline ? (Exp)


Update incoming:




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Servers are showing up "First Person" and "Third Person" instead of Regular/Hard Core.  What does it mean?  Let's jump in and find out!!!







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  On 8/6/2014 at 4:34 PM, Ziad said:

Servers are showing up "First Person" and "Third Person" instead of Regular/Hard Core.  What does it mean?  Let's jump in and find out!!!







I think, maybe, just maybe, it means that first person servers only are in first person, and third person you can choose to have third person..

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  On 8/6/2014 at 4:38 PM, ManInTheWall said:

I think, maybe, just maybe, it means that first person servers only are in first person, and third person you can choose to have third person..



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So, I've only been playing DayZ a couple dayz... sorry, days... now. Very soon into my experience I was looking for servers with very rare resets, otherwise I just felt that life was too easy and didn't particularly like the idea of looking for a fight with a player just to pick a fight. It seems counter to the whole survival idea. Anyway, when I read that this last experimental update promised a harder time (with people actually starving to death) I was downloading it. This morning I loved the experience, I was excited when I found a screwdriver and killed a zombie with a wrench, not a pipe wrench mind you, just a wrench. It was great, everything was valuable or potentially valuable and I could see where people had been picking over the same places. I was much more worshipping the berry bushes to keep my calories up. I'm looking forward to seeing what this next experimental patch does. I feel encouraged by this sort of progress.

Edited by Ebrim

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  On 8/6/2014 at 7:37 AM, basinox said:

try a ashwood stick. your hit chances are increased and the visuals are actually accurate

Very true my friend, its stab animations are somehow accurate! Imo every melee weapons should behave like that, I can consistently hit shit with it, thanks for the tip bro!

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  On 8/6/2014 at 5:14 PM, Ebrim said:

So, I've only been playing DayZ a couple dayz... sorry, days... now. Very soon into my experience I was looking for servers with very rare resets, otherwise I just felt that life was too easy and didn't particularly like the idea of looking for a fight with a player just to pick a fight. It seems counter to the whole survival idea. Anyway, when I read that this last experimental update promised a harder time (with people actually starving to death) I was downloading it. This morning I loved the experience, I was excited when I found a screwdriver and killed a zombie with a wrench, not a pipe wrench mind you, just a wrench. It was great, everything was valuable or potentially valuable and I could see where people had been picking over the same places. I was much more worshipping the berry bushes to keep my calories up. I'm looking forward to seeing what this next experimental patch does. I feel encouraged by this sort of progress.

U know the loot situation is not exactly as intended right now....they are going to fix it.

If your so new to dayz I would not recommend expietmental. Your character will be wiped often and players tend to kill each other more often since we are fighting over the new gear to test and know we will be wiped eventually anyways

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  On 8/6/2014 at 5:20 PM, h0nkX said:


NVM. Cool addition Edited by basinox

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  On 8/6/2014 at 5:28 PM, basinox said:

How did you take that pic? The eta was 4 hours and only 3.30 passed

Huh? I downloaded the patch over an hour ago and have been playing since.

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I found .308 ammo in a police car !! Can't wait to find a makarov and then that fabled smg people have been saying is in ... Pmk or something ?

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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  On 8/6/2014 at 5:42 PM, Grapefruit kush said:

I found .308 ammo in a police car !! Can't wait to find a makarov and then that fabled smg people have been saying is in ... Pmk or something ?

Makarov needed a mag to be loaded yesterday. They may have fixed this

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  On 8/6/2014 at 5:20 PM, h0nkX said:


It's been a while since I saw my last "real" screenshot ;) ... You can assign a hotkey in your steam options to do this.

PS: The best screenshot that ever arrived at our support team was taken by a didicam, printet out at a copy shop and send to us by (non digital) mail...

Edited by Agilov

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came home on luncht o just try out the new update ! here we go 

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First impressions after latest update. Very good. :thumbsup:  Had no problems. Found loot on north east big city. Sun was shining! Didn't see any other players or zombies even thou i played over an hour at full server. Loads of ammo but for the wrong guns.

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  On 8/6/2014 at 5:18 PM, trev186 said:

If your so new to dayz I would not recommend expietmental. Your character will be wiped often and players tend to kill each other more often since we are fighting over the new gear to test and know we will be wiped eventually anyways


I wouldn't say that so much.  I have yet to find someone on stable that didn't try to kill me on sight but on experimental I've actually been able to work together with some people.

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