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Discussion on the "Hide body" option

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The hide body feature is more of a hide gear feature as I see it. Nobody is going to bury a body they shot. I mean really, people here think we're actually putting the body in the ground of something that has zero value in the game? Rename it to "Trash Gear" and i'd rather have the bodies go thanks so Berezino isn't littered with a hundred corpses.

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Just make that dead bodies teleport after 10 min to some houses at NW. That would add reasons to visit that area. :D

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I love this feature, i use it every single time i come across a body, especially if it has dupped magazines and ammo.

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The last thing I am is a supporter of "hiding" bodies. Just the thought of endorsing a feature that makes bodies vanish like dust in the wind makes me sick. It's supposed to be a realistic apocalypse setting for crying out loud. They said that we won't be having any of those "what happened here" scenarios where you find bodies and ask yourself what occured (as seen in many apocalypse themed media), they stressed these situations were to be created by actual players and their endeavours. What could possibly possess them to think that making bodies magically disappear would aid that? 

I want to run into bodies and wonder what preceded my arrival. I want finding bodies to be a good thing, they need to hold gear. Looting or scavenging is what this game revolves around to some extent, yet they stop us from doing so. Finding bodies has to be a rather joyful event, like coming across a crash site was in the mod. Realistically, what could possibly bring someone to waste hours by digging a grave or burning a body for no apparent reason? Just to prevent the next guy from finding some gear, you want to spend hours of exposing yourself to danger, you just alerted every survivor out there by firing a gun and you stay on the crime scene? Dragging, however, would be viable. Takes little time, is pretty effective. That and it enables players to actively search for them (which in turn adds to gameplay). Imagine uncovering the victims of a Berezino psychopath. 

Also, it needs to be said that I don't corpse run and that my ideas were formed by finding multiple bodies, just to uncover that they're "hidden". And I may or may not have accidentally hidden one of my victims while I was looting  :D  


TL;DR if you for whatever reason don't want others to find the gear, take the damn gear (keep it, hide it, who cares). Finding bodies adds a great deal to gameplay. Moreover, burning/burying the body is a waste of time and leaves yourself exposed, thus it's the ridiculously unrealistic thing to do for anyone outside of the world of tactical dimwits. 

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TL;DR if you for whatever reason don't want others to find the gear, take the damn gear (keep it, hide it, who cares). Finding bodies adds a great deal to gameplay. Moreover, burning/burying the body is a waste of time and leaves yourself exposed, thus it's the ridiculously unrealistic thing to do for anyone outside of the world of tactical dimwits. 




Denial of resources is a valid tactic, tried and tested.

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I agree there should be no hide option and bodies shouldnt magically dissapear in 15 minutes either. It should be until server restart. It adds realism and gives you a chance of gear retrival., which to be honest is one of the most exciting, risky and best things about Day Z. the whole 15 minute thing just completely kills that whole meta game and kills a big spark of Day Z. I think it is noobifying the situation, making it so experienced players are punished for knowing how to get back to their body. Its a nooby rule I feel.

Agree 100% with this.

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Denial of resources is a valid tactic, tried and tested.

The tactic is valid, but it's the means that make it or break it. Killing someone, alerting every survivor in the vicinity in the process, and then proceeding to dig a grave (takes hours) or basically signal everyone where you are by burning it makes no sense whatsoever. Take the gear and hide it, or take the body and hide it. The only viable options for a sane man.

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Denial of resources is a valid tactic, tried and tested.

then you should have to physiclly move the body or carry away all gear you want to deny them not have a magic "delete his gear" button which is what a hide body option and/or timer is.

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Boodies easily hidable = no.

People spawning close to their corpses = no.


You should had very small chance of looting your own corpse, yet hiding it in few seconds is wrong as well.

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It should take time and maybe even require a shovel to be on your character. The world seems so empty without bodies, this is the apocalypse after all and people are running around shooting eachother.


Personally I feel the team should choose between despawning corpses and hiding corpses. If bodies are going to simply evaporate shortly after a firefight then why bother with the process of hiding them?

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Bodies despawn. The models don't necessarily disappear, but the ability to loot it always goes away in 10 minutes.

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The tactic is valid, but it's the means that make it or break it. Killing someone, alerting every survivor in the vicinity in the process, and then proceeding to dig a grave (takes hours) or basically signal everyone where you are by burning it makes no sense whatsoever. Take the gear and hide it, or take the body and hide it. The only viable options for a sane man.


Hold up the ranting there, chief.  It would signal everyone where the body was/is - the only sort of tactical dimwit that would stick around a burning body is the sort of tactical dimwit who quibbles over the weight of bodies and other "realistic" minutae in a game featuring zombies and magical floating eyeballs.

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I think they should just make it so players simply can't access their OWN body & they should remove the feature all together.


Now if you have a friend that wants to access your body, gather your gear, then hand it to you, sure. All fair game.


Once dragging is implemented I think all bodies should be accessable by anyone. It's up to the person who killed said body to dispose of it properly by dragging it somewhere. Would also add for more strategic gameplay. Do you want to eliminate your target in a high traffic area? Or in the seclusion of a cabin?


