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Discussion on the "Hide body" option

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Hello, i was wondering what the general public thinks about the hide body option you have on slain people ?


Me and my friend died in a gunfight against a team of several people, and one of them survived. I respawned close by and ran immediately to where we died.

And when i found the dead bodies, none of them were lootable, so we basicly lost everything, and had to start from scratch, instead of being able to salvage some of our lost items.


As of this, i dont really feel that it's a good thing that you can deny others reclaiming some of their items, you already have item durability to counter this, and i might think that the hide body option is a bit over the top ?

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Hello, i was wondering what the general public thinks about the hide body option you have on slain people ?


Me and my friend died in a gunfight against a team of several people, and one of them survived. I respawned close by and ran immediately to where we died.

And when i found the dead bodies, none of them were lootable, so we basicly lost everything, and had to start from scratch, instead of being able to salvage some of our lost items.


As of this, i dont really feel that it's a good thing that you can deny others reclaiming some of their items, you already have item durability to counter this, and i might think that the hide body option is a bit over the top ?

oh yeah, making the game even more deathmatchy is the right way to go! lol

go play wasteland, i think that would fit you better

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Zombo is right... its to stop defeated players in a big gun fight from running straight back, reclaiming their stuff and joining back in.


Its also to put a price on when you die, make players a little less gun-ho or "deathmatchy"

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I don't like bodies (either zombies or humans) disappearing after a while. And specially I don't like Hide Body option. You press a button and a body magically fades away??? wot da fuq??? I mean, drag body is ok. So you can hide it if you want (hope it replaces hide body option in the future), but bodies magically disappearing? no please.


If efficiency and CPU load wasn't that much of a problem as it is I find having bodies stay even after restart for like 48 hours would add a lot to the immersion of the game. You could go to a body an inspect it to know what killed it and how long (is it warm, cold?), and if in the course of that 48 hours the body decompose that would be epic.


Something I love in this game is entering some place and finding the remains of a gun fight, or a zombie horde, or some clues about what happened there. Also back in the mod finding a death body with cool stuff in it made you feel the luckiest man on Earth sometimes.


P.S: no hide option so you can recover your items is something I dont take in mind even the slightest. Never get attached to your gear.

Edited by p4triot
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It is a stupid unrealistic feature.


The feature should only be available if you have a shovel.


Hopefully once physics are added you have to physically hide the body by picking it up and dragging it to a secluded area.


No magical melting into the ground.

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Uhm...over the top. Yes and no.

I dont like the possibilty of looting your own dead bodie. You only have one life, which is essential part of DayZ. Once u lost it, u have to start all over again. At least thats my opinion.

But to be honestly, i would try to loot my dead bodie, too. :rolleyes:

Hiding another players body is not the perfect solution to me. I would prefer a kind of de-spawn. Better, they should turn into Z´s after a while, as mentioned somewhere in "Suggestions". Another idea, decaying bodies! B)

That gives the successfull hunter some to time loot first, while the victim still has a small chance to get some of his items back.

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I don't like bodies (either zombies or humans) disappearing after a while. And specially I don't like Hide Body option. You press a button and a body magically fades away??? wot da fuq??? I mean, drag body is ok. So you can hide it if you want (hope it replaces hide body option in the future), but bodies magically disappearing? no please.


If efficiency and CPU load wasn't that much of a problem as it is I find having bodies stay even after restart for like 48 hours would add a lot to the immersion of the game. You could go to a body an inspect it to know what killed it and how long (is it warm, cold?), and if in the course of that 48 hours the body decompose that would be epic.


Something I love in this game is entering some place and finding the remains of a gun fight, or a zombie horde, or some clues about what happened there. Also back in the mod finding a death body with cool stuff in it made you feel the luckiest man on Earth sometimes.


P.S: no hide option so you can recover your items is something I dont take in mind even the slightest. Never get attached to your gear.

I agree there should be no hide option and bodies shouldnt magically dissapear in 15 minutes either. It should be until server restart. It adds realism and gives you a chance of gear retrival., which to be honest is one of the most exciting, risky and best things about Day Z. the whole 15 minute thing just completely kills that whole meta game and kills a big spark of Day Z. I think it is noobifying the situation, making it so experienced players are punished for knowing how to get back to their body. Its a nooby rule I feel.

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The feature should only be available if you have a shovel.

...that is brilliant !!!

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel
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I do like the concept of being able to do something with the body upon looting it, finding it, or killing it.

I dont think that the hide body thing is really that good of a feature to have in a game like dayz anyway,

It isnt a bad thing, it'll do, but in my opinion, i think that they should add as allready has been mentioned,

some kind of way to be able to drag the body to the bush's or in a lake or even in scrublands,

or even the numerous houses that are dotted about the map,

make them also persistent and not vanishing after 10 minutes odd, that would be better,

Also why not if at all possible later down the Development line add in the decomposition of the bodies or maybe even turn the body's into a Zombie walker,

That would seem more in tune with the DayZ SA game afterall and the overall feel to it,



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Bodies need to persist for some time...maybe 30 min? to combat people re looting thier stuff, simply make you own body unlootable, yet others can loot it. Being able to approach an area and seeing dead bodies is good sense and allows you to beable to adjust acordingly....knowing that guy was killed within the last 30 min. Hide body should be removed.

