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Mosin-Nagant more rare to find now?

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I did a search on the forums, and didn't manage to find any threads relating to this, so I decided to start one myself, in case anyone else has experienced the same issue I have. Before the last update, I used to find Mosins fairly often, all over the place; since the last update, I've found several pistols, mostly .45s, and even some clips (including a few 1911s, though it took me a while to find a clip for the one I took), but I have yet to find a single Mosin. I've found a number of SKSs and M4s, but those don't really interest me, as I don't own either of them in RL, though I do own a Mosin. So for me, it's not so much a functional thing as it is a personal collectible thing. Did they lower the spawn rate of Mosins with the last update, or am I just having that bad of luck finding one? I've run from the eastern coast North through Berezino to the NEAF, then west to the NWAF, then down South to the Balota AF, and I have yet to find one. I've searched various police stations and other buildings known to spawn them along the way, but to no avail. I have yet to enter Cherno or Elektro (for obvious reasons), so perhaps I'll try my luck there. Just wondering if anyone else has had as hard a time finding one as I have lately. I really hope to find one, because I plan on heading back to the spawning grounds and dropping some basic supplies for the fresh spawns (food & beverages mostly, maybe some rags & bandages and crude melee weapons also), and then posting up somewhere overlooking the area and watching for bandits that may try to grief them.

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I haven't noticed any change to be honest, If anything, I'd say I'm finding more Mosins than anything else, But I've always found a lot of them.. Almost every Piano house has one for me..

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If you want to find a mosin you need primarily to look in civilian buildings. But I seem to keep running into them, mainly in piano houses and the red arch houses, but also the office buildings and hospitals. So I would say you have just been unlucky. Keep looking and one will eventually turn up.

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I think its slightly more rare than when the game first started as they would have thinned them out a bit to make way for other weapons

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If you find sks and m4 maybe you are searching the wrong places. Try not airfields but piano house or the big red/orange houses..

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Well, I got the contrary experience...


Looking for a SKS because I got 2 box of SKS ammo, and impossible to find one cause I found only mosin almost everywhere.


I think it is just some kind bad luck here...

Edited by massacrorBKK

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Started spawning stuff where it didnt spawn before (but should have)


Look in barns, look around wrecked trucks




you heard it here first

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I haven't noticed a change in finding the rifle its the ammo i have trouble with now, lets be honest most people that server hop to horde 100's of mosin rounds will fire maybe 2 of them, but for me over a play session I find it really hard to find any, in towns or in military locations, which is fine by me really just stating my observation in regards to the rifle and its ammo.


Maybe its because there are a few more ammo types in the game now that are in the same spawn table, I dunno that's just how i rationalize it, perhaps its the same with the weapons themselves or as Pilgim mentioned stuff spawns where it should now, which is most likely the case.

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Well, I got the contrary experience...


Looking for a SKS because I got 2 box of SKS ammo, and impossible to find one cause I found only mosin almost everywhere.


I think it is just some kind bad luck here...


you never seem to find what you want when you want it Ive found

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you never seem to find what you want when you want it Ive found

That's for damn sure- took me two weeks to find a Sporter 22 that I just wanted to mess around with.

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you never seem to find what you want when you want it Ive found

I swear the loot table is running some sort of ultra futuristic algorythim and can detect from what gear you have what you actually want and does not spawn it but eventually when it gives you a break and hands you one it will laugh at your struggle by throwing them in every where after you have one ( what ever it is your looking for lol)

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Started spawning stuff where it didnt spawn before (but should have)


Look in barns, look around wrecked trucks




you heard it here first





AWWW man!!! Why did you have to tell them that! It was my special spot... I even found mosin's there in high pop in the middle of a firefight!

Edited by hexrain
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You can never find what you are looking for. I searched for hours once and a friend found one the moment he logged in.

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AWWW man!!! Why did you have to tell them that! It was my special spot... I even found mosin's there in high pop in the middle of a firefight!


LOL - me too!.... sorry bro..should have kept my big mouth X

but in fact it was from a clue I picked up right here on another thread, and I thought.. "hey, I'll check that"

and -hep -

(don't worry, will take weeks before word gets around, no one reads this stuff)

Edited by pilgrim

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You can never find what you are looking for. I searched for hours once and a friend found one the moment he logged in.

I got 106 .45 rounds and one full FNX mag and I don't have an FNX yet..

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Mosin rifles are definitely rarer than they initially were; they reduced their spawn rate in order to introduce the SKS. Also I've noticed that M4A1s seem to be spawning in civilian spawns more than they usually do.


Although, unless you plan on sniping for a team or dragging around a sidearm for CQC I'd recommend swapping to the SKS as it has a massive advantage over the Mosin in anything <300m.

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Thanks for all the info guys; I'll definitely try looking around those spots more.



Although, unless you plan on sniping for a team or dragging around a sidearm for CQC I'd recommend swapping to the SKS as it has a massive advantage over the Mosin in anything <300m.


Well, like I said, I do have a 1911 with a clip and some extra ammo, so I should be fine there. Yes, the FNX has a larger clip (more than twice the size), but I LOVE the 1911 IRL, and have wanted one since before they added them. It's kind of the same thing as the Mosin: more of a collectible thing than functionality. I'm not really concerned about functionality so much, since I'm almost positive I'll probably get KoSed before really getting to use them anyway.

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i guess in a way, they just added more of a variety of weapons, each one being equal in distribution depending on the spawn, before mosins were the only civilian-primary weapon, now theres a bunch

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