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Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

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  On 7/9/2014 at 11:17 PM, Frosti said:

wtf is going on there are zombies everywhere


Really? Where? I wanna see this! Server? and is it really everywhere or localized?

Edited by lrish

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  On 7/10/2014 at 12:14 AM, lrish said:

Really? Where? I wanna see this! Server? and is it really everywhere or localized?


I guess this was my shock reaction after being chased by 4 zombies in Myshkino.  In my 550 hours of playing that never happened to me before :blush:

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  On 7/9/2014 at 6:18 PM, ManInTheWall said:

They must do the same as me, close every single door behind them.


I always do that.  A - it covers my tracks, nothing screams "follow me" more than a trail of open doors.  B - It slows down people who might be looting behind me. 

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have they moved hosting of UK exp servers to the moon?  



Edited by Calibre

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i havent had those pings myself, mine have all been in the low 40's so... dunno whats caused that for you, maybe its your end, could be your isp is throttling for some reason

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Yeah I've been getting pings of 10-30 on those this week. 


Must be local. 

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I have my filter at 75 and have noticed lots of missing exp. servers because of it.

Edited by freethink

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I have normal ping on UK servers too but I avoid them since all my character wipes took place on the UK servers, not sure why.

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When you first load the list there is a bottleneck in the steam system that will give you strange ping numbers - however if you refresh the page after it is fully loaded you may find the numbers are more conducive to playing.

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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:53 AM, JohnDMarshall said:

When you first load the list there is a bottleneck in the steam system that will give you strange ping numbers - however if you refresh the page after it is fully loaded you may find the numbers are more conducive to playing.

And exactly that is the reason ping filter should be set to 0.

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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:29 AM, Calibre said:

have they moved hosting of UK exp servers to the moon?  





literally just booted up steam, updated to experimental again, and loaded in to see if i was having same ping issues, it seems to be related to your end, not the servers

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suspect a DNS issue


or your routing table

Edited by fowang

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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:53 AM, JohnDMarshall said:

When you first load the list there is a bottleneck in the steam system that will give you strange ping numbers - however if you refresh the page after it is fully loaded you may find the numbers are more conducive to playing.

arma3 also has this

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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:29 AM, Calibre said:

have they moved hosting of UK exp servers to the moon?  


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Hit refresh.


This happens to me sometimes.. and hitting refresh always drops the pings back to normal. :)


Hope that helps..




otherwise, yes the servers are now located on the international space station. 



Edited by lrish
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  On 7/10/2014 at 5:37 PM, lrish said:

otherwise, yes the servers are now located on the international space station. 


Neato! What an innovative development team :)

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  On 7/10/2014 at 5:54 PM, AnarchyBrownies said:

Neato! What an innovative development team :)


Servers set in a satellite roving the Earth.. BIS was first man. 


Cutting edge stuff here folks.. cutting edge stuff. 

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Guys, the ping is directly related to Green Mountain phenom. Shesh :D

Edited by haknslash
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So is anyone ACTUALLY FINDING AKM's in experimental???


Ive been all over, and just tore through the entire NWAF area on a fresh server.. not a single one has even been seen. 


But I do have everything the AKM could want, all in pristine condition.. jesus, is this weapon even spawning anymore? How can I go days, and days without seeing one when Im searching from Balota to Bashnye everyday? Are they just heli spawns now or what?


Confirmation of an AKM spawning in the last few days would be great.. plus where those little unicorns show up would be nice too ;)

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I haven't seen a single AKM in exp so far (or an MP5). Of course I could say the same about .46 stable lol. I just want to find one damnit and I've been to several NWAF runs specifically for them. :(

Edited by haknslash
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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:20 PM, haknslash said:

I haven't seen a single AKM in exp so far (or an MP5). Of course I could say the same about .46 stable lol. I just want to find one damnit and I've been to several NWAF runs specifically for them. :(


Yeah, Ive looted probably around 30-50 barracks.. 20-40 Jails.. the tent city in Balota and at NWAF about 6 times each looking for the AKM. 




Ive literally worn a groove in the "path of the warrior".. :/

Edited by lrish
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AKMs spawn only in barracks from what I have seen as do high cap vests dont waste ur time in tents hangers or jails

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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:33 PM, trev186 said:

AKMs spawn only in barracks


And this you can confirm on the current exp. build? Have you found them since .47?


Just wondering. :D

Edited by lrish

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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:38 PM, lrish said:

And this you can confirm on the current exp. build? Have you found them since .47?


Just wondering. :D

Not in experimental but in .46. But I would assume they would not change the spawn location.

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  On 7/10/2014 at 9:44 PM, trev186 said:

Not in experimental but in .46. But I would assume they would not change the spawn location.


No see thats the issue.. I found like 40 AKM's in .46.. No exaggeration.


In the same time played, and perhaps more on .47 Ive found 0. Not a single one.


I need one person who has found an AKM in .47 to step forward.. just one. 

Edited by lrish
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finding exp unplayable the frames are sporadic coupled with 2-3 angry vicious {new school} dawn of the dead screamy runner zombies slapping me around im not having a good time at all.... anyone else having frames spazz out ? .... im spiking all over the map not just citys 45-7 frames up and down all over the place town or country 

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