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Evil Minion

DayZ Virtual Paper Doll - Community Clothing Suggestions (v1.30)

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There are plenty of clothing suggestions floating around so I decided to collect some of them (most of them I hope) and related ideas and put them here. I would also like to get some community feedback on those suggestions to categorize/rank suggested items.

* cleanup

* headwear poll results

* added PASGT helmet

* added Baja Hoodie, Lennon Sunglasses

* added Yukon Pack, Leather Gaiters and Leather Reinforcements

* removed implemented items



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39 users voted:

  • camouflage (also against NPCs) - 29 votes
  • dirtiness - 21 votes
  • fire resistance - 21 votes
  • inventory space
  • inventory access speed - 17 votes
  • movement restriction - 22 votes
  • movement bonus - 12 votes
  • noise level - 24 votes
  • protection from bleeding
  • protection from cold (also makes you sweat easier)
  • protection from direct damage (health)
  • protection from shock
  • protection from sunlight (reduce blinding effects/getting hot from sunlight) - 27 votes
  • protection from water (rain and while swimming or walking through ponds)
  • swimming modificator (positive values are only applied if the piece of clothing is top layer)
  • water capacity (amount of water that can be soaked up)
  • weight - 22 votes


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Different slots would increase realism and options (being able to wear a coat above a shirt) but are by no means required - all items on the list (save attachments) should still work with the existing slots. Newly suggested slots have their poll results (votes +/-) written behind them. 2 users voted against new clothing slots.

  • Head (helmets, hats etc.)
  • Nose (glasses)
  • Face (masks)
  • Neck (scarfs etc.) - 29/3
  • Underwear (both top and bottom) - 7/22
  • Shirt (T-shirts etc.) - 25/3
  • Jacket (coats, jackets etc.)
  • Vest (vests, chest holster etc.)
  • Hip (mainly skirts, as additional choice) - 13/10
  • Belt (belts of course) - 35/4
  • Legs (pants)
  • Feet (boots etc.)
  • Socks (socks/rags etc.) - 10/16
  • combined Hip/Belt slot (for skirts or belts) - 14/6
  • leg holster slot (by degude) - 1/0


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  • tear into rags, repair (we got this)
  • shorten/cut off sleeves etc.
  • slit skirts/cut holes into clothes
  • add/remove attachments
  • change slot (e.g. use a scarf or bandana as "mask")
  • wear in a different fashion (e.g. turning around a baseball cap, rolling sleeves) - techncally implemented with craftable Bandanas
  • squeeze soaked clothes into bottles
  • dyeing
  • add duct tapeor hide to increase protection but lower flexibility

Items (Part I)

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Zombie Clothes

Camo Patterns





Facial Wear



Items (Part II)

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Craftable Armor Sets



Attachments (28 votes for, 3 votes against, 6 votes for separate items, 10 votes undecided)

Other Thoughts

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Getting Dirty
When worn and especially when worn under certain conditions (e.g. outer layer when prone) clothes become dirty. This might change their appearance (obviously) and also impair their performance in some cases. Maybe dirty clothes also come with a higher risk of infection or degrade faster than clean clothes.
Layered Inventory:
Some clothes might restrict access to clothes worn below them masking the inventory space or increasing access speed. So wearing a long skirt above your cargo pants requires you to get below the skirt first (either by taking it off or in a similar way you access first aid kits) unless you slit it which damages the skirt slightly reducing its protection value.
Pocket System:
The inventory space of a piece of clothing is divided into several pockets of different size making it harder to store big items. When hit pockets should count separately so a hit might damage you backpack and items inside a certain pocket while others stay unharmed.

=> 33 users voted and 12 wanted a complex pocket system, 8 wanted a simple pocket system and 7 wanted to keep the current system


Finer Grid Inventory:

The current item slots are divided into 4 or even 16 smaller slots. This allows for more diversity in item size and reduces the instances where small items take up a lot of space. On the other side it allows for some smaller fluctuations in similar sized items without having them to be unrealistically big. This allows for a better item balance by inventory slots used (e.g. the Magnum being bigger than the Makarov).
Every piece of clothing has a certain amount of water it can soak up. The more it has stored the heavier it gets and the slower it becomes dry. The values of all worn clothing (as well as the value of the survivors body) will be added up and becoming dry happens at a fixed rate depending on your temperature (the higher the faster given you do not sweat) - this means getting rid of wet clothes helps becoming dry much faster. The doffed clothes keep the same relative amount of water (e.g. your overall value is 50/100 and you take off a shirt that can store 20 its value will be 10/20 while your value changes to 40/80) but become dry separately (which is much faster). Protective clothing (Raincoats, Dry Suits) would divide this into multiple "layers" (the dividing piece of clothing would belong to the outer layer) that store water separately. Only the innermost layer applies to your survivor (in terms of a higher infection risk etc.) but all add weight or might destroy items stored within this layer. Furthemore for a layer to become dry all layers above have to be dry first (so you become dry from the outside).


