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Kellrush (DayZ)

having 2 primaries on back instead of primarie and a melee

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I hardly use my melee and i get more use out of having 2 primaries, maybe make it so you can have a gun slung over your back where the melee weapon would normally be?


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I prefer the DayZ mod/Arma idea of only being able to carry two primaries if you obtain a rucksack that's large enough, like a military bergen and other backpacks (including hunters, daypacks, etc) would act as they do currently. The Bergen could be of course similar to finding the new webbing vest and being pretty rare.

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  On 6/26/2014 at 6:28 PM, Kellrush said:

I hardly use my melee and i get more use out of having 2 primaries, maybe make it so you can have a gun slung over your back where the melee weapon would normally be?

You can carry two primary guns now, one on your back, one in your hands. I think allowing 2 primary weapons to be slung is a bad idea.

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has been suggested and busted many times.


IMO, it's good as it is.


with 2 primaries you could fight everything. Like Mosin+M4.

You would be deadly at both, CQC and longrange.



DayZ hits the right spot.

You only take 1 gun. You have to choose, and you're not an allrounder, which is good, because I think DayZ is about making decisions and (partly) limiting yourself.

(If there would be no limits, it would be boring as fuck)



You can already carry 2 primaries, but with a disadvantage of running slower and dropping the gun often.

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  On 6/26/2014 at 7:00 PM, irishroy said:

has been suggested and busted many times.


IMO, it's good as it is.


with 2 primaries you could fight everything. Like Mosin+M4.

You would be deadly at both, CQC and longrange.



DayZ hits the right spot.

You only take 1 gun. You have to choose, and you're not an allrounder, which is good, because I think DayZ is about making decisions and (partly) limiting yourself.

(If there would be no limits, it would be boring as fuck)



You can already carry 2 primaries, but with a disadvantage of running slower and dropping the gun often.


That makes no sense, your telling me you wouldnt carry a mosin and M4 on your back in real life? M4 is a carbine, it is light weight, both weapons can be strapped easily to your back. Maybe if carrying a gun in your hands wasn't wonky as fuck(huehue lets just drop our gun on the ground and lose it cause gotta eat mah foods)

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  On 6/26/2014 at 7:00 PM, irishroy said:
You can already carry 2 primaries, but with a disadvantage of running slower and dropping the gun often.

No longer do you run slower when carrying a rifle. Not sure if its going to stay that way or not.


Dropping the weapon to deal with zombies and eating/drinking/bandaging is a real pain in the ass though. Still I think it should stay like it is.

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front sling for the carbine and the standard shoulder sling for the long gun - that way you don't ever have to put the carbine down just to eat or drink something.


this used to be important to me but as of late I just make sure I get a reasonable handgun and sling the mosin or sks  - I don't bother with the M4 or the AKM anymore. the FNX or magnum do just fine for any CQC I might get involved in (very rare) and I like the mosin for the LRS, you can't shoot binoculars.

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  On 6/26/2014 at 7:33 PM, Krihelion said:

That makes no sense, your telling me you wouldnt carry a mosin and M4 on your back in real life? M4 is a carbine, it is light weight, both weapons can be strapped easily to your back. Maybe if carrying a gun in your hands wasn't wonky as fuck(huehue lets just drop our gun on the ground and lose it cause gotta eat mah foods)

Sometimes Realism must be screwed over to maintain fun and balance in the game ;)


and I think it makes DayZ interesting, because you're never equipped for everything. You must make decisions, not just take everything ;)





  On 6/26/2014 at 8:52 PM, blaeZ said:

No longer do you run slower when carrying a rifle. Not sure if its going to stay that way or not.


Dropping the weapon to deal with zombies and eating/drinking/bandaging is a real pain in the ass though. Still I think it should stay like it is.

Right! They apparently buffed "carrying 2 weapons", so the only downside now is, that the gun drops, when you do something else, which is a fair disadvantage, IMO.

