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DayZ Update 1.5.7

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Happy birthday, creator of my most favourite mod.^^

new zombie numbers just made it perfect. like other users said: raiding cities for supplies now is just awesome^^

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I'd link Pinkie, but that'd just be weird. Happy Birthday, Rocket.

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Cant wait to play again, it seems like a major improvement and by adding wrecked choppers with good loot you finnaly gave us an alternitive to stary sobor and NW. I hope that more of these random high reward events will be added in the future, as they give the true survivors a way to get good loot, and they give us a reason to explore. As for the temprature gauge, is this going to be related to sickness? Like you get infected, and you will get high fever and if you dont get someone to help you, you will die. That would be a good addition, and will force people to work in groups and scavenge hospitals.

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Was on the airfield, suddenly 10 zombies spawned in front of me lol :p

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Hey ,

Haven't really got to play 1.5.7 yet but i know something is wrong with all the servers

as all im getting is waiting for server on every server . Hope this will be fixed soon

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have they fixed in game voice-chat?


It wasn't working for us on Sunday, but worked on Saturday.

This morning, I had a series of hair-raising encounters with a couple people, and we were easily communicating on Direct....


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I only just started last week with the low zombie count, but this has changed the whole feel of the game, I LOVE IT. So intense, such desire to find humans and work together.

I really don't like listening to my character cry when he is panicking, I AM my character, i don't want to think that i am controlling someone else. Besides i already make those sounds at my desk :D

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Good addition with more zombies, which makes it harder and more intense!

Although now there's only the problem with the auth server being overloaded when alot of people are playing.

I've been flying between the loading screens all day and not been able to play very much except abit in the morning.

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Hello people, first of all, i've been playing this game for a few days now, and i like it ALOT more how it was before then now.

Firstly, all those zombies, i know you want to see where it goes, but seriously? you can't enter a single village on your own, because when you attract one zombie, you attract all of them.

Example: I was trying to get into a small vilage because it had a shop, but seriously it was overun like hell, do zombies breed like rabbits or something? anyways, i couldn't get in it, i just couldn't, i tried proning observing every zombie their path, made one mis step, and bam, 30 zombies chasing me. I had to enter a barn after a while to kill them all, and after that all my ammunition was gone.

Whats the point of that? i'm sure more people think this way.

And secondly, what the fuck is wrong with people that find it an awesome idea that zombies should also spawn in forests? why would there be zombies in the forests in the first place ( Look at The walking dead for example) I like how you have a kind of safe place back into the woods, but what if you want to trace a player, and you also have to watch out for zombies in the forests? no change you could ever kill someone, because if you even fire one shot you have a group of angry zombies running behind you and you have to run a couple of miles again to get rid of them, not even talking about the other player which you alerted of you being close to him.

This mod was intense enough as it was, i don't see how people like this change, i just don't!

It doesn't give you better gameplay AT ALL, sure you had to watch out for zombies in towns before, but now it's just completely impossible to enter one without attracting them.

Wasn't this mod intense enough for you guys without all those hordes of zombies? seriously i found it intense enough when i was tracking a player, to surprise kill him.

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I like the zombs now^^ Keep up the good work^^

( i can walk in Villages with no prob... just dont play like rambo.. :D )

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[..]Wasn't this mod intense enough for you guys without all those hordes of zombies? seriously i found it intense enough when i was tracking a player' date=' to surprise kill him.


That seems to be the different sides since the patch. Mass murderers don't like the glitched spawns in the new patch, while people here for what is advertised on the main website seem to love it.

Seems Rocket will have to make a tough design decision and not everyone will be happy. Will be interesting.

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Loving the new zombies, its not just a free ride to zip into the good spots to grab loot anymore by yourself.

However there does seem to be something nasty where you're getting spawned on the coast with all of your gear etc. Annoying bit of walking with no vehicles there anymore to repair and use when you logged out next to your vehicle.

