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How would you combat player suicide?

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Player suicide is at an all time high. New players sprinting to the nearest high location and jumping off so that they can get a spawn closer to their friends or closer to where the action is.


This is a problem on countless levels everything from their bodies being a server resource hog to it just plainly being bad gameplay and a tad bit unimmersive.



So Ladies and Gents how do we combat this aweful epidemic that only serves to promote less exploration and the endless cycle of Loot , pvp, die , repeat ?


My first Idea was to simply increase the height needed for a player to kill themselves. Simply put make most of the places where people commit suicide from merely cause the player to break their legs and then be forced to crawl not being able to die.

Within a week of such a patch being implemented hive wide player suicides would dramatically decrease and the value of life will come back to the wasteland.



What are your ideas to stop this bad gameplay mechanic of suicide for better locations ?




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Yea, it takes a great height to die just from impact. An inventor once fell 50 ft and lived (though he was paralyzed).

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Yea, it takes a great height to die just from impact. An inventor once fell 50 ft and lived (though he was paralyzed).


That would be great in dayz.


The suicide player would be so pissed when his attempt to suicide backfires on him and he is stuck crawling for hours.

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In all fairness, I personally feel that the world would see an increase in suicide rates in the event of an actual zombie apocolypse. Very very depressing times.

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I'm all for this as well. It's stupid how low you can jump from and die in this. It would fix the suicide issue partly as well as the stupid death from fall damage.

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players who dies trough zombies or fall damage near the spawnarea still respawn in the same spawnpoint for the next 1 hours.


if the player gets killed outside his spawnarea (maybe 5 km or more away) he get a new random spawnpoint

Edited by quantum2k6
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Can you present any logical reason why you would so tenaciously deny a player to commit suicide?!

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In all fairness, I personally feel that the world would see an increase in suicide rates in the event of an actual zombie apocolypse. Very very depressing times.



Can you present any logical reason why you would so tenaciously deny a player to commit suicide?!



Because you don't usually suicide in a Zombie Apoc to respawn and be close to your mates.

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Because you don't usually suicide in a Zombie Apoc to respawn and be close to your mates.

Well I suicided only once and that was because I spawned and instantly had three zombies on my ass that I had to kill with my bare fists leaving me with nothing at all. So I jumped off a building and tried again.

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Well I suicided only once and that was because I spawned and instantly had three zombies on my ass that I had to kill with my bare fists leaving me with nothing at all. So I jumped off a building and tried again.


That is atleast understandable. Most players just throw themselves off the nearest lighthouse to get the best possible spawn for themselves to either retrieve their gear or just to spawn next to their mates. That's not really intended behaviour.

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Well I can see that problem...

But I had a problem once that would make this hard to balance. In the mod I've spawned on the beach six times and was shot down by some sniper each time until I apparently spawned out of his reach...

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nothing wrong with suicide......what's wrong with them wanting a better spawn?

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nothing wrong with suicide......what's wrong with them wanting a better spawn?




You live with what you are given and loot in the area that you randomly spawn in.


Having dozens and dozens of players mass suicide just to spawn somewhere else is counter productive .



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That is atleast understandable. Most players just throw themselves off the nearest lighthouse to get the best possible spawn for themselves to either retrieve their gear or just to spawn next to their mates. That's not really intended behaviour.




You live with what you are given and loot in the area that you randomly spawn in.


Having dozens and dozens of players mass suicide just to spawn somewhere else is counter productive .




how do these players restrict your playstyle?


i have the feeling, that 80% of the people out there play dayz to pvp with friends. so these are probebaly the roof jumper. what do you think how long will they play this game, when they get a restriction to play with their friends? its not fun for them to get shot and then invest 30-45 minutes to get back to your friends.

i think the suicide will reduce itself, after some vehicles are implemented.

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look at like this, they couldn't handle what the world has become....zombies are taking over, they wanted a way out instead of being eaten. that's realistic scenario.

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look at like this, they couldn't handle what the world has become....zombies are taking over, they wanted a way out instead of being eaten. that's realistic scenario.


Yea but for that to work their copy of dayz would have to be deleted and their cd key removed for this to make sense.

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players who dies trough zombies or fall damage near the spawnarea still respawn in the same spawnpoint for the next 1 hours.


if the player gets killed outside his spawnarea (maybe 5 km or more away) he get a new random spawnpoint


So I can get a berezino, or NEAF spawn, suicide and have a guaranteed spawn there for an hour?  Sounds like an even better way to promote death matching the cities.


