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Discussion on the "Hide body" option

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Have you ever cooked meat before? Hell, cooking a steak takes a while, and it isn't the whole body.

Bodies are WET. They contain WATER (and water-based liquids). Water impedes FIRE.

Not even including the fact that gasoline is only an accelerant, it won't fuel the fire on its own. In order to burn a body, you would need a fire already burning hot. Pouring gasoline on something and striking a match would just singe the clothing and burn off the hair.

I disagree with the current hiding of bodies mechanic. Want to hide a body, and its associated gear? Drag it into a bush or the woods, and cover it with leaves. You aren't going to be digging any holes or building any fires when the wrath of the infected comes down upon you like a wave of death.


I think he is trying to explore another method of ruining or hampering access to a persons equipment that does not ruin immersion like burying a body does.


Throwing gasoline all over a body and then igniting it would not burn it to a crisp but it would ruin all of the equipment on the person and thus achieve the same thing.

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Correct. Denial of resources, as I said. If anyone can think of a faster way in terms of practicality and immersion, let's hear it.

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Correct. Denial of resources, as I said. If anyone can think of a faster way in terms of practicality and immersion, let's hear it.


Gasoline + matches


any flamable fluid + matches


Ruined gear on charred body that persists in server for immersion.


That would be my ideal solution.

Edited by gibonez

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dead bodies have to go regardless, do you prefer that the game spend processing time tracking live or dead players. Add to this the loot spawn mechanics, thats easily tens(hundreds?) of thousand objects that have to be tracked at some point. If anything, bodies should go by themselve in 5 minutes or less.


Considering that the game spawn loot all the friggin time, that bodies disappear with all their gear is a good thing. Helps to keep the gear inflation under control.


See what could happen in your scenario.. is someone would find a sniper rifle. And tons of ammo.. maybe even hack it in. They could sit in a nice cozy spot and shoot player after player that runs down the street in a main town. The bodies would disappear so new players who came along a while later would have no warning.. just a black screen and the coast to greet them. This could be repeated to such an extent that players would not want to come back anytime soon. See Berezino deathmatch videos for a perfect example of this.. you need dead bodies to warn players of danger. 


Besides bandwidth (too many items on the map) is not an issue with the plans they have in place for DayZ. You should follow the development process.. its enlightening. ;)

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The servers are not optimized right now to handle bodies to be strewn across it.  We already have enough desync with the few infected and items we have.  I would hope once everything is all said and done having bodies stay for quite some time would be awesome.   You also should not be able to loot your own dead body.  

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We need gore, too, so that we can identify how someone died. Gunshots all over his back, gunned down, lack of a head, decapitated, brain splattered on the floor, large chunk of head missing, shot real good in the head, etc.


Add in body dragging and realistic blood and the streets would be stained with blood and there would be creepy dead bodies hidden under beds.




It would add to the atmosphere, make the game a bit scary, and make the game even more realistic.



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I think he is trying to explore another method of ruining or hampering access to a persons equipment that does not ruin immersion like burying a body does.


Throwing gasoline all over a body and then igniting it would not burn it to a crisp but it would ruin all of the equipment on the person and thus achieve the same thing.

It would most definitely not ruin the gear a person has. Gasoline vapors burn off rather quickly, and the liquid evaporates at a relatively low temperature, thusly, only stuff that is really flammable will be damaged.

Anecdotal: I soaked (I mean left-it-in-the-liquid soaked) a cotton rag in gasoline on a normal-temperature summer day. By the time I had gotten a lighter out to light it, the liquid has already mostly evaporated. I was able to light it, but the flare-up was over almost instantaneously, and only the edges of the cotton cloth caught on fire. The rest of the rag was pretty much fine.


In order to start a fire with gasoline as an accelerant, you need a lot of stuff with a low flash point or a low volume/surface area ratio (ie, paper or wood shavings), so that the high temperatures generated by the vapors catching fire have a chance to catch.

Gasoline is actually my least-preferred method of firelighting. I prefer birch bark or petroleum jelly. Not as hot, but burns for far, far longer.

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Here I got a better idea.


Give us the ability to actually smash the crap we find on people corpses.


Break their guns pull the heads off the ammo, and crush everything else.


The only reason anybody gives a shit about the hide body feature is they think they have some right to get their gear back after they die.


See, I solved the problem.

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Here I got a better idea.


Give us the ability to actually smash the crap we find on people corpses.


Break their guns pull the heads off the ammo, and crush everything else.


The only reason anybody gives a shit about the hide body feature is they think they have some right to get their gear back after they die.


See, I solved the problem.


Cant you do that by punching a dead body, or using an axe on a body until everything is ruined ?