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Can anyone confirm that you can get into crashed helicopters to loot them now?

read the changelog

answer is yes

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Thanks for the updates I played 9 hours last night and the servers updated halfway through the gaming session so the changes where very obvious.

The zombie sounds is perfect i found zombies suddenly popping around corners after me scaring the crap out of me where before i heard them prob like twelve feet or more away. well done on the new sounds.

the temperature and weather effects is awesome, i like the idea of needing to find shelter from a storm or having it affect your health/status. hope this gets implemented soon.

I would love to see a boss or random bosses like larger or faster zombies in random locations that would need teams to take on or down with a chance for random loot. like a bigfoot in the forest or something lol or a creature that ran on all fours in a military hangers.

the zombie count im torn on, you can sneak into town and still get gear if you know how, but it does seem a bit high, like scores just lumbering in a field, now an open field (something i would normally avoid) is a welcome sight because i can scan the horizon for hordes of zombies but seeing a zombie count of like 12 suddenly spawn in front of me turn and start running makes me drop a brick. its almost perfect but if you can lower the respawn rate and condense them more in the cities it would be boss. now even looking at a single house you know there is going to be more than one zombie at it.

The panic is funny but happens a bit too often, my guy started panicking when he was on the 2nd floor of an abandoned warehouse and a single zombie was below. this im sure will be tweaked a bit in future releases. Excellent work and thanks for the updates.

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Hello people' date=' first of all, i've been playing this game for a few days now, and i like it ALOT more how it was before then now.

Firstly, all those zombies, i know you want to see where it goes, but seriously? you can't enter a single village on your own, because when you attract one zombie, you attract all of them.

Example: I was trying to get into a small vilage because it had a shop, but seriously it was overun like hell, do zombies breed like rabbits or something? anyways, i couldn't get in it, i just couldn't, i tried proning observing every zombie their path, made one mis step, and bam, 30 zombies chasing me. I had to enter a barn after a while to kill them all, and after that all my ammunition was gone.

Whats the point of that? i'm sure more people think this way.

And secondly, what the fuck is wrong with people that find it an awesome idea that zombies should also spawn in forests? why would there be zombies in the forests in the first place ( Look at The walking dead for example) I like how you have a kind of safe place back into the woods, but what if you want to trace a player, and you also have to watch out for zombies in the forests? no change you could ever kill someone, because if you even fire one shot you have a group of angry zombies running behind you and you have to run a couple of miles again to get rid of them, not even talking about the other player which you alerted of you being close to him.

This mod was intense enough as it was, i don't see how people like this change, i just don't!

It doesn't give you better gameplay AT ALL, sure you had to watch out for zombies in towns before, but now it's just completely impossible to enter one without attracting them.

Wasn't this mod intense enough for you guys without all those hordes of zombies? seriously i found it intense enough when i was tracking a player, to surprise kill him.


No offense, but suck it, murderer.

I think that people that kill other players deliberately are asshats, and I'm glad that you are having a harder time of it.

I agree, however, that the spawn rates are high.

I think, however, that it's well known, at this point. The feedback about too many zombies for most people has been received. Oh, and also for the spawn points.

I believe that it's been said that it's already known that it's a bug that's causing it, or an inadvertent variable or something. I'm sure an adjustment is in the works!!!

And to rocket, or the dev team or whoever, This is the most fun (tense fun!), I've had gaming in a long time, especially this morning! Good luck fine tuning it....


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Cheers Rocket - great lad as always. You hard work is appreciated! I love the new amount of zombies too and the sounds are scary as s**t!

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Still "Banned" because of the Heli Wrecks


Herzlichen Glückwunsch' date=' nur noch 9 jahre und man darf dich als Alt bezeichnen :D

Who wants to know it Google translator sucks :D


What did you do with Helicopter Wrecks to get banned?


haven´t tested pretty much yet, will report once I gave it a try...but the whole Mod is simply awesome...by the way...

happy belated birthday :)

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