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Robert Shannon

Melee Weapons Ideas (Megathread) Post your ideas

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Baseball bat. Nuff' said.

Baseball bat will probably get added, I dont think many melee weapons will get added at all, but if Rocket does want to implement more A Baseball bat should be at the top of the list.

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Knives and other light weapons shouldn't break legs and should be weak in damage, but should cause heavy bleeding, shock and pain in one hit (Also much faster swinging and less range). Fire axes should have a high chance to cause bleeding and break legs on the first hit (Just like hatchets) and should deal good amount of damage. The Katana causes bleeding and massive damage. (I bet it could chop your legs off easily, but I thought about making the axe ideal for that.)

Oh and the machete, that should be like the katana, but less damage and a quicker swing.

Lets get back to basics. Anyone played manhunt? Jesus, one of the most gruesome games in history. Speculating on that though, what about plastic bags? wrap it around someones head, they'll sufficate, and it's something basic you could find anywhere. It'll make no noise and would be an effective weapon. Of course this would be impractical to use on Zeds, but i think it could really amp up some awesome PvP combat.

Anyone could rip a plastic bag apart with their bare hands...

Edited by Sutinen
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I would say no to katana and trench knife. There are enough military firearms. It would break the atmoshere.

About dead island: melee weapons will really boost the atmosphere, but firearms spawn rate (or their ammo spawn) should be decreased along with melee addition, or they will be just useless.

I would like to add:

1)Hammer (medium dmg, civilian loot spawns)

2)Baseball bat (knockdown, little dmg)

3) A piece of wood (found nearly everywhere, knockdown, no dmg)

4) Sickle (found in barns, medium/high dmg)

5) Scythe (found in barns, instant kill, low attack rate)

6) Oar (found at the broken boats on the beach, knockdown, medium dmg, low attack rate)

7) Piece of pipe (found at the industrial areas, medium dmg)

I like these ideas.

In addition I'd like to see a lot of improvised weapons that could be made/constructed and maybe have limited durability depending on what it was, and "weapons" that are actually things people would just have on hand.

A couple examples:

Hockey stick with the option to find tape/rope and a rock and fix a rock to the end

Tire iron (also used to fix wheels)

Splitting maul (slow 1 shot weapon, maybe require wind up to swing)

kitchen knife (fast, causes bleeding, not very effective, can be tied/taped to a baseball bat or piece of wood to extend range and damage)

Chainsaw (attracts a LOT of zombies but mows them down with ease - takes gas)

I'd like to see also some more rare melee weapons that are only found in maybe one specific location on the map such as Nun-Chukas/katana/Bo-staff/Throwing Knives that could ONLY be found in maybe a martial arts dojo in some remote city or on top of a mountain or something meaning they would be RARELY ever seen in the game.

Also, I think that there should be a lot more focus on melee weaopns as the staple zombie killers - either through making ammunition much harder to find and/or making much more zombies attracted to the sound of weapons firing - relegating assault rifles and some louder pistols to a last-ditch weapon against zombies or as a precaution against other players.

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Cricket bat + Baseball bat

Hockey stick (grass hockey has a more club like stick) + Shinty stick

golf club (9 iron = ouch)

potato peeler

big stick

sharp stick

stick with a rock duct taped onto the end

Table leg / Chair leg / Zombie leg

and for the love of fuck fix the crowbar!!!

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I like these ideas.

In addition I'd like to see a lot of improvised weapons that could be made/constructed and maybe have limited durability depending on what it was, and "weapons" that are actually things people would just have on hand.

A couple examples:

Hockey stick with the option to find tape/rope and a rock and fix a rock to the end

Tire iron (also used to fix wheels)

Splitting maul (slow 1 shot weapon, maybe require wind up to swing)

kitchen knife (fast, causes bleeding, not very effective, can be tied/taped to a baseball bat or piece of wood to extend range and damage)

Chainsaw (attracts a LOT of zombies but mows them down with ease - takes gas)

I'd like to see also some more rare melee weapons that are only found in maybe one specific location on the map such as Nun-Chukas/katana/Bo-staff/Throwing Knives that could ONLY be found in maybe a martial arts dojo in some remote city or on top of a mountain or something meaning they would be RARELY ever seen in the game.

