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Afraid to go on

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So my character is as geared as up as she has ever been. I am so geared up that I don't even want to move or go on ahead. I am afraid of bandits and butthole players who will see an army person and shoot on site. c0d03845b55499aca7783f2ee72823e4.gif


I wouldn't consider myself a hero (definitely not a bandit) but a survivor. If I saw anyone, whether they looked intimidating straight out of the cold war, or some spawned player out of bootcamp, I don't trust anyone and I am afraid of everyone.

I think I picked the wrong game to make friends on to be honest. Currently at Zelenogorsk and heard some gunshots. Marine_Emote_by_budgieishere.gif Not chancing it.


Gosh, how do I get over this hurdle. Yes, I am attached to my gear, I have A LOT! I do want to meet people, but I don't want to meet anyone bad and most people I have met, killed me on site =[






Heres a song JUST for you! XD

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So my character is as geared as up as she has ever been. I am so geared up that I don't even want to move or go on ahead. I am afraid of bandits and butthole players who will see an army person and shoot on site. c0d03845b55499aca7783f2ee72823e4.gif


I wouldn't consider myself a hero (definitely not a bandit) but a survivor. If I saw anyone, whether they looked intimidating straight out of the cold war, or some spawned player out of bootcamp, I don't trust anyone and I am afraid of everyone.

I think I picked the wrong game to make friends on to be honest. Currently at Zelenogorsk and heard some gunshots. Marine_Emote_by_budgieishere.gif Not chancing it.


Gosh, how do I get over this hurdle. Yes, I am attached to my gear, I have A LOT! I do want to meet people, but I don't want to meet anyone bad and most people I have met, killed me on site =[







Surf the clans that are looking for members. Meet up with them and start rolling with them. Things are a lot less scary with people with you, which is why I rarely run with anyone.


I like the lone wolf feeling.  Once you've done it long enough you start to become acutely aware of your environment. I love stalking people in DayZ.  You're not a true lonewolf until you have handcuffed someone w/o them noticing it until it's to late :)


Above all, be patient. The lonewolf never rushes into situations w/o having a backup plan for their back up plan. Take a good long while to scope out high player traffic areas. And never trust anyone.

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If that is why you are in this thread that says more about you than the rest of us who just found the topic interesting.

Mmhm, whatever you say. 

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The #1 rule of DayZ, even as far back as the nascent days of the mod, is: 


Do not get attached to your gear.



You see, you might have all this great stuff and be all careful about it, and you'll just end up dying from a bug or glitch or some other unavoidable death.


Soon you'll find that gearing up is the most fun.

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Seriously i think this forum should have some kind of a helpline section for people suffering DSD (dayz stress disorder). The sad thing is Im not even sure if im joking, this game has induced a genuine fight or flight response in me more than once (palms sweating, heart literally pounding in my ears, trembling, wanting to run from the room etc.). The more geared i am the worse. The only cure is to be killed in a completely anticlimactic way like by a char wipe.


My last character had everything you could desire, mp5, akm, pso1 scope. Needless to say i was a complete wreck, sweating, ruining my neck and eyes by leaning into the screen, i thought it couldn't get any worse.... and then i saw in the corner of my eye a little wisp of smoke and curiosity got the better of me, of course it was a heli crash site, and of course i found a frag AND flashbang grenade, it was all just too much, i was by the balota tents and i thought i heard a player on the other side of a wall, i was practically sweating out of my eyeballs (manly way of saying crying like a little girl) at this point, I got out my grenade, pulled the pin and hurled it over the wall..... except this was a full 40 server... and the server frame rate wasn't so great... so the grenade left my hand and then just sat there... suspended in space about a foot from my face.... I could only stare transfixed.... you are dead.


The relief was quite exquisite.

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And I prefer the Hunting Backpack, the Mountain Backpack is a target that shows that you have a lot of gear.


Isn't the hunting backpack only 5 or so slots smaller than mountain pack?


My reg character has been getting around with nothing but badly damaged canvas shorts and a child's briefcase for weeks now through multiple (50+) encounters, lowest value target out lol no-one seems to want to kill me even if I sprint full speed straight at them conceal carrying a loaded pistol. Guess they're lucky I'm friendly :P


Besides, with that minimal setup there's plenty of room for essentials. 1911 w/ light+mag, medkit (bandagesx2/morphinex2/saline), case (canteen/knife/compass/ammo). 4 spare food slots.


Really, to be "fully geared" is a matter of perception.. it doesn't require you to look like you just walked out of Spetsnaz. All you need to survive is food, water and your brain. Gear just makes it seem a little easier, while painting you as a high value kill.

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I have gone through five or so well geared characters now.

The moral of the story; you can always gear up again.

By the sound of thing I think I might be somewhere in your area at the moment. I just find myself exploring the smaller towns and largely just observing the bigger cities.

