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About Fuerii

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Bucks County, Pennsylvania
  1. Fuerii

    Akm/ak101 not spawning

    Can you elaborate on that, please? I didn't realize damage values had changed.
  2. Where are the static chopper locations? Thanks
  3. Sorry if this has been covered, I had no luck with the search function. Since the last update I have found many ak74 and aks74u, but not a single akm or ak101. Are they still spawning in barracks? Barracks seem to not be effected by the loot explosions so maybe I've just been real unlucky. Thanks!
  4. Fuerii

    ok So, Cholera.

    How long has water born illness been in game? I've been spam drinking dirty water for months because I thought they hadn't added it. Never been sick. I guess I got really lucky
  5. What you're describing is a inability to discipline yourself. There are two ways to deal with this. One is total avoidance which is what you have chosen by uninstalling dayz. The other is actually learning how to stop playing at appropriate times. By avoiding the game entirely your not learning to deal with your addictive tendencies. If your okay with that then that's fine. Just be aware this will always be a potential problem. It sounds like you're a young adult going through what all adults go through. Which is learning how to force yourself to do what you might rather not be doing. Welcome to life sir. If you're interested to know, i wake up 2 hours early every day so i can play whatever game before it's time to shower up and head to work.
  6. I know there's never a guarantee, I'm not looking for one. Just trying to determine if loot spawning with persistence on is the same as it was in the previous version. So the issue of loot Getting concentrated into a few locations (aka Christmas buildings) has been fixed?
  7. So how does loot spawning work with persistence now? Does it respawn on resets? Are we still resetting every 2hours? I'd appreciate any feedback. I don't want to risk visiting high value targets if they're going to be empty. My last experience with persistence taught me to not bother with military. Trying to make my game plan, thanks! Also, Helicopter crash sites were previously invisible on persistent servers. Sounds like it was fixed but it certainly was no myth! :p Thanks for great server
  8. if it's 10-15 minutes then I am probably joining too soon. I will try again now. As far as I remember this never happened to me until the most recent patch. So if there is actually a problem it'd be a relatively recent one. I'll post back my experiences.
  9. If the problem is widespread then it is something to do with private hives because I havn't had this issue on the public hive, nor my friends.
  10. I am having the same problem as Back Sabbath. For the last 3 lives I have played on just your server. After resets I come back to a freshie. At first I thought I logged on too soon after the reset and force reset myself.(known bug) So after that I would wait atleast 5 minutes, sometimes longer before I come back on only to have it happen twice more. Happened last tuesday and then just now. I decided to check this thread to see if it was just me. Since it's not I'll probably be taking a break from the server for a bit :( Keep us posted because I love this private hive.
  11. Fuerii

    Gorka Helmet uses?

    Stats Ballistic helmet- 90 bleed, 1.5 ballistic Gorka helmet with visor-95 bleed,.85 ballistic I think they both prevent knockout but aren't sure. Gorka is worse
  12. Fuerii

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Poor young buck :(
  13. Fuerii

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    These noisy things can be packed in such a way that they don't rattle. I am not trained in anything and even i can imagine how to start doing this. Packed tight, and using internal/external pouches, elastic bands(Easily scavenged), careful arrangement. I'm sure someone in the special forces could explain it better then I. All I'm saying is that our packs shouldn't effect or sound level unless there's a way around it other then running light weight. As for stamina and running i completely agree. Weight should impact our travel times. I expect it will, someday.
  14. Fuerii

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    A properly assembled pack does not rattle or clank. If you wanted a quiet pack you could make it such. Crafting burlap sack into "straps" or something could then be used on backpack to bundle/tie stuff down. This could then enable stealth movement. Or we could just assume our guys have figured it out along the way. And skip all that. Tldr, packs don't have to rattle.
  15. Fuerii

    Bring back tool belt

    I agree that it should not be something you start with. Also, the more I think about it the more I like the toolbox version of the idea better. In the mod you had a toolbox inside a tool belt..it didn't make sense. If we instead use the toolbox as the container we preserve the immersion a bit better.