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After reading rockets reddit post it seems to me that he doesnt care about us aussies, and the game getting banned here because of suicidide and smoking, i like many other people would hate this! (Stupid ESRB rating system) here is rockets quote:I'm not trying to be rude, but the answer to what you're saying is: So what? If Australia "bans" DayZ, what exactly does that matter? I am not aware DayZ has large sales in North Korea, for example, and the world isn't ending for us and we're not trying to plaster the game with photos of the supreme ruler to try and appease that market. Even if Australia banned DayZ, banning things just makes more people want it. People find a way to access it. The media would talk about it lots. What happens then? More people buy it. That's what is so absurd about it all, and why I don't factor it into our decision making. We're just making the game we want to play. Given the success so far, that means we can continue to do that without having to worry about individual markets or "media".

I am also wondering why he sais who cares if it gets banned i australia and then starts talking about north korea? Is he comparing us to one another? And how the hell would i get another copy if they banned it in aus rocket! Move to 'murica?

Post your thoughts below.

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Thoughts: He clearly does not give a fuck about his 'clients' (and I'm not only saying this because of this single quote of his) and he isn't very tactful when it comes to giving responses. 

Also, it would seem the Australian government is a bit overprotective when it comes to videogames.

Other than that, I hope for you you'll still be able to play your game in the future. :/

EDIT: Oh, and he can't overrule a government's decision #damagecontrol

Edited by Snowball

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They can't remove the game from you Steam account, or deny you access to a product you already purchased.

Get it now before it's banned in Aus yo!

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After reading rockets reddit post it seems to me that he doesnt care about us aussies, and the game getting banned here because of suicidide and smoking, i like many other people would hate this! (Stupid ESRB rating system) here is rockets quote:I'm not trying to be rude, but the answer to what you're saying is: So what? If Australia "bans" DayZ, what exactly does that matter? I am not aware DayZ has large sales in North Korea, for example, and the world isn't ending for us and we're not trying to plaster the game with photos of the supreme ruler to try and appease that market. Even if Australia banned DayZ, banning things just makes more people want it. People find a way to access it. The media would talk about it lots. What happens then? More people buy it. That's what is so absurd about it all, and why I don't factor it into our decision making. We're just making the game we want to play. Given the success so far, that means we can continue to do that without having to worry about individual markets or "media".

I am also wondering why he sais who cares if it gets banned i australia and then starts talking about north korea? Is he comparing us to one another? And how the hell would i get another copy if they banned it in aus rocket! Move to 'murica?

Post your thoughts below.

Maybe its time you guys start protesting and get that stupid ESRB shit changed in Australia yeah?

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As a German I can really understand what you are thinking. We aren't allowed to play quite brutal games that exercise killing in "extreme ways".


Lots of games weren't even sold officially here.

But I can understand if they decide to not take that into account if the game might be banned in Australia, because of drug reference (which is most time the case if something is banned in Australia, if I remember right).

This is just a simple question of gain and cost and they probably looked at all the markets DayZ was sold and realized Australia isn't so profitable.


Edit: economics, all the time it's about economics ...

Edited by elLoCo

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maybe thats nicest way he can say 'we dont want to specially modify the game for a smaller sales group'.

maybe it will ruin his 'image' or something? like how the source mod nmrih didnt remove kid zombies despite people saying it was innapropiate.

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Maybe its time you guys start protesting and get that stupid ESRB shit changed in Australia yeah?


This is one of the reasons why I want my country to leave EU. I can see one day that the same will happen in EU because of Germany. There are so many stupid standards coming from the EU and it will only get worse.

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Video game equality for all!

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But would it actually be banned because of the 18+ rating we now have? It may or may not.


As someone already has said people who already have purchased it will still be able to play it but I'm not sure where it would leave us server owners, IF it did happen to get banned.


Ah well, shit happens.

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What about the north koreans! Think about them! And how rocket talked about australian dayz getting banned and than started talking about north korea! Thats what im annoyed about

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What about the north koreans! Think about them! And how rocket talked about australian dayz getting banned and than started talking about north korea! Thats what im annoyed about

I thought it was the south koreans not the communist norther ones? XD

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After reading rockets reddit post it seems to me that he doesnt care about us aussies, and the game getting banned here because of suicidide and smoking, i like many other people would hate this! (Stupid ESRB rating system) here is rockets quote:I'm not trying to be rude, but the answer to what you're saying is: So what? If Australia "bans" DayZ, what exactly does that matter? I am not aware DayZ has large sales in North Korea, for example, and the world isn't ending for us and we're not trying to plaster the game with photos of the supreme ruler to try and appease that market. Even if Australia banned DayZ, banning things just makes more people want it. People find a way to access it. The media would talk about it lots. What happens then? More people buy it. That's what is so absurd about it all, and why I don't factor it into our decision making. We're just making the game we want to play. Given the success so far, that means we can continue to do that without having to worry about individual markets or "media".

I am also wondering why he sais who cares if it gets banned i australia and then starts talking about north korea? Is he comparing us to one another? And how the hell would i get another copy if they banned it in aus rocket! Move to 'murica?

Post your thoughts below.

Sorry to hear it might get banned for you :( first i've heard about this, tho in all fairness i dont keep up with the news to much these days. Have a link to post/article/interview? im sure a few of my aussie friends would be interested.