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current system is cool, its just that dropping items is a bit glitched out so they can be lost, as well as the classic server restart just as you drop your maxed out m4.

when hopefully server restarts are less common and also hopefully dropping items is more reliable and less risky, i think everything will be balanced fine.


i wonder if we will always be able to carry the weapon or item in hands through to the next log in the way we do now? someone i play with occasionally mentioned he thinks its abuse of a glitch, to continuously carry 2 rifles in this way. while i never really thought of it that way myself, i am wonder if this system is really intentional or not, and will we always be doing it this way?

Edited by qww

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I would like a system where slinging weapons requires you to have a sling on your gun, they could be made from rope, or proper ones could be found in military spawns.

You could carry many, many guns on your back.

Thing is though, guns are heavy and every item including clothes and storage should have weight.

By the time you add up everything you need to survive you're going to be making big speed sacrifices by having a second gun not to mention ammo for it.

Why have two things that do the same job, right?

If you want flexible rules of engagement a gun like the M4 'SHOULD' be perfect when the devs give it realistic accuracy.

I also think that things like axes should be carried only by people focusing on melee combat, sticking a knife on the end of your gun gives you a perfectly acceptable melee weapon.

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Maybe a tactical rifle sling would be nice.

And while we are on this subject a leg holster for your gun too.

This way you can have a sniper on your back, an AR attached to your tactical sling on the front and your pistol in your leg holster.

Not much need for a backpack in this configuration when wearing a high capacity vest.

Edited by TiggyPooh

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I wouldn't mind the ability to carry two long weapons on your back, however I do also agree that this would have to have some downsides. Firstly, needing more food to remain energized and running considerably slower than someone with one gun.


To be honest if I had to carry a backpack full of food, a hand gun, a rifle, medical equipment and ammunition I don't think I would be keen to add another gun to that equation...

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I don't care if people could carry 10 guns even but there should be some negative side in stamina and carrying a backpack. Carrying two guns and a melee weapon and then crawl or move around isn't the most quiet way...

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I think one rifle and one melee is enough; it's good the way it is right now. That brings diversity to gameplay and Equipment-decision to Player...

But i like the idea of a leg holster!

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With storage coming you would mainly want 2 guns to store one for later.

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  On 6/26/2014 at 8:59 PM, Elle said:

front sling for the carbine and the standard shoulder sling for the long gun - that way you don't ever have to put the carbine down just to eat or drink something.


this used to be important to me but as of late I just make sure I get a reasonable handgun and sling the mosin or sks  - I don't bother with the M4 or the AKM anymore. the FNX or magnum do just fine for any CQC I might get involved in (very rare) and I like the mosin for the LRS, you can't shoot binoculars.

The front sling idea would be a great solution for dropping the gun every time you do something, make it so players cant put guns into their hands instead they'd have to have rope to make a sling for the weapon they'd want to carry. Of course I think there should be some sort of stamina penalty for carrying two primaries. And by the way guys, saying "Its fine as it is" then talking about how over powered carrying two primaries would be is making you all look like hypocrites. Half of you say yeah, we can carry two guns as it is, then say its fine as it is yet you complain about this idea of replacing your melee weapon for another primary. If they disable putting primary weapons into hands and make it so you have to have a sling to carry it permanently in the front with a stamina penalty would be way better than the current way its being done IMO.  

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Fair enough if they add in a weight/fatigue system, I still see no need to carry anything more than a Rifle and a few rounds

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  On 7/7/2014 at 3:09 PM, a_ruttle said:

Fair enough if they add in a weight/fatigue system, I still see no need to carry anything more than a Rifle and a few rounds

SKS weights no more than an oak + steel firefighter axe, so not much of a penalty here. 

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Two "primary" + melee slot can be mainly useful for hunter who have a bow/crossbow which is extremely bad against players and with too much rare arrow and bad way to recover them (way more are lost than real life between those where you can see but can't take them for no reasons and those who magically disappear nowhere for a lot of bug's reasons) which also make them bad against zombies even with the quiet advantage aspect.


But even with two guns STOP people to say that is a bad idea just cause you are afraid to see a too much well armed guy in front of you , it make no senses...

