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About pacpac

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. pacpac

    Trigger simulation and Sight Alignment

    this is a good idea and we'll never see it. better post this to reddit if you want anyone DEV side to notice this
  2. i'm tired of these motherfucking hackers on this motherfucking alpha. at this point i'm assuming hackers are the main customer base for BI, since they buy multiple copies every few months after a worthless banwave. us poor legit players who only bought one copy ain't shit apparently.
  3. there have been LOTS of char wipes bro. especially on exp.
  4. voted balota cause i ALWAYS GET FUCKED WITH THERE, kos'ers and server hoppers. haven't been to neaf in months.
  5. hopped on exp and saw a "friendly" looting the middle of berezino said to myself "eh, fuck it, just spawned so getting kos'd is w/e" starting speaking in an English gentlemanly accent saying "GREETINGS, GOOD DAYS SIR! OUT FOR A MORNING CONSTITUTIONAL, EH?" i kept this up and was laughing manically in between saying random sentences but with REFINEMENT. i made the dude lol the whole time and i didn't care about DM'ing and neither did he. i then ran off the school roof in voluntary suicide after a proper civil discussion on the merits of the sporter 22. was much fun 10/10 would RP as english gentleman again must find the check flat cap and wool coat, also need a cane/top hat/monocle my new motto for dayz is "eh, fuckit im going 4 the lulz" gotta cut loose, players are too stressed these days
  6. pacpac

    pleasantly suprised

    was on exp noticed looted cars leading out of svetlojasrk crept up on the nearest town, noticed a moto helmet guy overlooking the town decided to shoot him with my sawed off, missed completely he has no ammo, only fists, boxing as i miss shell after shell, reloading in circle strafe his buddy shows up out of the tree line and pings me once in the arm with i'm guessing either a blaze or a sporter, saw the bullet that missed me fly by with a tracer i sprint into the woods, looking at my ruined items, bleeding with a fractured arm i reload the shotgun while running and looked at my ruined medkit one stack of rags and one morphine not ruined but badly damaged, the only items in there, bandaged and healed the fractured and ran back to svetlo only to run into the pair again, lured them into the town as they figured they could melee me to death as the shooter now tried to hatchet me, went into the green two story and 180'd on the stairs, gave moto guy both barrels as he came screaming in the front door, shot his friend on the second floor doorway using close quarters to give my shotgun the only advantage i could, session lost before i could loot the bodies i was hardier and the ruining of the storage kit didn't ruin my items, especially the ones i needed tldr cool that some med items were salvageable even after the damage i took also never follow the guy with the shotgun inside a house
  7. pacpac

    WHY are the big buildings not big?

    The assets were imported retextures of arma 2 models - they didn't even change the dimensions.
  8. pacpac

    Shotgun only firing 1 pellet

  9. pacpac

    How is it going?

    there is nothing new, everything they have added is on exp, which has game breaking rubber banding. almost 60 days since last stable patch
  10. pacpac

    I did a little test

    the game is not pve and never will be. whether you are solo or running with a group, you are shooting at other players. that is the main point of the game. everything else about dayz is to complicate the pvp and make the eventual gunfights and handcuffing tense.
  11. pacpac

    Mission Bobble hat

  12. pacpac

    I did a little test

    this and also pvp is the point of this game.
  13. sooooo on experimental i've been toying with the AKM. i really like it. it's great for mid to far range and the PSO scope feels REALLY accurate. i have the folding buttstock and the RIS handguard... do they affect the weapon the way magpul parts affects the M4A1? also noticed that spray painting the akm buttstock turns it into a wooden stock FYI also wondering where to find the 75 round drum mag
  14. I have a lot of hours into the SA alpha and the most fun, for me, (outside of being drawn into a gun fight/finding rare loots) has been while playing with others. The only person I have ran into in the last 3 weeks (on stable and exp/ all 4 characters) has been the one guy who was cutting down trees outside of Berezino and the guy who silent KOS shot me in the back of the head robert ford style as I was eating and looking out the window in Olsha. I'm kinda done with running around solo. I've been everywhere, man. I've been everywhere. Uber-geared HC stable char? check. found EVERY item in the game? check. crafted and done EVERYTHING in the alpha so far? check. kos'd and pvp'd the hell out of every hotspot? check. played medic/hunter/bandit/ect RP? check. just re-gearing for pvp or keeping the client on exp for micro updates aren't cutting it for me anymore, especially with the HUGE backlog of games I've got on my HD. i also worry that taking a break to come back and see that so little has updated (in a month or two, lets say) that i'll just say "why bother" and just hold off until beta/cars show up) the only thing LEFT for me to do is group up with other people just for the variables it introduces into the dynamic of play. tl;dr (I'm so good experienced at this game I'm bored and now I'm thinking playing with others will be a handicap to keep the game fresh.)