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DayZ Update 1.5.7

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Thanks for the update Rocket, and happy birthday man. :)

Thanks for unintentionally adding more zombies, this is more like it. I wouldn't mind if you doubled the number. :D

The panic sound is cool, I welcome it. It might need to be less frequent either by not kicking in before being low on blood, or until you're being chased by a shitstorm of zombies.

I've only played a little while with 1.5.7, so that's all the feedback from me for now.

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the zombies count now is awesome i like more the mod now. you need to play more to make a need tactics, when you enter a large town. only use pistol when you are inside of a large town

when i shoot whit pistol when i inside of chernogorst no to much zombies come, is easy be carefully whit your move and you will be safe

now i dont see to much people shooting each other inside of a town,

i see a guy trying to kill me whit a ak and in 5 secons 15 zombies start to chasing him was awesome

i like a lot this new patch maybe respawn time of the zombies can be 5 mins more

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Happy Birthday, rocket and kudos for delievering new patches even today :)

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I think they should have a risk-vs.-reward system. Thus, in a village where people can not get super loot so it should be just enough with zombies while in cities, there should be lots of loot, and as many zombies.

Also a question, have they fixed in game voice-chat???

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[NEW] Zombie Script converted to Finite State Machine for performance improvement

What exactly does this mean? Less lag/desync? Smoother zombie movement?

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May have found a bug. Picked up a crossbow earlier, twice in a row I was unable to retrieve my bolt after taking a zombie down with a headshot. I was informed that this problem only occurs with bodyshots.

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May have found a bug. Picked up a crossbow earlier' date=' twice in a row I was unable to retrieve my bolt after taking a zombie down with a headshot. I was informed that this problem only occurs with bodyshots.


not only with body shots i loose some when i test at tree.

what about fallen helicopters? i can get in but cant open inventory when im in i try trow map

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Fuck Yeah !!! That's the way to go...

Zombies !!! Zombies!!!

Before this pach i used to enter in villages/towns rushing like a boss.. killing everything i see, loot what i wanted and get out of there runing standing up fearless.

Now... I have to think twice before i enter in a small village and consider the bennefit/risk equation.

Good job to all the dev team ( heven if it was unnintentional ) lol

By the whay... I found a chopper (a green one) but no loot in it. Is this a future fix or is it meant to be like this?

P.S.- What is the new icon? a WEED meter??? Looks like...

DiaboLusitano AKA Natario

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Happy birthday! Thanks for the update. The increased amount of zombies sounds really intresting. :)

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Thanks, and happy birthday!

And please let the numbers of zombie stay. More zombies is great.

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Haven't had the chance to play yet so I'm just checking.

1: Does stuff spawn again?

2: Have zombies become a serious threat?

3: Are people cooperating more than previously?

1 - I had a problem with loot but it seems stuff is spawning alright.

2 - Yep, now back to winchester and ammo saving again.

3 - dunno

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Also a question' date=' have they fixed in game voice-chat???


anyone knows?

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Oh, after patch all have been broken. No characteristics, nothing and I am in Kamenka with starting equipment but must be in the North of the Cherno. 6 days of surviving...

Happy birthday, rocket

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Awesome! Happy birthday mate! I love the contribution! I can't wait to see the new zombies face and increase in numbers.

thanks for this awesome game and once again, have a great day!

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