Anyone can actually have a M4/AKM in they hand and carry a long range riffle in their back, and people will NOT be more powerful with more gun slot anyway, just more convenient for them against zombies and hunting or in situation if they can have enough anticipation, and such people can with the worst weapon of the game be really dangerous, the same way them can actually have SKS for long/medium range and MP5 for short range for example.

Anyway even with the less powerful riffle in the game, anyone good enough is really dangerous, so yes their is no reason to prevent people to having more guns slot on them that will not consume already too much restricted inventory place, anyone can fit way more than 4 can opener in their pant...

If you want to be a gun mule, it is your problem http://s9.postimg.org/azz7x1a6n/daily_morning_awesomeness_239.jpg

Weight should be implemented in the game, it won't give you tank like ability such as armor or firepower..but slow speed as a tank next to a car yes, and fatigue, in fact it will be more difficult to play with more guns, mainly if you don't think and just play without anticipate your actions, remember that this is a SURVIVING situation, not a simple war or hunt situation, you can't find reliable gun each 5 meters and you can't base your life on a single one, it seam legit to carry several.

And this : http://reynosawatch.org/minstrel/2009/09/26/the-role-of-the-shotgun/ is the absolute proof that soldier can carry AND have use of "double primary weapon" with hear a M4 for most of the situations and still have a shotgun, and i'm sure he also have service pistol on leg holster, same here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Marines_raid_Fallujah_garage.jpg


In fact if we want i don't see why we even should not have more than two primary weapon such as :

_M4 or other attach in our front : http://www.armoryblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/mission-spec-sling-review-1.jpg and http://www.northeasttactical.com/EWC.html

_Long range in our back left or right

_In the other side a melee weapon

_And a crossbow/bow at the backside strap on the backpack with the quiver : http://www.wildsteer.com/images/visuels/sac_arbalete.jpg for crossbow, here http://lintonoutdoorsblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/team-elk-pack-bow.jpg for bow !

+ pistol/revolver on the tactical vest/legs holster.
Yes all this things together CAN and SHOULD be available to everyone and it can WITHOUT causing ANY unbalanced game or any issues, it won't protect you more or make you more powerful cause you can only use one gun at once, you need time to switch weapons and we can't really change weapons while moving (it work one half the time and you can't stop moving while changing gun) and it certainly wont save you from someone with only a long range riffle and almost no equipment see you from behind and while you stay in the same place for eat/bandage or loot just snipe you and one shoot you for example, or someone even get close enough to kill you with a firefighter axe in the head from behind and kill you before you react...

So their is no valid point against this idea.

Edited by Demongornot
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  On 7/7/2014 at 8:06 PM, General Zod said:

SKS weights no more than an oak + steel firefighter axe, so not much of a penalty here. 

It all adds up, especially when you see these lads with ammo cans full of rounds.

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  On 7/8/2014 at 3:44 PM, a_ruttle said:

It all adds up, especially when you see these lads with ammo cans full of rounds.

We are not talking about content stored inside the bag pack or a west. Instead we are talking about things that hang on each of your shoulders.

SKS weights 8 lb.

Now a fire-fighters axe head made of high grade tool steel, weights 6 lb add a wood handle and it's easily more than the SKS with ammo and a scope. Which means SKS is in fact lighter than the axe we are carrying. 

Edited by General Zod

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Two weapons on back and one in hands, that would be three guns :D


Anyway, I'm all for it *if* they first add some kind of stamina/fatigue/encumbrance system to the game. Carry two guns and and box of ammo? You move 5 km/h gg.


Because seriously seeing how freely our characters sprint with all the stuff they carry, specially boxes of ammo is so silly.

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  On 7/9/2014 at 12:04 AM, Frosti said:

Anyway, I'm all for it *if* they first add some kind of stamina/fatigue/encumbrance system to the game. Carry two guns and and box of ammo? You move 5 km/h gg.

Carry a gun, axe and some canned food ? Same deal, since I already explained that axe is heavier that some in game full size guns, and 4 cans of food can be anything between 1kg and 2kg which means weight difference will be rather small unless you decide to hoard ammo. 

Edited by General Zod

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