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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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its been 5 days since i last was able to play is there way that some one from dayz staff can write a script r smthing so we can log in dayz homepage and reset your character urself becuse that would be great if somthing like that ever happens to some one or many times with you. you just log in and reset ur char boom 5 min r smthing problem solved...

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I'm getting a little bit worried that they already put this Alpha to an early rest, now all their eyes are focused on the stand-alone version that will become the DayZ game.

We are unfortunately left in the dirt, as you probably already noticed some changes in the troubleshooting F.A.Q in the help section.

If you go inside their troubleshooting page you can click on it and it will say.

"We no longer help you with resetting positions or unstuck your character for any reason."

I find this very inappropiate... Why? Let me tell you..

We are the Community and the people who got you famous for the mod you created.

We are the Community who gave you the reason and the idea behind making a stand-alone game because there was demand for it, again without us there would be no new stand-alone game cause there wouldn't be any demand for it - It's easy to understand what it means. "Without us there would be no you."

So do us a tiny favor that really cannot take too much effort and help us out please.. That's all we ever asked for?

The main issue here is rather obnoxious.. We want to play your game, but you wont let us?

I feel seriously neglected and im pretty sure that I speak for the most part of us in this thread who has been getting the hand of denial from you Rocket, 2 weeks, to 4 weeks to 1½ months without a single answer. I feel this is quite unacceptable.

Step up your game and show us your as loyal to your customers as we are loyal to your game - Don't let the money fever take over..

Respect goes both ways - Dont forget that.

I mean no harm, rather the opposite - I mean only kindness.



Edited by Boyka
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I've been getting the incorrect server version error all day. After trying many solutions to fx(reinstall, create new profile) I'm pretty sure that this is an issue with my character data in the hive. I need a reset, because I would love to be able to play this game again.

character ID: 56380614

character Name: eyes of a cowboy

thank you!

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I'm getting a little bit worried that they already put this Alpha to an early rest, now all their eyes are focused on the stand-alone version that will become the DayZ game.

We are unfortunately left in the dirt, as you probably already noticed some changes in the troubleshooting F.A.Q in the help section.

If you go inside their troubleshooting page you can click on it and it will say.

"We no longer help you with resetting positions or unstuck your character for any reason."

I find this very inappropiate... Why? Let me tell you..

We are the Community and the people who got you famous for the mod you created.

We are the Community who gave you the reason and the idea behind making a stand-alone game because there was demand for it, again without us there would be no new stand-alone game cause there wouldn't be any demand for it - It's easy to understand what it means. "Without us there would be no you."

So do us a tiny favor that really cannot take too much effort and help us out please.. That's all we ever asked for?

The main issue here is rather obnoxious.. We want to play your game, but you wont let us?

I feel seriously neglected and im pretty sure that I speak for the most part of us in this thread who has been getting the hand of denial from you Rocket, 2 weeks, to 4 weeks to 1½ months without a single answer. I feel this is quite unacceptable.

Step up your game and show us your as loyal to your customers as we are loyal to your game - Don't let the money fever take over..

Respect goes both ways - Dont forget that.

I mean no harm, rather the opposite - I mean only kindness.



ye so true what ya speaking and if they wont get this stupid error fixed or get our users reseted they just will loose many players so when the game will be released as full version in the future theyr just loose money :P and respect.well i arleady probly lost money xD cause i bought the arma combined only for dayz like 2-3 weeks ago ive playd dayz 30 hours smthing i was just hopeing i can play a littl more :D

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Ticket has been in over 2 weeks, still waiting for a reset..

Player ID : 18411910

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Ticket has been in over 2 weeks, still waiting for a reset..

Player ID : 18411910

I just saw your youtube channel, and dud, YOU ROCK. The first video I've seen you've 0 zombies kills, and a AS50, L85 AWS (with 10 stanag loads).

I think your problem is another bad occurrence of karma. A big problem this days with the update from the hack-provider messing the characters. Just take a look from the "official" forum a lot of people complain at the same thing.

The good thing is that your problem is solved. At the moment of the char reset you probably have a big global ban and you dont have to worried more about this char right now. Better buy another CDKEY and problem solved! (and new youtube channel pretty please).

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I didn't get globally banned. Also getting this error as of a few minutes ago on my second account. Updated ticket, a reply would be nice.

Account 1

Player ID : 18411910

Account 2

Player ID : 19815110

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I didn't get globally banned. Also getting this error as of a few minutes ago on my second account. Updated ticket, a reply would be nice.

Account 1

Player ID : 18411910

Account 2

Player ID : 19815110

Oh I'm really sorry about your lost.

I can't wait for you upload moar videos to youtube, seriosly, you rock. Watching your videos makes it look easy -the life at dayz-

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Hey guys, I know you're upset over the waiting and want answers.

I have created a thread regarding Rocket's complete silence and the path they are currently taking.. It would be nice with some support in that thread, we might get heard.

Feel free to read it all, it pretty much covers the issues and the silence from company itself. The thread is mainly for increasing our chances to get help..



Edited by Boyka

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i was playing this morning for a hour then loged out to get something to eat logged back in 20 min later got this message

Player ID - 22432646

Player Name - Mike80

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Same problem here too. Admins a bit of information to the players would be appreciated, or atleast reckognition.

Player ID: 63113158

Player: timmytimp1

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I have found a fix!

You need to replace C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe with the ArmA2OA.exe from

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta

This is because the updated launcher will be the one in the beta map.

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I have found a fix!

You need to replace C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe with the ArmA2OA.exe from

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta

This is because the updated launcher will be the one in the beta map.

May have fixed it for you but not for some of us.. Have tried multiple versions, beta versions, reinstalling everything etc.. Character file or data is corrupted and needs to be reset.

This is all I get when I join any server with the two accounts frigged now.. :|

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Same here, fix it please. Also sent a pm to Vipeax

Name: Surprise

ID: 67019718

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I don't think they care guys.. :-/

Same so far ive waited 1week + but my guess is there mabe even some players waited 1 month with that my guess would be theyr not gona help us.Becuse with big things like dayz they must help theyr clients fast as possible or they loose them.

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Need a character reset.

Have been waiting for over 2 weeks now, opened a ticket 2 weeks back from now and still no response.

My steam account is Dirk060.

My ID is 69279942

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My character is corrupt, I have exhausted all other possibilities. Please reset my character I have stayed awake all night trying to fix this - this is my last hope.

Player ID: 4361024

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