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This is not a Rant, just my observation of the current state of Zombies in stand alone.


Wednesday, I log in fully geared and whilst syncing (Couldn't move etc), I get one hit killed by a Z from behind. I was in a tree.


Tuesday, I log in fully geared and begin moving from the tree line to an open field. A Z targets me from the field and I equip my fire axe, I move towards it to engage and.... Bang, 1 hit killed from a Z behind me.... Didn't even hear it approach.


Wednesday. I'd been playing a hour or so when I moved to a meet up location. I had to log out for dinner so I moved inside a building. When I got back I logged in and bang, before I even see my toon on screen, I hear a Z wacking me and I'm dead (Fully geared. Energised an all that crap)


Other observations....

Melee V a Z is pointless. It's not that it's hard to kill them, I actually like that part ..... The problem is they ruin your gear with so little effort. Pristine Vest and all contents ruined in one Z encounter.

I would rather Z's were made even harder to kill if that meant damage to gear was nerfed a little.

Before you say it, yes I agree gearing up is too easy at the moment but this is ALPHA and we are meant to be testing this game, right now, I spend far too much game time gearing up from Z damage and not enough testing/experiencing other gameplay aspects.


I now no longer carry a melee weapon, I shoot all Z's with my M4 regardless of location or situation.



What I'd like to see.......

Nerf the damage that Z's do to gear.

Give us a timer when we log in which gives us GOD mode V Z's for 10 seconds or some shit like that.

Nerf the Z one hit kill BS.

Fix Z's running through walls before you make them even stronger/faster.

Get "Breaking line of sight" to work on Z's so they cant see me in Electro when they targeted me in Cherno.

Fix issues in game now before giving us more content to test in a game where we cant fcking test anything.


I really don't care about being able to shoot rabbits or fly a heli or ride a fcking bicycle until we get certain game issues sorted.


Hope that was constructive, Thnx.

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I for one seem to never get damaged by zombies. They whack me and I kill them and it's like I'm unaffected

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I for one seem to never get damaged by zombies. They whack me and I kill them and it's like I'm unaffected


Cheers mate, that clears things up, now I know the problem ...........  I'm a noob =)

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"Give us a timer when we log in which gives us GOD mode V Z's for 10 seconds or some shit like that." 

This is spot on, id even add that to the entire duration of logging out also (god mode vs infected only), esp while zombies can spawn magically 1 feet away, can still run through walls so it doesnt matter if you get in a house to log out or not.  Since the timer was added to stop/to combat combat loggers >Vs players< (not for the magical and generally horrific infected we have to put up with) and server hoppers for loot. 

Edited by Mr Sinister

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If you're losing the game due to zombies, you're doing it wrong.

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I spent the last couple of sessions fighting zombies. I go look for zombies to fight. We fight.

I want to get in some good zombie fighting before they get calmed down again.

Sooner or later they rip my clothes to shreds.

So now I go to barracks to find more clothes and also more zombies to fight. It's cool.

It's a way of life. I havent seen another player for 2 days.

Sometimes I can't find zombies. I guess they should be there but there aren't any. No players around and no zombies. If I just missed someone killing them they should respawn, right? Or they are all chasing him out of town, but they should spawn anyway?

Mainly - I find enough zombs and enough clothes

I like how crazy they are at the moment. Unpredictable and definitely over-excited.

So that's what I do for fun.


Before you log out - go a long long way away from zombie places, and wait around to see if any are following you from 1000 yards away, before you log.

Edited by pilgrim

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If you have a machete you should be ok if you keep moving in a circle but its just plain ridiculous how many hits they take evenin aiming for the  head not to mention when they hit you when your nowhere near them , melee weapons need buffed again .

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I stopped (mostly) engaging Zombies in melee for exactly this reason. It's not EVERY encounter by any means, but it does happen, that gear gets ruined from one or two hits.


And being killed instantly by the first or second hit from a zombie isn't an issue...until it actually happens.


The frustration comes from how unpredictable the behavior is. Some hits apply no damage. Some apply tons of damage. And you can't rightly know when hit detection will even work as expected.


Good observations.

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Here this will help you catch your Z's.......




Lol but in all seriousness you just need to avoid towns till your better geared or try to go to places where you can gear fast without to much risk if possible.

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It has gotten so bad with the "ruined jacket and items from one hit" that I now shoot zombies with my shotgun rather than my fireaxe.  Nothing sucks worse than finally getting that last pristine item you are looking for only to have a random hit from a zombie destroy hours of searching.  I would accept this as my fault if there was ANY noise before the hit.  Zombies used to make noise as they approached.  Don't get me started on the map issue.  EVERY time I open my map, a zombie hits me and destroys my jacket.  Don't get me wrong, I love finding a new jacket, but sometimes it's plain rediculous for a zombie I oneshot in the head with an axe to manage in one hit to destroy 3 items and all the stuff inside them.


ALSO, log out and in on the second floor of a random building, at least until they fix zombie pathing to include stairs.

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I've been one shot by a zombie one time. I was on the ground and got headshot. That was my fault. I never made that mistake again. Since then I have been fine. I don't really know what you're talking about here. I've killed many many many zombies since the latest update and havn't noticed anything unusual damage wise.