Also, I think that there should be a lot more focus on melee weaopns as the staple zombie killers - either through making ammunition much harder to find and/or making much more zombies attracted to the sound of weapons firing - relegating assault rifles and some louder pistols to a last-ditch weapon against zombies or as a precaution against other players.

i think the chainsaw would be cool, but as we all know right now DayZ is really glitchy, the chainsaw might cause alot of glitch problems.

But theyare all good ideas.

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A Tomahawk would be nice but the hatchet has that place.

Have both and a tomahawk that can be thrown and used as melee weapon. Also takes up 3 slots in secondary weapon place. That way u can have multiple ones incase u need one once u have thrown it.

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Some weapon lists:

Tomahawk; can be thrown or used as a melee weapon. In secondary weapon area and takes up 3 slots. Can have

multiple ones.

Baseball bat; for hitting zombies. Realisticly these should be in the game

Hunting knife: used for hunting / gutting animals or gutting zombies

Crowbar: hitting people

Stick: Can be harvested from a tree. Weakest weapon but useful for starters

Craftable/makeable tools: A stone weapon like an axe or spear would be nice, to make them all u need is a

stick and a rock and a toolbox

Rock: takes up 1 secondary slot and can be thrown minimum damage

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Some weapon lists:

Tomahawk; can be thrown or used as a melee weapon. In secondary weapon area and takes up 3 slots. Can have

multiple ones.

Baseball bat; for hitting zombies. Realisticly these should be in the game

Hunting knife: used for hunting / gutting animals or gutting zombies

Crowbar: hitting people

Stick: Can be harvested from a tree. Weakest weapon but useful for starters

Craftable/makeable tools: A stone weapon like an axe or spear would be nice, to make them all u need is a

stick and a rock and a toolbox

Rock: takes up 1 secondary slot and can be thrown minimum damage

I think it would be cool to craft weapons, but thy might save that for the standalone. They might implement it in a later update for dayz.

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Just kidding! I think that with the new crafting system, melee can possible go to a whole new level with the classic nails-on-the-bat type thing.

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This is what I'd like to see, stuff that would probably work with the setting.

Shiv (Basically just a jagged piece of metal with a ductape/cloth grip)

Combat Knife

Hunting Knife








Baseball Bat

Hockey Stick


Tire Iron




Folding Spade



Chainsaw (Of course requires fueling to use, and this would introduce smaller jerry cans that take up less space and hold less fuel)

Tree Branch

Golf Club

Weapons such as the bat and broomstick would allow for combinations like adding nails to the bat, or a knife to the broomstick to create a spear like weapon. You would need to find the bat, hammer, and nails, to make the Nailed Bat, the broomstick would require the knife, broomstick, and duct tape to attach.

Smaller weapons like the knives, hammer, folding spade, hatchet, would of course take up less space in an inventory, so its either you carry an axe around for max damage, but it takes up or adds alot more weight compared to the hatchet, so you have to chose which would carry around.

Edited by Maxgor

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The chainsaw would be nice, but with all the glitches and how melee is already in DayZ at the moment a chainsaw would be buggy, Probably cause loads of lag or frame drops. But would be cool to have.

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-Spears/pikes/halbards. Ranging from a sharpened stick or broomstick with a knife ducktaped to it, to something you might find in a museum (a halbard or pike). Possibly add in throwing spears (if the engine can do it).

-Various axes, ranging from the Fire ax mentioned in the first post (large), to the hatchet we have now (medium), and a survivalist's tomahawk (small).