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If it did happen it would be an interesting dilemma for existing users, I'm not sure what Steams policy is on games that have already been sold later refused classification, new users could probably just buy a key through BIS store or through gifting, third party key sellers etc as they have done for other games refused classification here. I know other games have released a separate modified version for certain regions too, dunno exactly how that would work on a global hive though unless they are all client side changes. Plenty of games have also managed to avoid classification entirely due to lack of enforcement when only available on international marketplaces like Steam so I'm not too worried. I can see where Rocket is coming from though and don't think they should change the game due to the possibility of being refused classification in the future, cross that bridge if they come to it. The comparison to North Korea left me scratching my head though, there's a reason multiple GSP's offer DayZ server hosting here (Aus)

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What about the north koreans! Think about them! And how rocket talked about australian dayz getting banned and than started talking about north korea! Thats what im annoyed about


It seems more like a blow to the Australian governments view on banning video games.  Not something that encompasses the whole country.

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If it did happen it would be an interesting dilemma for existing users, I'm not sure what Steams policy is on games that have already been sold later refused classification, new users could probably just buy a key through BIS store or through gifting, third party key sellers etc as they have done for other games refused classification here. I know other games have released a separate modified version for certain regions too, dunno exactly how that would work on a global hive though unless they are all client side changes. Plenty of games have also managed to avoid classification entirely due to lack of enforcement when only available on international marketplaces like Steam so I'm not too worried. I can see where Rocket is coming from though and don't think they should change the game due to the possibility of being refused classification in the future. Cross that bridge if they come to it. The comparison to North Korea left me scratching my head though, there's a reason multiple GSP's offer DayZ server hosting here.

Yeah if anything i thought it would be South Korea which i think is what he MEANT to say maybe? Cause there huge with StarCraft 2 and allot of other Esport games.

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The North Korean reference is because he considers the Austrailian Stance on their ratings to be pretty, erhm, Draconion I would believe.


Your video game laws are akin to the oppresion of the NK regime!

Edited by Daemonkid
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The North Korean reference is because he considers the Austrailian Stance on their ratings to be pretty, erhm, Draconion I would believe.


Your video game laws are akin to the oppresion on the NK regime!

Well now this explains everything lol....

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I agree with Rocket. If I were him I wouldn't want to neuter the game's potential just so it could be classified in Australia either. I don't think they should toss great ideas and features because certain governments have foolish rules.

we're not trying to plaster the game with photos of the supreme ruler to try and appease that market"


But then again I'm not Australian.

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On Steam, once games are bought before a law is brought down on that certain game, it will not be taken away. Of COURSE unless that government specifically demands Steam (Valve) to take away the rights of "having" that certain game away from the Owner...wait shit I'm sorry "renter". x)

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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After reading rockets reddit post it seems to me that he doesnt care about us aussies, and the game getting banned here because of suicidide and smoking, i like many other people would hate this! (Stupid ESRB rating system) here is rockets quote:I'm not trying to be rude, but the answer to what you're saying is: So what? If Australia "bans" DayZ, what exactly does that matter? I am not aware DayZ has large sales in North Korea, for example, and the world isn't ending for us and we're not trying to plaster the game with photos of the supreme ruler to try and appease that market. Even if Australia banned DayZ, banning things just makes more people want it. People find a way to access it. The media would talk about it lots. What happens then? More people buy it. That's what is so absurd about it all, and why I don't factor it into our decision making. We're just making the game we want to play. Given the success so far, that means we can continue to do that without having to worry about individual markets or "media".

I am also wondering why he sais who cares if it gets banned i australia and then starts talking about north korea? Is he comparing us to one another? And how the hell would i get another copy if they banned it in aus rocket! Move to 'murica?

Post your thoughts below.


Write your government, tell them their restrictions are fucking bullshit. A company shouldn't have to gimp their vision because of a lazy population.

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Write your government, tell them their restrictions are fucking bullshit. A company shouldn't have to gimp their vision because of a lazy population.


It's not like half the wildlife can't kill them... oh wait..

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Write your government, tell them their restrictions are fucking bullshit. A company shouldn't have to gimp their vision because of a lazy population.

Write your government, tell them their restrictions are fucking bullshit. A company shouldn't have to gimp their vision because of a lazy population.

I already did that, they said to take it up with the ESRB, they replied that they belive the current ratings are sufficient of the current games and there content though they did confirm that luckily they cant take my steam games from me so i just gotta make sure i dont accidentally delete it. Also i hope rocket ment south rather than north but he did talk briefly about dictatorship after that so im guessing he ment what he said!

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I already did that, they said to take it up with the ESRB, they replied that they belive the current ratings are sufficient of the current games and there content though they did confirm that luckily they cant take my steam games from me so i just gotta make sure i dont accidentally delete it. Also i hope rocket ment south rather than north but he did talk briefly about dictatorship after that so im guessing he ment what he said!

You can still delete DayZ and still be able to reinstall it. Another thing is that Rocket compared it to NK because of how the ESRB rating on games is.

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We have an R18+ rating in Australia now so it shouldn't be a big issue, and you can commit suicide any ANY game imaginable. I doubt DayZ will be banned here in the end.

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We have an R18+ rating in Australia now so it shouldn't be a big issue, and you can commit suicide any ANY game imaginable. I doubt DayZ will be banned here in the end.

That still wont stop the kids from playing lol.

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