Seeing another player is a rush as you don't know what to expect. That's the point if the game so just plan out your travels and do it. Who cares if you die.

One suggestion, ditch about 50% of your ammo and carry more food/drink.

You can't get hungry from not having enough bullets, but nerding to eat can force you to explore an area you might not be 100% comfortable with.

If you don't look for PvP then all you need is defensive weapons and ammo. At the moment you look ready to storm the beach at Normandy...

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So my character is as geared as up as she has ever been. I am so geared up that I don't even want to move or go on ahead. I am afraid of bandits and butthole players who will see an army person and shoot on site. c0d03845b55499aca7783f2ee72823e4.gif


I wouldn't consider myself a hero (definitely not a bandit) but a survivor. If I saw anyone, whether they looked intimidating straight out of the cold war, or some spawned player out of bootcamp, I don't trust anyone and I am afraid of everyone.

I think I picked the wrong game to make friends on to be honest. Currently at Zelenogorsk and heard some gunshots. Marine_Emote_by_budgieishere.gif Not chancing it.


Gosh, how do I get over this hurdle. Yes, I am attached to my gear, I have A LOT! I do want to meet people, but I don't want to meet anyone bad and most people I have met, killed me on site =[






Lol, cherish this. I remember starting dayZ (in early days of the mod) and finding all the best gear and being afraid to do anything. everyone says don't get attached but let's be honest, the value of your character in dayZ is, infact, your gear. I sadly struggle now to find any feeling like this after well over a year of Mod, SA, then back to mod.

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LOL I didn't notice how many people go mad with this high gear thing! Calm down it's just a game. When you die, you can respawn and EVEN get all your gear again!

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Got geared up pretty well, high capacity vest, binos, Mosin with some attachments, food, canteens, plenty of ammo, a full map of Chernarus, a compass, medkit with saline etc. and I dropped it to a new spawn only to go collecting more gear again. When I met some bandits in Novo and told them that I had just given my stuff away to a new spawn and was looking for loot one of them says, "Who does that?" I respond with, "I do, because it's fun to find loot." They didn't believe me and insisted I had friends nearby, soon after I was dead. But they didn't get much because I gave it to someone who could use it more effectively. I find that I'm more frantic and on edge the more I gear up. Once the loot is gone I feel free. So try to be minimalistic. Carry only what you need to live and a way to defend yourself, preferably a handgun, as it makes you less of a target if you don't have a weapon on your back. You'll survive a little longer, but in cases where you meet people who just like to murder others for fun it doesn't matter how little geared you are, you'll get shot. Bandits are awesome and murderers make the game boring. But when they already have interaction with other players (their friends) they feel more inclined to kill everyone else because they feel safe within their group and now want excitement.

Here's my tip. Get a person on one of the LFG (Looking For Group) forums, maybe make a post yourself about the type of person you want to team up with. Select one or multiple people and meet up with them. Use a chat client like TeamSpeak, Skype, Ventrilo, or any of the others. That way you feel safer knowing the person you trust, and only the person you trust can hear you. Loot, explore, enjoy life and when a fight breaks out fight for your team mate, not your gear. You'll feel better knowing you tried even if you happen to die. Meet up again, and enjoy the process all over again. :)

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this is why i don't 'over loot', to just get too paranoid to play - what's the fun in that....give some gear away to those you can trust, spread the wealth before it's too late.

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As many have already stated, you'll lose a bit of the fear after you've died and re-geared half a dozen times. And it's better to die through finding some interaction and excitement than going out to one of the many fatal glitches that will catch up to you regardless.

Try putting some of your harder-earned gear in your backpack and dropping it somewhere safe before you enter towns - at least if you die you have a chance to recover a bit of gear if you run back to your stash before the server restarts. It also keeps it safe from damage if you get caught by a zombie or in a firefight. The compensation that it may not all be lost should the worst happen may just be the little reassurance that gets you over the 'fear' and gives you a bit of freedom to try some new experiences... it did for me. Definitely a viable tactic if you want to run the airfields or military installations.

Also, replace some of the mil gear for a nice 'friendly' civilian hat and jacket... less threatening and may just help get more positive interactions.

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So I don't want to simply throw it away. Does anybody want some of the Mosen Ammo as well as the pistol ammo I have (not my pistol ammo) Check pics in other page to see if anything I have might be of some use to you. I'd rather give it to people than throw it on the ground, I risked my life getting every litttle bit of loot.


Let me know =]

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I didn't understand the Schrodinger's Cat metaphor.

He logged off the character with full gear. He hasn't logged in recently to see if the character is still around with everything. There are occasional "server wipes" that clear out all gear. So right now his character is in a state of neither geared nor fully geared and the state will be set when he tries to log onto a server of that type and finds out for sure.


Seriously i think this forum should have some kind of a helpline section for people suffering DSD (dayz stress disorder). The sad thing is Im not even sure if im joking, this game has induced a genuine fight or flight response in me more than once (palms sweating, heart literally pounding in my ears, trembling, wanting to run from the room etc.). The more geared i am the worse. The only cure is to be killed in a completely anticlimactic way like by a char wipe.


