amiasfree 262 Posted June 2, 2014 (edited) As the title states, I want to know what everyone does when they get surprised into a corner/room where two parties are pretty much at a standoff where no one can fire directly at each other without rushing in. Diplomacy? Go down with guns blazing? Trickery? Wait forever? I ask this because I just got into my first 1vmany 'siege', luckily came out alive due to waiting for like 15 mins and them getting bored/lax, and want to get some more ideas because I have a feeling since I play solo that I will be the one getting cornered a lot more than the other way around. Edited June 2, 2014 by Amias Free Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sistinas1973 50 Posted June 2, 2014 Pucker up my butt cheeks and come out guns ablazing......RAWHIDE! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 100 Posted June 2, 2014 Since I play solo 95% of the time, I tend to make sure I don't put myself in bad situations. I only go into major cities if I desperately have to. I'll live off the land for the most part. But whenever I get into a situation like that, I try to find an exit route. If that involves me shooting on the way out, so be it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
execpro22 128 Posted June 2, 2014 As the title states, I want to know what everyone does when they get surprised into a corner/room where two parties are pretty much at a standoff where no one can fire directly at each other without rushing in. Diplomacy? Go down with guns blazing? Trickery? Wait forever? I ask this because I just got into my first 1vmany 'siege', luckily came out alive due to waiting for like 15 mins and them getting bored/lax, and want to get some more ideas because I have a feeling since I play solo that I will be the one getting cornered a lot more than the other way around. Usually if I'm UNDER SIEGE I get on Teamspeak and see if Steven Seagal is playing or not... If not like someone else said go out fighting and dont give them an inch! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sloasdaylight 129 Posted June 2, 2014 My group and myself almost never put ourselves into a position from which we can't escape. Clearing a jail is usually done with 3 people, 2 inside, one outside and hidden, for example.On the rare occasions when something like what you're talking about happens, I check the player list and bluff, hard. That's usually enough. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amiasfree 262 Posted June 2, 2014 (edited) Since I play solo 95% of the time, I tend to make sure I don't put myself in bad situations. I only go into major cities if I desperately have to. I'll live off the land for the most part. But whenever I get into a situation like that, I try to find an exit route. If that involves me shooting on the way out, so be it.I do the same, but sometimes you think you're safe, go up some one way stairs then hear a 'hey dude' from down stairs- :bandit: Def seems we have 'guns blazing' as our majority solution, I'd do that but I'm a coward and get shaky during encounters so it's almost always a death sentence for me. Only way I was able to get out of one situation earlier was through waiting til the guy's buddies wandered off to loot and a zed beat him up enough for me to blast him with my b95 while he was distracted. On the rare occasions when something like what you're talking about happens, I check the player list and bluff, hard. That's usually enough.Heh, I almost got 'okay I'm gonna afk a bit...' to work, think they heard me moving around trying to get a peek at them though. Edited June 2, 2014 by Amias Free Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted June 2, 2014 reload, find the best possible position, aim at the chokepoint, and wait. patience is a virtue. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oasis Serene 0 Posted June 2, 2014 Since I play solo 95% of the time, I tend to make sure I don't put myself in bad situations. I only go into major cities if I desperately have to. I'll live off the land for the most part. But whenever I get into a situation like that, I try to find an exit route. If that involves me shooting on the way out, so be it.Agreed! I am in the same boat... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyT 554 Posted June 2, 2014 I will first try to contact any of my buddies who are nearby or online. Most of the time, someone will be available to take off some of the heat. Otherwise, I will just wait them out in a defensible position and hope for the best. I make them come in. I stay until I have to get off, at which point I decide what I want to do. If I think it is only one or two guys, I will make a run for it, firing as I go. IF it is more than that, I will find a place to log only if I absolutely can't stay online. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidsnake 275 Posted June 2, 2014 I had an experience like it, just a few weeks ago. I ran into a barn and got shot by some guy on the 1st floor. I fired my full 1911 clip into his general direction to suppress him, since he had the drop on me and I'd be dead if he could land another hit. It worked and I made it to the boxes. Then, I basically just reloaded and waited, while looking for any possible way to get the upper hand. I ran from the far back stack of boxes to those under the stairs and waited for him to come down or take some cover for himself so I could make a swift getaway or shoot him. He chose to come down so I shot him in the chest, He bled so he ran out to bandage. I didn't feel like taking the chance to follow him, so I waited it out and he never returned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daemonkid 493 Posted June 2, 2014 Wait it out. Was under siege at the Balota brig with just one other friend. It was 7 vs 2. We waited, and waited. Checked the windows, saw a guy flanking took pot shots, watched as he ran back. Just waited at the stairs. Waited and waited and waited. Eventually they decided to enter the building and we murdered 2 of em' when they came dashing around the corner. Then more waiting and taunting murdered 2 more of them. 4 out for the count. Kept being patient waiting for them to make the first mistake. Killed another one when he tried to poke his head around the corner just a bit. The last guy fled. Twas a good event. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted June 2, 2014 Tell them that "you" have them completely surrounded and if they want to live to leave the area immediately :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pycco 38 Posted June 2, 2014 i try diplomacy, if that fails i die or kill them. log on sight....shameful display 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hotcakes 348 Posted June 2, 2014 Never had this happen before. I would probably stand guard and tell my buddies to log off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
