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DayZ Update 1.5.7

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Make the spawns much larger, but make the respawn rates much lower to counteract it.

Here's the thing: I know it's alpha and I know the whole point is the addition of content. That's fine; this increase in zombie spawns is a step in the right direction, but it can only fully help the game if there are conditions that augment the change.

First, zombies need to be outrunable (either through raw speed/distance or though continued LoS breaking) after a certain distance. This makes it so that not every encounter must result in combat of some sort. This also makes it so encounters have a deeper complexity through the conclusion possibilities. Also, of course, this makes it so ammo drops can stay the same.

Second, the zombies need to spawn everywhere (obviously not at the same frequency as in towns, cities, and other POIs). This is paramount to the overall ideas that this change is supposed to create. One of the main points of the spawn increase was to make the act of shooting an altogether scarier process. As of now, as long as you are in the forest and aren't using a Lee Enfield, you should be relatively ok. Is that a huge problem? Well its basically the case right now, but with the heightened difficulty of city raiding, the whole system now further encourages player killing as a way to gain items. PKing is (arguably) already too high. The whole point of this was to even the playing field by making PKers run the risk of bringing unwanted attention to themselves.

Again, just some caveats I feel needed to be stated in order for this part of the patch to achieve what it set out to do. I'm not going to get into the panic meter, as that's more an argument over the separation of the player and the character.

Anyway, I may have gotten carried away, and I'm sure Rocket had the same thoughts and worries I've had about this, but I just wanted it to be out there for future references at the very least.

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Zombies mope around like cripples but as soon as you aggro them they fucking turn into Usain Bolt, seriously? PLUS, there is no way they have the mental capacity to KNOW how to serpentine. Happy Birthday btw and keep up the good work, this mod is amazing.

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More zombies are great!

Respawn a bit too fast though.

DARK! Way too dark, pitch black even with a clear sky and the moon up.

Are zombies stronger now?

I love the wandering zombies, great things.

Concerned over whether soloing will be possible with so many zombies that respawn so fast. Soloing should always be viable, as people don't always have crews or cooperative survivors.

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Wow! I knew something was different when I spawned on the beach and immediately had a guy run up to me asking if I wanted to team up and try to make it to the Balota air field.

MUCH harder, neither one of us even got a drop of loot before we were both out of ammo and torn completely apart by the milspec zed. Speaking of which I'd still like to see a better chance of loot on the zombies, especially those military ones. They are some bad ass muthers!

On one hand I see where the concern about more PVP comes from but on the other side of that coin there is PLENTY of loot on zombie mauled corpses. I've never seen so many survivor corpses that hadn't just stumbled into a PVP death trap.

I think I'd like the zombie respawn rate reduced a bit but the spawn radius increased. I noticed them wandering around much further out from the buildings and such but maybe even a little more... basically I'd like the threat of running into at least one zombie to be possible pretty much anywhere on the map (no safety in the woods) with the main concentration being around the buildings and such as they always have been.

It's definitely going to knock down the house of cards that has been the SOP. Time for some new strategies folks!

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I haven't played the update yet, does anyone happen to have a copy of the "terrifying" face?

Also, really looking forward to the draft zombie sounds.

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Jesus, this is so insanely hard.. haha good luck moving around at night.. I died with in an hour and I usually last along time.. Idk he might have over done it..:-/

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Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

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honestly, i think the panic is a little wonky. Altho if it quits after a certain number of zombies killed or hours survived then I'm ok with it. It would make more sense that way

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I think the zombie numbers are fine now and its hell to enter towns by yourself now. I think now what needs tweaking are the zombie movements which are still a little buggy and the respawn times which need to be increased a bit for zombies.

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Happy Birthday rocket!

This patch is fucking great. Before this the cans were a fun little distraction to make zombies walk around but now we need to prone through areas and lead big parts of the herd away from our destination. Really like the change in difficulty.

- Zombie Numbers: I agree with others that the spawn rate or overall numbers might be a bit high but more time with it will determine how it feels. The server I was on had ~17 people on for a couple hours with from 3-450 zombies out at a time and I actually thought it felt pretty damn good. Going into town was not impossible but requires more thought and preparation for a good amount of gear.