As for jackets getting ruined. Why wouldn't the things in your upper body clothing get ruined from getting smacked by zombies? They can tone it down a little if they want, but frankly i do not see this as a problem either. When fighting any opponent with melee you are face to face and they are swinging their arms and mouths around at roughly chest level. In game, and in real life, that would tell me to put important things in my backpack or pants if I don't want them damaged. I keep food cans in my jacket and an extra jacket in my backpack. Problem solved.


Does it make sense that all 6 slots of a jacket inventory get broken at once when the ruin your shit code procs? No. Does it simulate the concept of not putting important stuff where it can be easily hit? yes.


Adapt people. It's really not that big a deal.


As for logging in to zombie death. Why do you let that happen more then once? Go further away.

Edited by Fuerii
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Adapt people. It's really not that big a deal.

Let's try an experiment...

  • I'll be a survivor and put on a military vest with some canned goods, ammo, a map and a can opener in the pockets
  • You pretend you're a zombie and hit me as hard as you can with your bare hands
  • Your hands will be ruined before anything in that vest
OK, that's a little extreme I admit. But all we're saying is tone it down a little. The way it stands now it's like most items are made of glass.

I'm a fan of the realism too. Not many games are so bold. Just needs some tweaks that's all.

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Zombies always seem to ruin my shoes and nothing else. What do they have against footwear? Oddly enough, i've had a zombie hit my damaged press vest, and instead of destroying it, the press vest became pristine. Maybe he broke it so much it went right back around to being fixed.

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You need to go fight some zombies, it has changed recently.  All it seems to take is a single tap to ruin a lot.  I understand an occasional "lucky" hit but every third zombie taking out a jacket in one shot is silly.  If it was just badly damaged, I could at least sew it.  I am not getting hit more than before, so something changed.  I have decent aim, and of course I have adapted what and where I carry stuff but it's distracting from the gameplay.  I like to Zombie hunt but not at the risk of all I scavenge.  I still love a good fight and welcome strong zombies. 

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If you've been playing on Hardmode then of course, I can understand the difficulty. But if you're struggling on Normal, then wow-wee. To me, the more of a challenge a zombie is, the more fear it adds to the game. Hence, the theme of DayZ-- a zombie apocalypse.

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All my friends complain that most their gear and weapons actually become ruined after just a few zombie punches and it happens often.




I want to see someone punch/zombie slap a pistol inside of a bulletproof vest until it breaks in real life.


Good ahead..try! It'll be fun! It should break in only three punches max! :) Don't worry about a broken hand.

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Like I said, they can tone it down if they want. That being said, I've yet to have them break my stuff since the update. Playing almost everyday for several hours on both hardcore and reguler. I must be very lucky because I fight zombies constantly with melee. It used to happen to me a lot more often but then I got better.

Am I really the only one not getting ruined all the time?

Edited by Fuerii

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I will try once more.  I think there may be an unintended proc or something that is damaging equipment more than intended.  This being alpha, that is a possibility.  It is not a matter of skill to occasionally be hit by a zombie unless you never engage them.  Simply discounting people observations by telling them to get better may make you feel uber, but that doesn't change our observations.  Also, I don't play regular at all so I can't speak to that build.

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If it matters, I always stand up when I'm going to have to melee. I find that helps. I also backpedal at an angle until they swing then I strike once. I get hit much less this way. Maybe once or twice a fight, but usually not at all.

I'm not trying to feel uber lol. At first I was skeptical but if this many people are having your experience then there's obviously something to it.

It's important for any discussion to have both sides. My experience is no less valid then yours. Somewhere, one of us is probably doing something different and I think knowing those differences is important.

Edited by Fuerii

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If you're losing the game due to zombies, you're doing it wrong.

Really, well melee weapons are useless, and not everyone gets a gun right away.

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Really, well melee weapons are useless, and not everyone gets a gun right away.


You start the game with these things called fists, and if you punch a slow moving zombie in the head it'll fall to the ground. Keep punching its head while it's down, and when it stands back up... yup, you guessed it! Punch it in the head again. Rinse and repeat until zombie dies. It'll take one to maybe ten punches to the head to kill a zombie.


~*So cray!*~

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You start the game with these things called fists, and if you punch a slow moving zombie in the head it'll fall to the ground. Keep punching its head while it's down, and when it stands back up... yup, you guessed it! Punch it in the head again. Rinse and repeat until zombie dies. It'll take one to maybe ten punches to the head to kill a zombie.


~*So cray!*~

Slow moving zombie, where do I find of these, mine are all professional athletes, who also excel at long jumps and never stand still. They also manage to hit me from about 5 meters away everyone and then

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There's nothing even close to useless about melee weapons. 2 or 3 headshots from axes, fire Extinguishers, machetes, pipe wrench, pick axe, bayonets in hands and many others. If anything there is a GREATER variety of usable melee weapons now.

Use first person view and hit them in the head.

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So basically we have a thread of people that don't know how to fight zombies demaninding a nerf to zombie damage.


I suggest that you practice your zombie killing skills first, before coming here with the demand to make zombies even more useless than they already are.

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