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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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ArmA X chars can´t be fixed atm, but there is a solution. You only have to read this thread.

... BUT this might all be have an ending, when 1.7.2 is out.

Good luck with your ArmA X.


You can.

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I post this again because i dont have a problem log in to servers my problem is that everytime i login to ANY SERVER my character is invisible and invulnerable (like a god mode) (this since i cant die, dont need to eat or drink. I cant respawn, i hit the respawn button and i appear in the debug field all the times i tryed, and if i log out of the server and enter the same one or another one i appear the same with the god mode thing and all my gear intact.

Delete it i want to start from 0.

Sorry for my english.

Name: Marco

ID: 16185670

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Can't join any servers, Retail Arma X

Name: Ovos

ID: 315009

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Was playing on a server, hacker changed my skin then killed me shortly after. I changed servers and now I'm getting this message no matter what server I join.

Name: Karlol

ID: 31822150

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i have a crash ingame and now, i cant connect on any server.

Name: Muffel

ID: 32827846

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RE: This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

Player ID:221698AX

Complete Fresh ArmaX install with update and beta client. Don not work on every server.

Update: Now i see an "warte auf den spieler zu erstennen" (waiting for create character)" message.

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Please guys test it with 1.7.2 and let me know if it works.

My two buddies just bought ARMA X today (I kinda talked them into it) and to our horror we found out, that they can not play due to this "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.".

Since 1.7.2. is out there is no point in using workaround with older beta patch 93965 beta so ARMA X users are screwed unles something happened in 1.7.2.....

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hey people, i still can not play with the newst 1.7.2 beta patch. have to use 93965 again

i thought that this mind be fixed but it isn't :( F*CK

all my favorite server are now on 94444

and btw, I'm really pissed of today. I played today on DayZ EU8 and was killed by hackers. they had a two hind helicopters and a little bird. there were also ammo trucks and many more cars than usual. its a pity to not be able to read the names of your murderer

be patient and wait for hope


ID: 486082

sorry for my fckn english

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On our managed server ny7/8 we also get the same error message ... is this a hive issue ?

This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.Please contact .....

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Yeah, I was told that this would be fixed with the release of 1.7.2

I updated and still can't join any servers...

I'm not one to complain but this is becoming a tad ridiculous :/

Can someone explain why it refuses to work? It'd be understandable if it didn't work with earlier versions, but why would later versions of the game break it? Surely it would improve it :S

ARMA X Anniversary

Name: NCR Raider

ID: 36801AX

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I can´t play too after update. Please check if my character is corrupted!

Arma x Anniversary


ID : 371458

name: Kickapoo

resetting beta patch to 93965 didn´t work either :(

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day Z is not work whis Arma 2: Reinforcements

id 97092

name Shvann

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ArmA X owner here.

I had to rollback to + beta 93965 to be able to play.

I was stuck in "loading" and "waiting for character to create"

Are ArmA2 CO (steam) owners still fine?

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I'm getting this message, been out of game for almost a week.

PlayerID: 4991872


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Can someone confirm whether it is possible to play DayZ with Arma X?

I did last night using 94700 beta patch. ArmA X retail.

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i might`ve missed this some where, but will it be possible to restrict connection to the server, if files on server and client side doesnt match(incorrect version or corrupted data)?

Edited by Frozen

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Nick: mission

PlayerID: 22445318

tried a bunch of different things, still getting the message. i played for a bit when i first updated to beta 95099, then after a few hours i got some graphics glitch that would make it hard to see if i looked in a certain spot, then suddenly the game messed up, i couldnt see anything, except the menu when i pressed ESC so i aborted and restarted game and been getting the message every since :( really dont wanna lose the gear i worked so hard for or my 8 day char (my longest so far). If my char can be fixed it would be greatly appreciated :). anyways thinks for a fun game! :)

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