- Zombie Sounds: The sounds these things make are great. Very creepy and slightly odd, love it.

- Panic: Neat little effect. My friend and I got a laugh out of it while we played tonight.

- Temperature Meter: Even though it was immediately called out as the "bong meter" I like the idea of temperature effecting us or the zombies in some way. Nothing to mess with yet but it sounds interesting.

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[NEW] Zombie Script converted to Finite State Machine...

Finite State Machine

Splinter Cell flash backs....... Dvorak' date=' is that you!?

Back on topic, this problem is back...





Now I tried to get to what seemed like the originating point to ID the item causing it like with the tank trap/wire previously, but when I got near to the spot the glitch cleared up and there was nothing there, move away and it all comes back. This area had several deployed wire barricades.

Side not about the wire barricades, that are very hard to remove. I have the toolbox but find just the right spot to get the remove option in the menu is... time consuming.

I noticed this too...found a wire kit to be the culprit.

Also happy birthday Rocket, and thanks for the great mod.

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Have you got the latest dayz_equip?

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Happy Birthday Rocket.

The new zombie spawns are quite good to say the least as it 'points' people to new weapons and tactics that are more realistic. Also, makes me want to send extra men on my scavenging teams due to increased difficulty.

Wire kits were always kinda messed up, perhaps a different model or something would work.

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You could vary randomly with Zombie density. That not every town has the same Zombie density. Then it is worth looking for another town etc. As of now you already expect what to find in a acity. Make more surprise. Exploring more random - more rewarding.

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Are zombies warm or cold blooded, and is the idea behind the temperature gauge to indicate how fast they're likely to move? That could be neat.

It seems way too dark at night now as well. Like' date=' impossibly dark.


I disagree. Ever go hiking in the woods far away from city lights in the pitch blackness? This game is a pretty good representation of that. I've been on exercises where I couldn't see my own feet...

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Before I head to bed, just wanted to say I love this update.

The zombie sounds are HORRIFYING. I thought you added in a new ambient frog sound at first, only to look to my right and see a gurgling zombie rushing at me head on. Now that I can't hear them from a mile away (which makes it sound like they're right on top of you), it makes it just that much scarier.

I also love the panicking sounds. I agree with some others that they may occur a little bit too often, but earlier me and a friend were running from a group of zombies and I could hear my friend's character behind me packing for his life, breathing heavily. Just that little something added a lot more immersion for me.

I saw someone suggest in-game that maybe with the more zombie kills you have, the less chance you have of panicking?

Either way, keep up the good work Rocket. Some people like to bitch because they don't like change. Not all changes are permanent, but I for one would like to see the increased zombie count stay.

Edit: Tents/vehicles/fences/etc seem to have disappeared this update. Was this intentional like it was for two previous updates? Also wanted to let you know that sometimes tents will get duplicated on server crashes although you probably already know this.

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The new sounds are awesome, I didn't feel like the panic sound played too often, but then I just sneak around most of them. Numbers feel good, would help - especially when you're starting out- if the spawn rate was a little bit slower though. Should be able to get away with getting constantly jumped by spawns after you down like 40-50 of them :-P But anyway, the zeds sound great, and are quite dangerous now. I love it.

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Awesome update, the sounds and numbers are horrifying. Don't see why the complaints, first time I've been scared of something besides getting shot in the back, and first game that has actually scared me in awhile. Keep it up and happy birthday!

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Yes please PLEASE fix the wire fencing kit model (the kit itself, not the fence) at it completely borks my graphics at the most inopportune moments, and then I have to toggle vsync on and off to fix it temporarily. Replace the model!

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Rocket you rock.

-I think zombies should spawn beyond visible distance maybe, so that you cant tell if anyone is in the village sneaking around or nearby. It's a giveaway, people might start using tin cans a lot more now to get around town especially at night but other people approaching towns will be able to tell if someone might be there cause of all the already spawned zombies.

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Haven't had the chance to play yet so I'm just checking.

1: Does stuff spawn again?

2: Have zombies become a serious threat?

3: Are people cooperating more than previously?

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