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It would most definitely not ruin the gear a person has. Gasoline vapors burn off rather quickly, and the liquid evaporates at a relatively low temperature, thusly, only stuff that is really flammable will be damaged.

Anecdotal: I soaked (I mean left-it-in-the-liquid soaked) a cotton rag in gasoline on a normal-temperature summer day. By the time I had gotten a lighter out to light it, the liquid has already mostly evaporated. I was able to light it, but the flare-up was over almost instantaneously, and only the edges of the cotton cloth caught on fire. The rest of the rag was pretty much fine.

In order to start a fire with gasoline as an accelerant, you need a lot of stuff with a low flash point or a low volume/surface area ratio (ie, paper or wood shavings), so that the high temperatures generated by the vapors catching fire have a chance to catch.

Gasoline is actually my least-preferred method of firelighting. I prefer birch bark or petroleum jelly. Not as hot, but burns for far, far longer.

OK, well I guess I'll leave you to your bark-powered open pit barbeque while I splash, spark and dash.

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Tell that Buddhist monk who self immolated that you can't burn a human body with gasoline.

We're not talking about cremation here, we're talking about desecrating a corpse to the point of basic uselessness.  Are you gonna want to grab "gear" off a guy who's just been burnt to a crisp?  The smell alone would probably keep you away.


Honestly I don't even really like the idea of burning bodies, it's just that it makes more sense than waving your hand and having them disappear and the items required are already in the game or coming.

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Correct. Denial of resources, as I said. If anyone can think of a faster way in terms of practicality and immersion, let's hear it.


Its not about speed but about realism and immersion. Denial of resources -> good. Deinal of resources with just 1 button click and a unrealistic outcome -> Bad.


You want to deny resources, take the time to actually drag and hide that body. Period.

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Its not about speed but about realism and immersion.


If you're not quick enough, you'll find out about realism and immersion in short order...



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Cant you do that by punching a dead body, or using an axe on a body until everything is ruined ?

This. Dragging a body to a secluded spot where it can't be found, ruining it all yourself by axing the body, I don't care. As long as it's not a magical hide button or a tactically unrealistic thing only a halfwit would consider doing (burning bodies after attracting every bandit in the vicinity by firing a weapon). Denial of resources is a proper technique, but the means mustn't be unrealistic. I'd love to see axing until everything is ruined and dragging.

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You can do the ruining part.  I often shoot bodies again for that purpose, since I'm generally too lazy to axe.  Otherwise I might pull off mags and either just go scatter them about or use the throw feature for kicks.


I agree though, I'd rather see a removal of the hide idea completely, and have to manually drag them as stated.  Considering Rocket gave the example himself of being able to drag bodies once they get ragdolls in, here's hoping that's the direction they go.  It does seem like a sort of "trivial" issue they may overlook though.  A problem I find with the devs is that they care little for issues related directly to pvp, as for the most part it doesn't seem like they actively participate in such things.

Edited by Bororm

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Hello, i was wondering what the general public thinks about the hide body option you have on slain people ?


Me and my friend died in a gunfight against a team of several people, and one of them survived. I respawned close by and ran immediately to where we died.

And when i found the dead bodies, none of them were lootable, so we basicly lost everything, and had to start from scratch, instead of being able to salvage some of our lost items.


As of this, i dont really feel that it's a good thing that you can deny others reclaiming some of their items, you already have item durability to counter this, and i might think that the hide body option is a bit over the top ?


so they prevented you from picking up a gun and shooting them, well done by them.

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Hello, i was wondering what the general public thinks about the hide body option you have on slain people ?


Me and my friend died in a gunfight against a team of several people, and one of them survived. I respawned close by and ran immediately to where we died.

And when i found the dead bodies, none of them were lootable, so we basicly lost everything, and had to start from scratch, instead of being able to salvage some of our lost items.


As of this, i dont really feel that it's a good thing that you can deny others reclaiming some of their items, you already have item durability to counter this, and i might think that the hide body option is a bit over the top ?


Personally I don't think people should be able to hide bodies just by clicking their mouse and moving on.  If they want to implement moving/dragging corpses, that'd be fine by me.


I think it's pretty stupid and immersion breaking to be able to just "hide" a body into the ether simply by rolling your mouse wheel.  Corpses are a valuable information tool in this game.  I don't think Zombie corpses should be disappearing either.

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Personally I don't think people should be able to hide bodies just by clicking their mouse and moving on.  If they want to implement moving/dragging corpses, that'd be fine by me.


I think it's pretty stupid and immersion breaking to be able to just "hide" a body into the ether simply by rolling your mouse wheel.  Corpses are a valuable information tool in this game.  I don't think Zombie corpses should be disappearing either.


Hopefully at one point of development zombie bodies and player bodies stay until the server restarts.


Hopefully once optimization is throughout enough.

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