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Content request: Evil Wizard skin

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You know what really pisses me off that's not in game the ability to "Ghost ride the whip" Some "Simulation" game this is I CANT EVEN GHOST RIDE THE WHIP?!!??!!! wtf Im starting a petition and boycotting this BS till I can ghost ride the whip.

It would be so amazing to watch someone ghost ridin' through Cherno on their pimped out UAZ.

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I want an "old burly" skin! Big giant gray beard, lumber jacket and Carhart pants!

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I don't even give a fuck if I'm late. I'm gonna say it right now.

I cast Magic Missile!

In all seriousness, though, I'd love to see some fighter jets. Maybe paratroopers dropped from passing planes. Wait! It gets better! The paratroopers? They're clowns. Now, who's realistically looking for a clown in the zombie apocalypse? I know I wouldn't be. So these clowns can carry ultra rare loot. But like I said, they'd be hard to find, because you're not looking for clowns. You're looking for downed choppers and--

Fuck. Okay. I just can't. That's just... fuck me.

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An ultra-rare Sasquatch skin for freaking the fuck out of people hiding in the woods!

A cardboard box skin so you can loot cities without being detected. You just stay totally motionless when anyone/thing comes near!

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Add Carebears to the wildlife list' date=' so that Bandits can actually eat the Carebears that they kill.


An ultra-rare Sasquatch skin for freaking the fuck out of people hiding in the woods!

+1 internets for you guys ... hmmm combine ideas

a rare sasquatch you can kill and eat ... and when you skin it you can wear it

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I'd also like a Higgs Boson to be added, pending confirmation at the July 4th press conference. Give it an astronomically rare spawn percent, and have it serve no purpose at all, beyond profound theoretical physics ramifications.

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I'd be happy with a 70's style polyester white leisure suit or a 70's style pimp suit with cane. Of course the pimp suit would also have to have a pimped out pink Cadillac to go with it. Mess wid ma bitches you gonna die mother f**ker!!

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I want to play card games with my fellow survivors.

Oh, and russian roulette.

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predator skin, that turns invisible and also has with thermal/nvg retractable spear and that laser auto targeting rocket launcher, also give it ability to climb trees.

ok maybe a little OP to be fair would also have to add the Schwarzenegger skin that spawns only with a bowie knife.

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You know what really pisses me off that's not in game the ability to "Ghost ride the whip" Some "Simulation" game this is I CANT EVEN GHOST RIDE THE WHIP?!!??!!! wtf Im starting a petition and boycotting this BS till I can ghost ride the whip.

It would be so amazing to watch someone ghost ridin' through Cherno on their pimped out UAZ.

Thats what im sayin!

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you should add toilet paper cuz beans can cause massive diarrhea. and zombies will smell you from 1 mile away if you dont wipe correctly. also flies will be around you all the time.

Also: Bill Fucking Murray shall be somewhere in the map. if you find him, you win proton pack to fire da lazerz.

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Choosing to play a female character you should get bonus and cons.

One of the pro's could be you were a hooker before the Zombie spread, thus you are very fast and nimble.

a con could be, 25%- all stats until you are in a kitchen

or even perhaps since you are a women, your period kicks in and zombie detection range increases by 50% at random times

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Also: Bill Fucking Murray shall be somewhere in the map. if you find him' date=' you win proton pack to fire da lazerz.


I fully endorse this addition to DayZ. ;)

Also there should be 1 Twinkie as well that if you find it you will be invulnerable to infected for 1 full day(After you eat it of course).

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I want banana peels that can be used as traps. Makes people slip and fall, chance to break a bone and drop your main gun. Make it happen, Rocket!

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A new dialogue option: Billy Mays. You follow players around as Billy Mays floating near them and constantly yell at them "HI I'M BILLY MAYS WITH OXICLEAN" with a 20% chance of zombies hearing it and going after the player.

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New player diseases and loot items. You are a diabetic and have to periodically take insulin shots. You must find syringes and slam up before you tip the scale of a high blood sugar coma.

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Mankini skin please, in salmon pink. No carry slots but it scares zombies away. can it have a hairy butt crack please?

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It would be wonderful to see a Cupid costume ! Flying around the map with a bow and arrow launching arrows to male players making them fall in love with female/male characters all across the map (randomly) and vise versa. Then there would be a mission to seek out your lover !

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