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About darksteeljorge

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  1. darksteeljorge

    PC Shutdown when playing dayz

  2. darksteeljorge

    PC Shutdown when playing dayz

    Really appreciate all your help and I dont think I changed that but ill be cheking it out, cant find it jajaja
  3. darksteeljorge

    PC Shutdown when playing dayz

    So am i supposed to have dayz in normal priority, high, very high or what ? Thank you!
  4. darksteeljorge

    PC Shutdown when playing dayz

    I've seen something about tasks, I don't know very much about it, if you could please tell me how to see that ? I got windows 8
  5. darksteeljorge

    PC Shutdown when playing dayz

    Whats do I clean ? how ? I got windows 8, mybe recovery is it what you mean ?
  6. darksteeljorge

    PC Shutdown when playing dayz

    What did you do to fix it ?
  7. darksteeljorge

    PC Shutdown when playing dayz

    This is new, as the title says my pc shutdown when playing dayz. I've had dayz since the first day and this past days this started to happen. Also happens with arma 3, i bought arma 3 about 2-3 months ago and after the 2nd week of having it suddlenly is shutdown. To be more specific my monitor goes black and then my pc shutsdown, this is scary/annoying for me as I don't really know much about hardawre/software. I bring up that happened to me in arma 3 because during those 2-3 months i barely played dayz, most likely I didnt played it. I think it has to deal with Arma 3 and dayz, because I havent anyother games in a while and I don't think it happens with those other games (Payday2, minecraft, rust, etc..) This morning my pc shutdown 3 times in less than 10 minutes when playing dayz. The last shutdown was after 1-2 minutes of joining a server. This didn't happen with arma so bad. In arma 3 the worst situation was after 5-7 minutes of playing, this is 1-2 minutes!!! I made a memmory test, and nothing, I check my temperatures and they are almost in the max, if not they are in the max when on desktop. Now I havent check them when playing but I will. I'm not quiet sure if the shutdowns started after setting launch parameters, but I allready got raid of them, I also edited this GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Expecting to get a few mor frames, I don't know if this makes a difference but I havent put it back to the default. Even thou I'm not sure if I did this before or after the first dayz shuttdown, I think it was after. My PC is not a beast or anything like that, some of you might say it sucks, some others might say it's allright here are my specs HD Radeon 6670 2gbAMD Radeon FX-41002x4gb RAM Gskill DDR 3 I don't know my power supply but it's 500watts Please help me, give moe some programs to test my hardware, should I call someone that knows about pc's to help me ? I need updates ? Anything will help -Update- I already turned my power settings from balanced to high power hoping that this helps. -Update- 6/12/14 I realize my PSU is 300w and it says that the max is 280w (It's weird) and my mother board is GA-78LMT-USB3 from Gigabyte.which I dont know at all how good the motherboard is but I think that the PSU is knidda too low, I made a test in a web page that tells me my minimum PSU by my pc specs and my minimum should be 273w from the 280w max my PSU can run. That without taking in the 2 fans I have which I think both of them are 120mm and have red lights (not sure how much power they can take) I guess this is the problem, please give me thoughts and please tell me if my motherboard is bad, or fine, or good for gaming, just wondering. -Update- 7/12/14Just bought a 550w power supply, I hope it works and fixes my problem. Thanks for all the support
  8. darksteeljorge

    Some DayZ Facts About You...

    1. I bought my PC to play dayz mod. 2. Never bought Arma 2 CO because I was scared on buying it and the next day SA releasing (If you followed SA during July-November 2013 the release date was close and no one knew when was coming out) 3. At this point I still have some attraction from the mod 4. I like the mod over SA and I havent played it never. 5. I just have 200hours in SA and bought it since the release date
  9. darksteeljorge

    Randomly occurring illness

    Ohh yeah because everyone wants to spawn and have a disease
  10. darksteeljorge

    No vehicles: ever!

    Whats wrong with you ?
  11. darksteeljorge

    Question I have

    So that's why ? Thanks!!
  12. darksteeljorge

    Hunting and how to make a bag out of animal pelts

    why cant you make it bigger with sticks ?
  13. darksteeljorge

    Question I have

    So I heard a lot from rocket that mods are essential part for developing, and if they're so important why are they going to be added at Q4 when almost the whole game is done ?