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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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Don't bother posting on this thread they don't care. I posted on this a month ago and have sent the OP 2 messages along with opening support tickets and trying to make my own threads about the issue. I have received no replies to any form of contact. Just play on a private hive and don't buy the standalone.

Roger that

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Name: Cannabundo

ID: 76184774

I Keep getting error "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server owner please contact DayZ Staff." everytime i join a server,I've upgraded, downgraded, reinstalled, and am still havin the same problem. I can hit respawn and see myself die, but other then that i can only play on private servers. I Really love this game and would love it if you were able to reset me so i can get back to playing with my buddies.

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what a joke, I've had this issue for 3 months, I have posted in numerous forums about the issue and tried contacting technical support over a dozen times and have yet to get a reply.

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I'm a new poster, also having this issue with the server side application. I downloaded Arm2 and OA from the Gamestop app yesterday. I can join private servers but obviously my character doesn't transfer outside of that server. Everything is updated correctly, and I use dayz commander. I have NEVER been able to join "public" or "official" servers where your character transfers from each server, and have ALWAYS gotten the server side app message. From what I can tell a character reset is in order and I would like to know what more to do.

player ID: George


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Me and my friend have this

Name: aimfull

ID: 23657158

Name friend: Sarge

ID: 10417670

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If this is the level of caring of your players, wonder what the standalone will be like? A piece of shit most likely.

If you by any miracle happen to actually read this --> reset that ID down below

ID: 15791558

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Character corruption

The most recent cause for this was the adding of melee weapons. As many may have noticed the workaround to add melee weapons still requires it to have "ammo". The bug that appeared during it's first release was that characters would stock a gigantic amount of hatchets/crowbars into their inventory, which caused the character's data to become too big to actually load in. Most of these have been filtered out fairly quickly, but some people are still having this problem as of today. These are easy to fix, but are only fixable by us, so if you are in this situation it's important to notify us regarding this issue.


Name: HelpMe

Player ID: 59060486

Please respond to me. You will be losing many customer's in the standalone for having such poor support. :(

Edited by SavageXii

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#5977344 please reset please!!!! name: Aaron Bee

Edited by abee29

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Hi admins.

I've tried around 30 servers and I keep getting the same "Server is running an incorrect version of server side..." error.

Profile info:

Name: Hunter

ID: 82734214

This is happening over any and all profiles I make, though. Not sure if this is going to be an issue or not.

Edit: I did accidentally pick up a G36SD (or something like that) at one point, which I'm told is not a legitimate gun. I had died and respawned several times after having it, though, and I never killed any players with it.

Edited by PotatoTech

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name: Hells


i have had this problem for ages just found this thread if i can get some help i will greatly appreciate it thanks

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I can play on some servers, but I get this on the one I play most.

Player ID: 33166790

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From what I've read I guess I have little hope anyone from dayzmod will fix this.

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From what I've read I guess I have little hope anyone from dayzmod will fix this.

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Hi , admins , I need to reset my ID

When I join server it says " the server is running an incorrect version of side application ..."

name: Vestly

ID: 87037894

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Good luck. I haven't heard from an admin and still get that error on some servers.

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