retti 7 Posted June 2, 2014 don't take your hands off the mouse, don't stop staring through your sites never eat/drink/split ammo or do anything that deactivates your control for a brief moment... when you do, thats when they come around corner/up the stairs ;D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NuckFuts 265 Posted June 2, 2014 If there was absolutely no way out.. and I was outnumbered, I would take off all my gear and slash away at it so at the very least, the tards cant use it. Either that or turn on Rambo mode.. depends on the feeling at the time I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qww 287 Posted June 3, 2014 possibly attempt communication, depending if u know they are hostile or not, then work out exactly where you can be seen from, and what to cover, then defend and hope that enemy doesnt wall glitch to see you or shoot through wall somehow.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dulix11 731 Posted June 3, 2014 I was stuck inside the little jail cell at the NEAF in the jail closest to the hangars. All I had was a B95 and two shots in it. Guy fired at me a lot of times with his SKS, missed every time. I just waited in prone until he ran past, I fired at hit him in the side, killed him. I waited there for a little longer incase he had a buddy, but he never came. I usually just wait it out. Most people I get into fights with end up trying to rush me anyway. They're always the first to move. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted June 3, 2014 no one going to put handcuffs on me ever. die first for sure. Any trick is fair (except glitching) - bang an axe against the wall to sound like gunshot, switch mike on and off, talk to someone who's not there, lie ("there are two of them outside, log in, log in"), crouch and take aim and wait, they will show their head before you get bored. it's surprising how often the attacker does the same thing every time, you can almost rely on everyone to act the same way (which you should not) as though no one thinks it through. Here's a kid who thinks - its NOT the same situation, he's dealing with a sniper - but he thinks about it, knows how to handle it, - he counts the shots - which I think is very neat and cool, and he wins, he makes it look easy : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrostDMG 398 Posted June 3, 2014 Use 3rd person mode to figure out where my enemies are / glitch camera through the wall to gain leet hax advantage....Oh wait, I don't play on EasyMode servers. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) Typically if we've got some one pinned in, we try to get any angle we can on them. When that fails, we try to negotiate their surrender (we stick true to our word if they accept this). Otherwise we typically try to breach, to varying success. Very rarely, we'll say fuck it and leave. None of us care much about dying, and we play to pvp, so it's more fun to us to try than to walk away in most situations. Exceptions being assholes glitching in walls, though we've been known to even stick around longer than we should for that, and have killed some of them as well. If the roles are reversed? (assuming I'm solo) I'd probably hold up in a corner and wait them out for as long as I can. Usually I get bored before they do and try to make something happen in that case too though.Again, I don't care about dying enough to not act at all. Oh wait, I don't play on EasyMode servers. Yeah, instead people just run around the corner and die to the guy waiting without realizing some one was in there to begin with, much harder =P Edited June 3, 2014 by Bororm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munson_fry (DayZ) 312 Posted June 3, 2014 shit my pants and pussy out ..... no i love those situations ( i was in that position three times now ) the thrill, taunting ur enemys, spraying the m4 on full auto down stairs ( i love my 60 round stanag ) and selling ur hide for the maximum price pure adrenalin ! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krisfx 11 Posted June 3, 2014 This one's a bit "backwards" but I had a clan of four under siege at NEAF on my own, I ran into the jail building and quickly ran back out after encountering another player. I waited for ages in the ATC with my gun out of the window and then eventually made a move to the (now closed) door. One of the players seemingly hit me through the wall as I sat next to the door and it swang open, I was bleeding and managed to sneak round back and bandage just in time. I carefully placed myself in a position where I could see into the stairwell and leaned out, emptying a good 30 rounds into the stair area, killing the camping guy with his Mosin and his banzai mate who must have had a suicide note prepared as he bumrushed me with an axe, the third guy just sat peering around the corner, taking pot shots with his Mosin and I managed to get him pretty quickly. I then heard a voice "don't shoot, don't shoot. I'm friendly", I slowly crept in with my weapon shouldered and opened up on the last guy, his last words were "you're a wanker" They fired first and made first attempts to kill me, his plea for help was clearly either a bluff, or the quick realisation that I'd just annihilated his mates, anyway, the story here is that I waited it out, I knew I'd be followed and most likely nailed on open ground by their Mosins. I assessed the situation, then took them out one by one. I was also under seige last night in Berezino on a quiet server. A friend and I just bluffed it and said we had a few guys with us and the guy then surrendered, the only problem was, that he left the building and put himself in a perfect spot for us to be sniped, so we took the option to take him out, rather than be ambushed. Note: The very same day, I geared a guy and found him food, water, a bag, a fireaxe AND gave him bandages while defending him from zombies. I'm not a bandit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blacklabel79 949 Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) Depends on my mood and the Folks i play with. talked myself out of bad situtations, negotiating ect. sometimes go in guns blazing ( given i have a gun for that ) But iam useally Patient and can sit it out too :D Also..its allways fun to involve random People and make them attack your Opponent while you hang back and observe...:P Edited June 3, 2014 by {Core}BlackLabel 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites