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5p4rtan (DayZ)

Map Improvements

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Taking the time to assemble a full map of Chernarus should give a little more advantage than it currently does.  Right now there is no advantage of having a fully assembled in game map of chernarus as you can get more from the map on http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus


Allow us to get a range reading between two points. A "you are here" marker. maybe add the compass (if you have it in your inventory) to the overlay of the map with an indication of where your currently pointing... etc..


Small things that could make it worth the time it takes to fully assemble a map of Chernarus.

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You could also just quit playing with an out-of-game map, then the ingame one would become useful.

I see absolutely no reason to add a magical GPS to the game.

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You could also just quit playing with an out-of-game map, then the ingame one would become useful.

I see absolutely no reason to add a magical GPS to the game.


And why would 99% of the player base do that?


Might as well just remove the maps altogether as right now its not worth the trouble and inventory space to collect and assemble them. What you suggest would be giving the player a noticeable disadvantage next to the player that uses the out-of-game map.

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You could also just quit playing with an out-of-game map, then the ingame one would become useful.

I see absolutely no reason to add a magical GPS to the game.


This, it's completely against what DayZ is trying to be (realism etc).

Edited by Timmymachine109

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And why would 99% of the player base do that?



Are you playing the game to have fun and joy or are you following the sheep ?


One of this game joy is to explore and get lost. Make your choice !


Definitely no to this idea.

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being able to add notes and markers to the map would be cool....

permanent notes would be nice - you can already add notes to the map but they only last for the session - relog kills the notes.


to the OP, I use the ingame map all the time and I have no problems with it other than the fact I have to put it together but lately maps are everywhere so that's not really a problem either. I am sorry you can't seem to find your way around in such a small area but give it time and eventually you will know all of chernarus like the back of your hand. adding more to the ingame map other than something like permanent notes will just greatly oversimplify something that is already easy. did you want someone to come hold you hand while exploring too? 

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I think it would be fine to write on the maps (Leave a map to the hidden treasure) or place marks on it; but you simply shouldn't be able to do things with the map that you can't for real. The Chernarus+ map really kills immersion for me, I only used it the first week to learn city names and such, but I think it sort of spoils things, now that I know general locations, I just wander.

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You could also just quit playing with an out-of-game map, then the ingame one would become useful.

I see absolutely no reason to add a magical GPS to the game.

they had better add the magical GPS you so swiftly scorn, that item is end game shit right there... gps made me lol in mod, it was so rare to find one, that when i did, id scurry off to my tent and leave it there for safe keeping, which kind of goes against the whole purpose it has in the first place but still. me want gps in sa as well. but clearly having your position light up on the paper map is silleh. some form of orientation bearing possibility would be nice although again unrealisatic i guess.


god damn the "realism" argument in so many games these days, i play games to escape reality, not mimic it to the point where my game life sucks as much balls as my real one :/ lol

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I agree there should be persistent markers(maybe combined with needing a pen for them).


Things like hidden treasures when persistent objects finally get into the game would give a new dimension to them.

It would also help me nicely to get my bearings when I log in after a week:-)



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keep map just like it is, be able to write on it is cool, but 'you are here' is bad.

there is a problem with map though, which is that when you combine it into full map, it doesnt zoom in as far? i assume this isnt an intended feature, at least

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All I need is to be able to write notes on my map and I'm set. Also, I can't remember off the top of my head but does in the ingame map have the grid increment lines?

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being able to add notes and markers to the map would be cool....

That would be sick as hell. You could draw a circle which says "Avoid this Area" and write a path, and notes on where the best loot spawns etc. That would be quite nice,

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You could also just quit playing with an out-of-game map, then the ingame one would become useful.

I see absolutely no reason to add a magical GPS to the game.


I want a "you are here" with some "you must go here" "there is sniper gun" etc 

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