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I agree there should be no hide option and bodies shouldnt magically dissapear in 15 minutes either. It should be until server restart. It adds realism and gives you a chance of gear retrival., which to be honest is one of the most exciting, risky and best things about Day Z. the whole 15 minute thing just completely kills that whole meta game and kills a big spark of Day Z. I think it is noobifying the situation, making it so experienced players are punished for knowing how to get back to their body. Its a nooby rule I feel.

how about not getting killed in the first place?

seriously, for the amount of "noob" you put into your post, i don't think you are that experienced in DayZ


body retrieval is not exciting, you have nothing to lose when dieing and are running like a mad man to a position where you may get killed again, high risk/high reward meta-game at best


hide body was in the mod in the eraly days, and how is it killing DayZ if it is in from the very beginning, defining DayZ as what it is?


why on earth should someone stranded on a foreign island in a zombie apocalypse know where a highly geared dead person is, and run to it in a straight line? it makes no sense whatsoever both realistically and in a gameplay standpoint

death should mean something

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...or make Option to bobbytrap the Body...now THAT whould piss People off haarrr. Imagine the tears and Anger...oh my black heart jumps thinking about this.

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I personally was thinking of a drag system aswell, i read something earlier about them having a lift body system, but it was too complicated, so they scrapped it.



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 I like the idea if you have a shovel to be able to hide the body,that is a very good suggestion. On the otherhand,I (personally)have always tried to hide the bodies of dead players and zombies alike to hide my tracks so to speak.I don't want anyone being aware that I have been in the area or am in the area (currently) or to be able to get back quickly to recover their lost gear. I feel like its no different than folks eating all the food items in an area to keep others from getting it.I know with the full stomach thing it tends to make folks stop but, you can vomit and start the process all over again.Both are just another tactic of survival.

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Or just add the option to ruin gear.


Would be nice to destroy someones weapons so no one can claim them.

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...or make Option to bobbytrap the Body...now THAT whould piss People off haarrr. Imagine the tears and Anger...oh my black heart jumps thinking about this.


best idea ever.

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Out: Hide body

In: Burn body

You must be carrying matches.


And gasoline.


Between this, the bombtrap body and the destroying weapons so no one can use them (I would actually do that IRL given the occasion) I think we have 3 strongs reasons to delete that hide body option definetely.

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There are some great suggestions in this thread (shovel needed for burying, ability to drag bodies etc), and I really hope they will implement some of those in the future.


But until that happens I prefer having the current solution instead of not having the option to hide bodies at all. The hide bodies function, alongside the ruination of items, helps keep the eternal deathmatch at a manageable level. I can't even begin to imagine how out of control the current game would be without them.

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Or just add the option to ruin gear.

Would be nice to destroy someones weapons so no one can claim them.

It would be great if you could burn bodies. They would provide heat, destroy everything they had in them, and if you're feeling adventurous you could use it for a meal or two.

Also the sense of dread that corpse runners would get when they see that plume of smoke come up would be delightful. Also I guess nice players could take all their gear off first and just leave a note like: " good fight, I thought you deserved an honorable funeral, go ahead and take your stuff."

Edited by Phoenix777

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It would be great if you could burn bodies. They would provide heat, destroy everything they had in them, and if you're feeling adventurous you could use it for a meal or two.

Also the sense of dread that corpse runners would get when they see that plume of smoke come up would be delightful. Also I guess nice players could take all their gear off first and just leave a note like: " good fight, I thought you deserved an honorable funeral, go ahead and take your stuff."


It takes a ridiculous amount of fuel to turn a human body into ashes by burning. I should think people have better usage of that fuel for other purposes in a survival situation.

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Well doesn't have to be full cremation... It's the thought that counts. :)

Also the game will never be full survivor mode. You'll always have people that just want to troll, fool around, help people, etc. I mean we're talking about a game where a newspawn may run for hours across the entire map just to give some stranger a shot of morphine... And then the stranger laughs and shoots him in the face :(

Sure the game may get to the point where you can't do things like that and have to really focus on surviving and that's awesome, but there will always be people that try to subvert the game mechanics for their own intentions/goals/enjoyment.

/off topic. :-D

I guess a more practical use could be bandit roastings by heroes. Set up a little outpost with some guys burning on the fire as a warning to any would be bandits. It Would be a much more effective way of leaving care packages for new spawns since the fire would draw a lot of attention.

I shudder to think at what the bandits would plan to do with some of these proposed mechanics. Lol

Edited by Phoenix777

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I'm not a fan of the "hide body" mechanic, at all...


Hopefully it's just a place holder untill I can actually hide bodies via dragging them into difficult to find places...

Edited by taco86

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As for the server thing... this may or may not help, but I recall what the RTS Achtung Panzer did with corpses.

If you haven't played that game, it works as a Turn-Based/RTS hybrid with turns being a few hours each and then combat happening in real time during the time that the turn elapses. The fights are around battalion-level in size so they can get pretty massive, and you can get quite a lot of corpses (especially when the AI gets caught off guard during a night advance by my Artillery Flares), and everything, corpses, wrecks and craters, ar enot only saved during the entire campaign, they also physically affect the world (wrecks and craters are cover, for example), but all the Infantry corpses would be replaced with generic ones between turns.


Can we not have something similar? After a while (say, one hour, maybe? or maybe coupled to in-game time?) the body gets replaced with something generic, fly buzzing starts playing, all clothes get unlootable (the generic model has generic clothes, but it's all rotten and maggoty so you wouldn't want to take their clothes anyways) and the things that wouldn't get destroyed by its owner being a pile of rotten meat gets dropped beside the corpse.

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