-Military Officer's dress Sabers (be a way to add in swords realistically without needing a museum or 'perfectly preserved castle' or your random Chenarussian happening to have bought a Katana on Ebay)

-Sledgehammer, hammer, other blunt/weighted weapons.

-small clubs/sticks, Riot baton, billy club, nightstick, thick wooden stick, piece of rebar, ect.

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Instead of a Katana, I'd go for a rusty medieval sword that someone dug up around one of the old castles of Chernarus. It would deal high damage, lead to possible infection (Tetanus is a bitch) but break after a few uses because its so worn.

I'd also remove the trench knife and perhaps add in an old style bayonet knife, something you'd normally find on an old rifle like the Lee Enfield, longer than a traditional bayonet but overall a bit more awkward to use (due to its longer than average length).

As for other weapons, alot has already been said.

Some I'd like to see are:

  1. Pipe Wrench,
  2. Ice Axe
  3. Crutch
  4. Different styles of knives (ranging from a Fillet Knife, different styles of Combat Knives and Bayonets, folding knives, hunting knives, survival knives)
  5. Fire Poker
  6. Length of 2x4 Timber
  7. Varying lengths and types of metal piping (from rusty, copper, aluminium, iron, steel and lead)
  8. Improvised Spear (something akin to a knife affixed to a wooden or steel pole)
  9. Cattle Prod (Uses batteries, does no damage but induces a state of shock and stuns oppenants briefly)
  10. Bolt Gun (Not a "gun" per say, its used to humanly stun animals prior to slaughter such as this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Schlachtschussapparat_%28modified%29.jpg must be extremely close to use or could be used to silent kill animals from a goat and larger)
  11. Pickaxe
  12. Brass Knuckles (Found in Pubs)
  13. Pool Cue
  14. Wooden Cane
  15. Broken Table Leg
  16. Baton (Something akin to a police baton)
  17. Meat Cleaver
  18. Torch (As in a Stick with a fuel soaked rag, can provide a light source and also set enemies on fire when struck with it)
  19. Flashlight (Maglite Flashlights can be used as a crude club or baton)
  20. Broken Rifle (A long rifle that is broken, could be used as a low damaging clubbing weapon)
  21. Rusty Medieval Sword
  22. Sledge Hammer
  23. Claw Hammer
  24. Club/Heavy Hammer
  25. Bone (A human Femur can be used as an effective club weapon or a cow femur which is even larger can be used)

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the katana should not be implemented. why? how often do you see folded steel katanas? the store bought, made in china variety can't cut cheap-ass bottles of water. three of them stacked actually destroy them.

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Bayonet . realy realy like to see it in the game . I think lots of players would apreciate it .





It is good . No need for ammunition . Attachable to nearly every kind of assault rifle or shotguns .

Edited by Jakub-SK

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I would say anything that can be held should be considered a melee weapon:







-dildos (maybe not dildos)



Edited by roykingtree

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I would say anything that can be held should be considered a melee weapon (bottles, cans, books, forks, dead-fish, raw-meat, dildos (maybe not dildos), paper-weights, trophies, etc....).

as well as throwable!

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Mmmmm, I'd like to see more everyday objects being used. Perhaps you could go into the kitchen of a house and find an iron pipe, or a piece of rebar or a framing hammer in a construction zone. Axes, fire and standard, as well as hatchets. Keep the crowbar.

I'd also like some knives, some type of Buck 110 style folding knife, a larger hunting knife, butcher knives, chef's knives, and cleavers. Maybe a large bowie-type blade.

I don't want to see any swords, and I don't want to see a chainsaw. I don't really want to see a spiked baseball bat either (too WarZ for me).

I hope the melee system is improved, instead of just clicking the mouse to hit, it would be nice if you could "direct" the hit to certain locations by swinging your mouse slightly as you release it. Some form of blocking would be good too.

All this could become a moot point depending on the availability of firearms - too many guns and no one wants or needs to use a melee weapon for PvP.

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