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Why are there basically no 3pp:off servers - grow a pair.

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Looks like you are not one for tolerance, friend, and for that I am deeply disappointed in you.. :(

"Just because those who play Lamecore are more likely to suck a bag of dicks shouldn't mean they should be looked upon differently."

I don't think you understand what the word tolerance means.

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I don't think you understand what the word tolerance means.


And I am guessing you wouldn't know a post dripping with sarcasm even if it hit you in the face with a shovel. Which, it did.

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And I am guessing you wouldn't know a post dripping with sarcasm even if it hit you in the face with a shovel. Which, it did.

Sorry, my bad. Apparently you couldn't tell that I was joking either.

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As far as I'm aware all Aus servers are 1st person and nobody really cares

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You guys are focusing on the wrong things.


Stop focusing on what type of player prefers normal or hardcore and focus on how 3pp destroys gameplay and ruins pvp an essential aspect of dayz.

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I've seen just as much terrible players in both game-modes, so keep preaching superiority if that makes you feel better.



You guys are focusing on the wrong things.


Stop focusing on what type of player prefers normal or hardcore and focus on how 3pp destroys gameplay and ruins pvp an essential aspect of dayz.


Then just don't play it? 

Edited by LigerRider
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1. then by that logic 1st is also unfair if one arty is aware and one is not. the attacker has the same advantages.

2. roof campers....yes....if you didn't ADAPT realises that  could happen and check the roofs from an elevated position prior to entering the town...


Also even in 3rd the shooter WILL have to expose themselves to take the shot. Regular checks of the roofs for that shadow popping up are crucial.


Theres 2 reasons its harder in 3rd, less time to aquire target when exposed, and more concealment for the enemy.




So now you cant be shot by a camper in 1st?....come on. Its perfectly possible thers a sniper in one of a dozen nests on HC around any given town....you may not spot them and you may get shot. That's a problem with the mentality of some players.....not 3rd person view.




Now this is what I talking about right here....


Why exactly shouldn't we look at how it effects the other players....that was the whole point of HC.....to effect the other players on the server.


Don't try and sugar coat it....if people just wanted to play 1st that view is avalible on any 3pp:on server....it was ALL about how it effected other players.


Now you say its harder for you to track someone.....its also harder for them to spot you.....by your own admission its easier to spot in 3rd and harder for you to track in first. Logicly its harder for the guy you are tracking to spot you. Experiment with it....so much easier to get close in HC....I know from experience.


You said it best at the end...."makes it a different game" yes its different because there are 10x more possabilities to think about during a firefight. But not easier at all.





So the defender cant take cover and start scoping with 3pp.....just like his attacker?

How does one person "hold all the cards" if 3pp makes spotting easier surly logic dictates its easier for a defender to spot an attacker than it I in 1st.


It makes no sence....first you guys say...


"its easy mode to easy to spot and kill" - well if that's true for you its true for the other 99 players....its easier for them to kill you making it a harder experience.....come on guys that's not rocket science....that's simple common sense.


As I said in other post though, yeas 1st is harder on the individual and more immersive. But harder environment....no way....3pp is where the harsh environment is at :D


Oh dear god really? I already explained it and now I have to do it all again just for you?


"1. then by that logic 1st is also unfair if one arty is aware and one is not. the attacker has the same advantages.

2. roof campers....yes....if you didn't ADAPT realises that  could happen and check the roofs from an elevated position prior to entering the town...


Also even in 3rd the shooter WILL have to expose themselves to take the shot. Regular checks of the roofs for that shadow popping up are crucial.


Theres 2 reasons its harder in 3rd, less time to aquire target when exposed, and more concealment for the enemy."


1) By what logic are you referring to because it's not logic. In 3pp one party can NEVER be aware the other is there - why am I having to explain this?


2) Presumably you're using your hot air balloon to float over the area to check out the roofs are you? Again, why am I having to explain this??


WTF - expose themselves?? Of course they will jesus in a balloon! However in 3pp they wait until ur back is turned from their position where they can't be seen.


Less time to  acquire a target WTF are you taking? You have all the time in the world to plan and move up on people and never lose track of them. Try keeping up with someone when ur restricted in ur view.


Since you can't even make an argument let alone a decent one or understand how 3pp is easier I'm not even going to bother addressing anymore of your post. The ramblings above show clearly you don't have a clue.

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This is what it comes down to.

Despite anything that gets done to official servers come full release. Be it 3rd person is fixed, taken away, both views only for official servers, whatever they might have planned, im sure they will be different from what we have now. It wont matter much. Ill be playing on a private hive that allows both views with something in place that makes it so people cant see over walls and such.. Its already being worked on by the 2017 mod people for one way(which they are making available to others) and now they even picked up some of the crew who was keeping the dayz mod updated. Hell, Ill probably end up just playing the 2017 mod instead.

The official hives wont last forever anyways. They will also most likely filled with idiots because they arent being admined as much as private hives.

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1) By what logic are you referring to because it's not logic. In 3pp one party can NEVER be aware the other is there - why am I having to explain this?



That can happen in 1st aswell....what if I come up behind someone....and they ya know....don't see me. The point is its much easier for your enemy to remain concealed and track you in 3rd.....so its harder on you....simple.....LOGIC


£rd also gives a lot back to the defender after the 1st shot....they can take cover and scan....thus making life harder for the attacker. On a 1pp server the attacker can cover the over they are using and move knowing they wont spot unless they lean.....on 3pp however they can....so you have to be a lot more cautious on your approach.....HARDER




Less time to  acquire a target WTF are you taking? You have all the time in the world to plan and move up on people and never lose track of them. Try keeping up with someone when ur restricted in ur view.




Arrrggghhh This is exactly what I mean....if the rest of the server can do that....as apposed to cannot....that will make life harder on you....simple.





2) Presumably you're using your hot air balloon to float over the area to check out the roofs are you? Again, why am I having to explain this??





You cannot comprehend checking rooftops from a hill prior to entering the town....!?!?!?!? Man I see why some of you guys need everyone else on the server to be in 1st to survive now.



WTF - expose themselves?? Of course they will jesus in a balloon! However in 3pp they wait until ur back is turned from their position where they can't be seen.


And that means what....you have to keep scanning every few seconds....harder....simple logic again.




Since you can't even make an argument let alone a decent one or understand how 3pp is easier I'm not even going to bother addressing anymore of your post. The ramblings above show clearly you don't have a clue.



Well theres some logical counter points to everything you are saying. Im sorry if your ego is getting more and more bruised as you slowly realise it is in fact you that has been playing "easymode" while the rest of us man up and face the challenges presented by a 3pp in a shooter game.


But its ok, no need to reply, we all know that you guys run crying from the 3pp peekers....why should we expect any different here :)

Edited by Karmaterror

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Yes yes I know you all love console games!! so you you love wtfpwzring people you can see from behind your wall... 

But shouldnt there' be more than 7 of us who aren't panzies on the game at a time?  Of the 3 servers i find that have 3pp off in the title, only one actually does.  Also suddenly... about 5-6 servers that usta have it off are gone...

Just dont get it...


how the fuck is this thread still here? and that idiot not banned?

A i'm a PC only gamer

B your opinion is not a fact

C fucking nerd

D I play on 3p only so I can view my gear, guess you're too fucking retarded to grasp the concept

Edited by greenfish

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Pointless troll thread is now locked.


And for the people here who like to sling insults around, quit it.

Quit it, or find another forum.

Edited by Max Planck

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