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DayZ Update 1.5.7

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I really like the increased zombie count. Don't lower it. The ppl who are complaining are the bandits who player kill. Now it is harder for them to kill. The increased zombies gives the game more strategy.

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The ppl who are complaining are the bandits who player kill. Now it is harder for them to kill. The increased zombies gives the game more strategy.


My group of 7-10 people were in Stary Sober last and while we were putting down the zeds, the next respawn wave would start before we could finish with the previous and we could not get out of the warehouse and over to the military camp enough times to keep up with the nonstop CoD-like wave of zed spawn.We eventually said screw it and bailed out to the east very low on ammo and with several people killed.

I am all for a hardcore challenge but when you have gone through literally hundreds of rounds of ammo and have zombies piled up everywhere and not a damn thing to show for it, it really takes away from the experience.

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My group of 7-10 people were in Stary Sober last and while we were putting down the zeds...

And that's where the mistakes started...

I don't believe the idea is to 'put down' all the zombies.

Note all the dead military? I think they shared your idea.

1 smoke grenade down the tent line... 10 second count.

Start shopping in the tents.

Rinse, repeat, or take a silenced weapon...

Mind you after 100 dead zombies it seems a bit much but if your just standing there and letting em come I somewhat figure you got to much ammo to burn anyway...

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yeah, ammo seems to be a problem, also when waiting for server response.. but the amout of zombies now is cool!

dayz = number 1 best seller on steam (not arma2 xD)

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Sure more zombies no problem, but less warping zombies. Never seen any in my fictional cyber history that can move like that. Even double amount than currently is but make them slower. Then put few Z animals to spice it, someone mentioned dogs loving bandits ;)

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After being afraid of the new update and finally manning up, I have to say I love the new zombie count. Hell, I actually want more*. Can't say much about the respawn rate as I've been stealthing since the update and only had to kill one zombie.

One thing I noticed or just had horrible luck with is: crossbow bolts aren't recoverable from walls anymore; they just leave a 'bullet' mark. They are still recoverable from zombie heads though.

*More, but balanced. A small barn in a remote location shouldn't have 6 zombies hanging around. Maybe 3 if all the farmhands got transformed at the same time. Likewise people should avoid major cities like the plague unless they are teamed up and geared and/or suicidal. My feeling on the zombies: they should be an environmental hazard, not the antagonist.

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More zombies is great, but I'd like to see the spawn density tweaked. Ideally, I'd love to see very high numbers in the big cities (or any location with higher chance for rare loot), and much lower spawns in small villages and random buildings strewn about the map. In my head, this would promote teamwork to gain the best gear, but also give noobs and lone wolf players more forgiving locals to loot in and survive. I'm new to the forum and the game itself, but right now the lowest risk form of looting I've found after ten hours is hunting lone bandits.

I know I've got to get better at the game before I complain, but even so... The above is how I'd like the game to develop.

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My feeling on the zombies: they should be an environmental hazard' date=' not the antagonist.


What a great summary. I like this.

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Hey ,

1.5.7 looks great , but the problem is all the servers are stuck on waiting for server response

the only time it does work to my experience is in the evening when it gets dark

Hope this is fixed soon.

Keep up the good work Rocket !

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My feeling on the zombies: they should be an environmental hazard' date=' not the antagonist.


Luckily, you're not in charge of anything. Stories can have more than one antagonist.

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Good update. More zombies in big city's and towns. Less zombies in remote areas, though the odd hillside zombie pack of two or three is great, I've only seen this a few times, presumably they wandered way outside their spawn zone but it breaks up the vast woods and hills of nothingness where people get all too confident of just running through blind at night knowing they wont run into anything - myself for instance.

Crossbow's hit registration is naff, can't headshot folks, potentially lag but I doubt it.

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My feeling on the zombies: they should be an environmental hazard' date=' not the antagonist.


I agree with this. Or at least the zombies shouldn't be the "primary" antagonist.

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Had a six-hour session yesterday evening, first group foray into the world of Day Z, and holy crap, I haven't had so much original fun in a game for a long time. Already have a bank of awesome tales I'll never forget and can't wait to have more! Zombie amount seems pretty good to me so far; learned the hard way that sniping a zombie in a town from half a mile away with three armed companions makes NO difference to your safety. Bloody zombies are so fast! Great work :D

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The mod is fantastic, update is good, the amount of zombies now actually means you have to be careful with ammo and bandages. When is the temperature thing being put in, im anxious to find out how it works :D

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hey anyone else think this mod team should be signed by the arma producers i mean they did cause the game to sell like crazy im gonna try to find a way to make that happen.

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I think that the number of zombies is good. in my opinion, in a zombie apocalypse the cities would be the most dangerous places of all. AKA the walking dead is a good example. in the old version i alone could infiltrate a city and get supplies myself without worry. now there is a chance of death. i think this is good. we should keep this zombie count. it seems most realistic to me. also i think the weapons are WAY to easy to find. and most of them are in the same areas. they should be harder to find and mostly located in "gun stores" or realistic areas. not a barn..... also i believe that there should be a better way to heal yourself. blood transfusions require someone else buy a lot of the times you cant trust someone else. i know food restores health but i think we need something better. Another thing i think that could use improvement is the bandit system. from personal experience i think once you die you should get your humanity back to 2500. the reason is because once you become a bandit it is so HARD to get back to a good guy. i try to be nice but I'm always getting shot at? i have -60000 humanity and the reason for that is because my first life i played good until a bandit killed me, i raged and i killed every moving thing i saw until i died.... i didn't know that the humanity would get carried over to next life. one thing i like is that cars/heli are rare to find, and i like that. all in all I LOVE THIS MOD, it is awesome, rocket you are doing a GOOD job. i know this is a ALPHA so i just wanted to say this to make you more aware which i'm sure you already are :) I can see this MOD going places :)

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Now it is official

So, I guess it was time for the devs to support another community project and Marek Španěl has stated himself Dayz will be included into Arma 2 with the next patch, being patch 1.61!

Asked wether it could be included in Arma 3 he said thats a whole different business, Arma 3 is very different compared to Arma 2 and to be able to add DayZ into Arma 3 would need at least another year of work after release.


another interesting interview with Rocket source pcgamer[dot]com

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Hey, why did no one put a list of features that is going to be in the new update?(1.5.8)

I think will be very useful(at least to me lol)

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just my two cents...... Keep the zombie numbers as they are now! Its perfect this way. Whats this mod about? Hiking in the woods???? Ah no, its a zombie apocalypse. They should be the main threat, not just a sideshow annoyance!

Im all new to this, and i love it! Epic mod! Good work guys.

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