I like the idea of one of the previous posters^. If you have matches & fuel, you should be able to burn the body. Wouldn't seem very hard to implement given that we'll be seeing fireplaces in a fixed position soon. Same formula.


Just my 2 cents.

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Looting bodies should be a good way of getting geared. Bandit leftovers are the best way to get geared.


Hold up the ranting there, chief.  It would signal everyone where the body was/is - the only sort of tactical dimwit that would stick around a burning body is the sort of tactical dimwit who quibbles over the weight of bodies and other "realistic" minutae in a game featuring zombies and magical floating eyeballs.

And you're saying that isn't a profoundly daft thing to do? You already revealed your position by firing a gun, stuck at the body to loot it, tried to set fire to the body (is harder than you think) and expect to NOT be tracked or even spotted running away from the body (they were already searching for you so chances are they're in the area, thanking you for sparing them the challenge of pinpointing your position before you leave). You're not gonna want them to know where the body is before you left to maximise the distance between them and you. The more distance, the harder it is to track. Hell, a 13 year old kid could track you if there's only 5 minutes between you, which there will be if everyone knows your position upon leaving.

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Looting bodies should be a good way of getting geared. Bandit leftovers are the best way to get geared.

And you're saying that isn't a profoundly daft thing to do? You already revealed your position by firing a gun, stuck at the body to loot it, tried to set fire to the body (is harder than you think) and expect to NOT be tracked or even spotted running away from the body (they were already searching for you so chances are they're in the area, thanking you for sparing them the challenge of pinpointing your position before you leave). You're not gonna want them to know where the body is before you left to maximise the distance between them and you. The more distance, the harder it is to track. Hell, a 13 year old kid could track you if there's only 5 minutes between you, which there will be if everyone knows your position upon leaving.

Oh dear.

I'll have to concede this argument to your masterly tactical skills. I mean, who would dare argue with someone whose first reaction to gunfire and a funeral pyre is to run to that very spot, shouting "Surprise, mothafucka!"?

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Oh dear.

I'll have to concede this argument to your masterly tactical skills. I mean, who would dare argue with someone whose first reaction to gunfire and a funeral pyre is to run to that very spot, shouting "Surprise, mothafucka!"?

Running out of responses I see?

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Running out of responses I see?


Having the ability to burn a body (with wathever in it) or to destroy gear so no one can use them, or to drag bodies is something that could (and should) be ingame. What we dont want is bodies magically disappearing like dust in the wind. IF taking the time to drag/burn them is a risk to my life or not is something Im gonna decide on my own, and even if the answer is yes, why the hell shouldn't I be unable to do it anyway. It's my life and I risk it how I want.


Edited by p4triot

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Having the ability to burn a body (with wathever in it) or to destroy gear so no one can use them, or to drag bodies is something that could (and should) be ingame. What we dont want is bodies magically disappearing like dust in the wind. IF taking the time to drag/burn them is a risk to my life or not is something Im gonna decide on my own, and even if the answer is yes, why the hell shouldn't I be unable to do it anyway. It's my life and I risk it how I want.


Then let's add in the ability to yell sporadically and attract every (un)living thing in the vicinity. Just as stupid as burning bodies opposed to dragging them, which is the sane thing to do. 

Also, don't forget that the game is supposed to be realistic. No survivor/bandit would burn bodies just so the next guy can't loot it. Hiding it, however, yes

Edited by The End.

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Hello, i was wondering what the general public thinks about the hide body option you have on slain people ?


Me and my friend died in a gunfight against a team of several people, and one of them survived. I respawned close by and ran immediately to where we died.

And when i found the dead bodies, none of them were lootable, so we basicly lost everything, and had to start from scratch, instead of being able to salvage some of our lost items.


As of this, i dont really feel that it's a good thing that you can deny others reclaiming some of their items, you already have item durability to counter this, and i might think that the hide body option is a bit over the top ?

Burying bodies must stay. Its been since day one, and should NEVER be taken out.



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Burying bodies must stay. Its been since day one, and should NEVER be taken out.



I'm afraid realism and burying bodies don't go well together.

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A fast way to hide a body should be through gasoline and a match. 

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Burying bodies must stay. Its been since day one, and should NEVER be taken out.



physics will be added soon so you could just drag and hide the body yourself.


Making burying pointless.

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I think you should have to physically move the body out of sight but I understand that limitations of the engine can't allow this quite yet.

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Then let's add in the ability to yell sporadically and attract every (un)living thing in the vicinity. Just as stupid as burning bodies opposed to dragging them, which is the sane thing to do. 

Also, don't forget that the game is supposed to be realistic. No survivor/bandit would burn bodies just so the next guy can't loot it. Hiding it, however, yes


Game is supposed to be realistic when it comes to ingame mechanics, what I do with them is on me. Drag bodies together and set them on fire is probably something I would do (even IRL, though, for complete different reasons).


P.S: btw the yelling idea is something I posted time ago. You should have 2 channels, normal and yelling. Yelling has a bigger radius than normal, lets put around 200m (and In the middle of nowhere w/o traffic and the sound of busy people it would be posible to yell even farther). And, ofc, same way people can hear you zombies can too, also for normal chat (if I recall correctly it was already like this back in the mod).


Edited by p4triot

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