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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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Name: CarlosSpary


The server is running....

i change form steam Arma Version to ArmaX i bought both the steam and the ArmAx

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Name: Magic

ID: 6342658

Version: Arma X retail

bought it installed it played 5 mins restarted the pc and than this happend.

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I am having a problem I keep respawning in the middle of no where nothing loads except myself and other people around me no buildings nothing. What do I do how do I fix this?

My version is

It loaded this morning fine and now its just whacked.

Can somebody help me out When I spawn in to the game it only spawns me and other people and nothing else just land no buildings not even grass? I dont get it ran fine this morning and all of a sudden its putting me in the middle of no where.

My version is

If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it thank you very much.

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Exitus ID: 10314246

Server: 30 Colorado 1

Died with ( Iki ID:496386) and (Hal Brown ID:29231366) near Krasnostav Airfield, killed by hack attack, please restore ouer Charakters....

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I am having a problem I keep respawning in the middle of no where nothing loads except myself and other people around me no buildings nothing. What do I do how do I fix this?

My version is

It loaded this morning fine and now its just whacked.

Can somebody help me out When I spawn in to the game it only spawns me and other people and nothing else just land no buildings not even grass? I dont get it ran fine this morning and all of a sudden its putting me in the middle of no where.

My version is

If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it thank you very much.

Dude its debug plains xD

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hello ,i hawe Arma 2: Reinforcements ,can not login any serwer ,please help mee.

id 97092

name Shvann

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So I'm guessing we have to wait for the release of 1.7.2?

You mean 1.7.6 or above right? We're past 1.7.2 (yay :D).

We're at

Patch 1.7.2. will be the next major patch baring any hotfixes that may or may not happen in the mean time.

Ahh yeah fuck sorry! Do we know what is in the next update or what? We need a "Future Updates" page if we don't.

It is in confirmed fixlist

Pending Update: Build 1.7.2


* [NEW] Authentication for duplicate IDs supportive of the new beta patch (ArmAX users)

which means ---- glorious sounds of whatever you like --- text string playerid' date=' not just integer number ====> fix

BTW ---- search before you post you little dummies :) (no offense intended... or intended?:D)


Alright beast! Thanks for telling me man I'll look it up in the future!

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I believe my character is corrupted. Character is 1022016. Could you fix him?

Thank you

*Edit: For some reason it wasn't there or I just plain missed it, but that number is actually 1022016AX, so I am not corrupted, I just have the anniversary edition character somehow. I don't own the anniversary edition...

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Heyhey, i got this message too ..

a month ago it works perfect..

i reinstalled my pc and installed Arma2 / OA and the patch like the time before .. but now i got the error ..

I tryed everything but now i think my char is corrupted

Charname: xXDashiXx

Player-ID: 14850AX

Pls try to fix it ^^ ..

if you need more information:

the link to my thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=30904



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Name: Steppes

ID: 6377282

Version: Arma X retail

Yesterday played after reinstall. Then killed and get this message. Pls fix Thx

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hey i just bought the arma x anniversary edition and when i join most of the servers i get this server error plz fix it xD



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Hey Guys - my player ID is fecked up and I cant play on 94444 or 93965 servers... Thiefsie - 144577RFT - can anyone fix this up for me please?


This is what I get for being a day one Arma II buyer....

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hey i just bought the arma x anniversary edition and when i join most of the servers i get this server error plz fix it xD



Use beta version 93825 ?

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Hey, can't play anymore, due to my ID/Anniversary Edition, I think

Nick: Tampuk

ID: 52546AX

Thanks guys!

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I've been out of action for about a week and thought I had to wait for the servers to update. Since they now have, I assume it's a problem with my Aniniversary Edition (though I've had no problems until the last 2 updates).

User: Hardclaw

ID: 373505

Thanks in advance if you can get my character back online!

If not, looks like a reinstall ¬¬.

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Got the same Problem :\

User: Kaeltis

ID: 15298AX

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hey i just bought the arma x anniversary edition and when i join most of the servers i get this server error plz fix it xD



Use beta version 93825 ?

[/qunope i was using 93965 and now 94444,still not working :/

should i try 93825?

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I also bought ArmaX and cant join the servers with this error message

Name: Lamkiller

ID: 204162AX

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Bought the Arma X: Anniversary Edition retail version. Currently having the same problem as described above. Could it be that someone might find some time to fix my character?

Name: Alexei

ID: 258177AX

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