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About Hyperien

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  1. Hyperien

    Switching servers kills you?

    have you played since the character wipe. that is most likely what killed you
  2. Hyperien

    The DayZ Dream

    interesting story bro but i like the idea of a more "realistic" zombie not odd mutated boss zombies
  3. Hyperien

    Don't Stream snipe!

    i think he meant dont stream your self snipe and killing people make a stream of you helping people
  4. Hyperien

    The threats in this game no longer exist.

    your temp goes down in the rain at night i was running and my temp went crit and was blinking i had to stop and make a fire
  5. Hyperien

    All (8) of our vehicles gone. How?

    sounds like your just mad you dont have a big enough group to do this
  6. Hyperien

    I play DayZ to Roleplay

    hahahahha i remember that such a classic made me lol
  7. Hyperien

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Dear Angered Citizen of the internet Gamers today seem to have forgot what an ALPHA TEST is. An alpha is a buggy broken bairly working idea of a final product this is a test the mod is not any where near done this is not a game this is a test every one playing is helping rocket test his idea. is there fun to be had yes, is shit going to be broken and buggy yes.
  8. Hyperien


    sounds like your a hacker and got banned. which is why your not pissed about being "falsely banned" and just want to get another key
  9. protip the game is pretty balance between coop and pvp just dont look for people to play wit in game me and a few friends make a camp and go out and kill every one else
  10. Hyperien

    Priests running around up north!?!?

    I wonder if this has to do with the creepy radio shit
  11. Hyperien

    Debug Forest, How I Hate You

    Thankfully i have only had 1 trip to the debug forest I shot the fuck out of a cow i saw there then killed myself =D
  12. tell the story before i lose track of this thread and dont see the funnys
  13. Hyperien

    Dear Mum

    Riveting tale chap
  14. Hyperien


    just wait till u kill a cow in the open and BOOOM sniper