The effects of headwear/facial wear (27 voters):

  • 8 voted for purely costmetic effect
  • 13 voted for protection against attacks (significant)
  • 16 voted for protection against weather (significant)
  • 13 vote for identification denial
  • 16 voted for vision obstruction
  • 16 voted for vision alteration (blur, color etc.)


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to the more detailed topics:
"Clothing Ideas" by AnyoneInCherno?
"Fur-clothes" by irishroy
"Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)" by jaggardos
"Items draw speed" by ra91111
"Rolling your sleeves (and why I think it can be done easily)" by TheEvanCat
"Craftable Armor" by Evaris
"The Mega Clothing Thread" by Agentstapler

"Inventory space - same capacity but 4x number of squares" by Roshi

"Layering System/Clothing useless, how to fix" by Trizzo
and everyone else who contributed

Edited by Evil Minion
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Well done evil! Glad that we can now organize another major section of the forum. Thank you and God bless!

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this makes sense for the most part as long as we dont see too much unneeded stuff but things like holsters, face covers, pads, plating for vests, new packs, and some accessories would be a nice touch i just dont see a use for the baby mask and spikes or even the ninja outfit as well as the jewelry are just majorly pointless to me because one ninjas are just an over used game items that really never fits and jewelry you would never really see. All in all good go man i like the post and really like how it adds all posts to one.   

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The underwear area entirely relies on the fact that the devs will add nudity (which may or may not happen, although they probably would've modeled the characters nude already if they really wanted it) unless you just propose swappable clothing in said region.


Some of the clothes seem a bit over the top or unnecessary (like the Ninja Suit, I mean wtf?) but a lot of them would be nice aesthetics. Also, the fur hats and clothes could be crafted and provide a lot of extra warmth when (hopefully) temperatures have a bigger effect on the environment and the player.

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Yes - underwear could work as swappable as well. Its just to provide more variety (and gamplay options) and some of the other suggestions might look pretty silly with the current set.


There are some joke items on the list as well - though we also got clown masks ingame. As long as they are implemented in a realistic and believable fashion they would make the game more diverse. And maybe some creative players will put them to good use.

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I do appreciate that you added credits, thank you :)


And yes, these are pretty good ideas. Good post.

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Ah, a thread for clothes. It's good that we're consolidating because it's a more reasonable place to look for ideas than a thousand different places.


And so on the subject of rolling sleeves, I wrote a thread that explains that this could probably be easily done by the devs:



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I suggest some pictures:

Leather pants / Chaps

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Poncho made out of cloth

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Dunno, maybe different holsters.


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Revolver-belt (all pistols, Longhorn excluded)

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Leg-holster (for sawn off shotgun, Longhorn)

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Edited by irishroy
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Could use some military officer caps in the game.. so I could look like Alexei Stukov :)

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perhaps clothes that if you found them all would make you look like one of the original survivors from the mod

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Added those items though many of the mod survivor clothes are already ingame (Baseball Cap, Tactical Vest) or on the list (Dress Shirt, Gun Holster). Also added the Military Officer Cap even though we will get a (similar) Police Officer Cap soon.

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A leg holster could be nice


This could be some combination of belt and leg-pocket


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Updated. Added a Gag as a acoustic version of the Burlap Sack and Rubber Gloves that might prevent you from getting an infection. I also included the latest pictures for gloves and the dyeing action.

Edited by Evil Minion

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Lets bump this before people start opening new clothing suggestion topics again. :)

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Camo variety could be achieved through different Eastern bloc camouflages. I know Armenia has a kickass digital scheme. Georgia uses MARPAT and Multicam. Everyone else pretty much uses a whole variety of stuff. With the Soviet Union, there arelots of old utilities kicking around.

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The Police Uniform is implemented now. I decided to keep it on the list but crossed out the line.


Poll might stay up a little longer to give people a chance to cast their votes.

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Hunting Jackets to match the Hunting Pants

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Edited by irishroy
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