My last character had everything you could desire, mp5, akm, pso1 scope. Needless to say i was a complete wreck, sweating, ruining my neck and eyes by leaning into the screen, i thought it couldn't get any worse.... and then i saw in the corner of my eye a little wisp of smoke and curiosity got the better of me, of course it was a heli crash site, and of course i found a frag AND flashbang grenade, it was all just too much, i was by the balota tents and i thought i heard a player on the other side of a wall, i was practically sweating out of my eyeballs (manly way of saying crying like a little girl) at this point, I got out my grenade, pulled the pin and hurled it over the wall..... except this was a full 40 server... and the server frame rate wasn't so great... so the grenade left my hand and then just sat there... suspended in space about a foot from my face.... I could only stare transfixed.... you are dead.


The relief was quite exquisite.

 Sorry, but that is funny. Why? Because I've fallen through a building and lost my corpse inside it unrecoverable in the Mod when I was fully geared up and even had NVGs and GPS. We have all been there. My friend ran off a hill once, broke both legs, passed out, and when he came too he was so close to dead he couldn't see. He fixed his legs up but because he couldn't see he blundered into  several zombies and the first hit knocked him out cold. 

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So I don't want to simply throw it away. Does anybody want some of the Mosen Ammo as well as the pistol ammo I have (not my pistol ammo) Check pics in other page to see if anything I have might be of some use to you. I'd rather give it to people than throw it on the ground, I risked my life getting every litttle bit of loot.


Let me know =]


The thing is you will be risking your life just meeting up to give it to someone. It would be safer to throw it on the ground. 

Me, I would build a campfire on a dark server in an area where newer spawns will run through. Set all the stuff you don't want on the ground, light the fire, and run away. Just think of how nervous they will be checking out the fire. It would make a great story for someone... "I was sure the whole time someone was going to shoot me or try and take me hostage."

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It takes an hour on a full server to be almost completely geared, I'd say unless you're gonna grow a pair and force some player interactions, hide in the forest for another month or two until there's more stuff to hoard.

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Few times i killed my self while i was fully geared...it gets boring when u have stuff and u don't play as you used to,you're afraid wether you will lose your stuff or not,..as a freshspawn,you go in fights and play enjoyable...

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So I don't want to simply throw it away. Does anybody want some of the Mosen Ammo as well as the pistol ammo I have (not my pistol ammo) Check pics in other page to see if anything I have might be of some use to you. I'd rather give it to people than throw it on the ground, I risked my life getting every litttle bit of loot.


Let me know =]

You're in Australia, right? My connection to any server would be pretty crap to say the least otherwise I would take some ammo, but if it would allow you to move forward I wouldn't mind trying. I suppose send me a PM of the server and your relative location or a location where you will be placing the ammo and I'll come pick it up. It'll help me out too since I just spawned.

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Anyone else think this thread is so popular just because its a female gamer? Cx

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Anyone else think this thread is so popular just because its a female gamer? Cx

I didn't know it was a female that made the thread at first, I just clicked on it. I figured I could share my experience and give some advice. Whether or not the advice will help, that's entirely up to her. Some people are just frozen in place, unable to move. Some people find it enjoyable once it's gone they miss it and others just hate it. It seemed to me that she's afraid to do things on her own at the moment and wants to unload some of the stuff she's gathered without throwing it away. Regardless if they were male or female I would help in whatever way I could.

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I didn't know it was a female that made the thread at first, I just clicked on it. I figured I could share my experience and give some advice. Whether or not the advice will help, that's entirely up to her. Some people are just frozen in place, unable to move. Some people find it enjoyable once it's gone they miss it and others just hate it. It seemed to me that she's afraid to do things on her own at the moment and wants to unload some of the stuff she's gathered without throwing it away. Regardless if they were male or female I would help in whatever way I could.

I'd give you beans if i had any left to give... I added her on steam to help her out of any sticky situations like last night. :P

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I'd give you beans if i had any left to give... I added her on steam to help her out of any sticky situations like last night. :P


That's nice of you. So you managed to help her out or is she still in a bind? At least if it's not me I am glad someone is looking out for the new players. Way to go! :)

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That's nice of you. So you managed to help her out or is she still in a bind? At least if it's not me I am glad someone is looking out for the new players. Way to go! :)

As soon as I added her she went offline so not yet. :P And thanks! :D

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So I don't want to simply throw it away. Does anybody want some of the Mosen Ammo as well as the pistol ammo I have (not my pistol ammo) Check pics in other page to see if anything I have might be of some use to you. I'd rather give it to people than throw it on the ground, I risked my life getting every litttle bit of loot.


Let me know =]

I like mosin ammo... but not willing to risk a meet up to trade as I trust no one...

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