I don't see how suicide is a problem, the only arguable point in this thread against it is that it takes up resources producing extra bodies.  The fix to that would be something along the lines of limiting how many corpses each player can have at a time, then starting to delete the earliest one.  The problem then arises of dying in a fight, and suiciding 5x or whatever the limit is as fast as you can to deny the person who you killed you, your items.  To be fair, that would probably take long enough for the guy to loot you, and you'd probably get a spawn you actually want to keep in that time any ways.


Bottom line is as long as random spawns exist, people will suicide.  You can't take away fall damage or you open up a ton of potential exploits.  You can't make it so it just breaks your legs, because you can simply reclimb the ladder and fall off again.  You can't make it so you can't climb ladders with broken legs because now you've just fucked up a bunch of legitimate people's game, and potentially gotten them stuck.


The game can't differentiate the player's intent, so it's impossible to design a simple that knows you were intentionally trying to suicide and punish you for it without punishing people legitimately getting fucked.


There is no good answer to suiciding, besides implementing more methods for groups to meet up.  Vehicles were already mentioned and will help a great deal.  Perhaps something could be tied into base building eventually, and I believe the devs have even mentioned talks of that.  Making the actual spawns more appealing would be good too, a lot of spawns out right suck.  Incentives, not punishment.


Also, could really do without the sensationalism in the OP.  "An all time high," Really????

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so it doesn't bother me that people jump for a better spawn, I've been known to do it myself and sometimes I just want to start over after 3 days of running, it does bother me that the accumulated player bodies drag down the server (this will hopefully change in future builds). having said that, I am all for needing a higher place to jump from, that way you have to at least spend some time looking for a place high enough and just maybe you will reconsider your decision to jump.


so are there still plans for a suicide animation with a handgun?

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In all fairness, I personally feel that the world would see an increase in suicide rates in the event of an actual zombie apocolypse. Very very depressing times.


How about - when you spawn you get a torch and a bible ?

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Bottom line is as long as random spawns exist, people will suicide.  You can't take away fall damage or you open up a ton of potential exploits.  You can't make it so it just breaks your legs, because you can simply reclimb the ladder and fall off again.  You can't make it so you can't climb ladders with broken legs because now you've just fucked up a bunch of legitimate people's game, and potentially gotten them stuck.



What kind of exploits ?


Also if you break your legs sure you can climb again but how are you going to stand up and climb over the railing ?


Increasing the death fall height to realistic levels and having all other falls result in broken legs would stop the suicide epidemic.

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I dunno what game you guys are playing, but I jump off high shit all the time and only break my legs or nothing happens at all.  Fall damage is wonky as fuck as is, making it take even higher is just going to open up the possibility for exploits of getting into places you shouldn't.




Also, you make the fall distance too low and I can't wait to see all the paratroopers forgoing parachutes and doing fast inserts by jumping straight from helicopters/planes at 20-30 meters.



How do you propose suicide by zombie will be solved, when they actually increase the zombie count?

Edited by Bororm

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10min timer to respawn lol I don't mind death still means something to me so when I die its time for a break. I don't die all that often anyway because I play to survive and not deathmatch. People wont like it but if they played the game properly to begin with we wouldn't have this problem.

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How do you propose suicide by zombie will be solved, when they actually increase the zombie count?


That is not a problem that requires time and atleast some effort unless you get lucky and see a zombie right when you spawn.




10min timer to respawn lol I don't mind death still means something to me so when I die its time for a break. I don't die all that often anyway because I play to survive and not deathmatch. People wont like it but if they played the game properly to begin with we wouldn't have this problem.



Timer might be good yup.

Edited by gibonez

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10min timer to respawn lol I don't mind death still means something to me so when I die its time for a break. I don't die all that often anyway because I play to survive and not deathmatch. People wont like it but if they played the game properly to begin with we wouldn't have this problem.


So you are brand new to the game, just bought it, and die to a single zombie in your first 5 minutes.  Now you can't play the game you just paid 30+ dollars for, for 10 minutes.


Or you spawn in and some one is camping your spawn point.  Come back in 10 minutes please.  Oops some one is camping that spawn point too?  Come back in another 10 minutes pls.


Any system that punishes you by NOT letting you play the game at all for any significant period of time is a terrible idea.

Edited by Bororm
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