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Smokey420 (DayZ)

So why was the axe nerfed?

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Known Issues:

  • Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)
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(Aim for the head)




That's rich,Aim for the head....with an axe you can not aim lol

The way the Melee weapons are implemented to be used are horrendous in this game!



I might ADD,I have no trouble taking Zeds down so don't think for a minute I am whining about it as I do not have trouble useing the axe

I am just stating the fact that the axe and the stance and how it is aimed is so unrealistic it is ...well horrible!


Using the axe has more to do with timing it right ,than aiming in this game!

Edited by Scott61
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That's rich,Aim for the head....with an axe you can not aim lol

The way the Melee weapons are implemented to be used are horrendous in this game!


I might ADD,I have no trouble taking Zeds down so don't think for a minute I am whining about it as I do not have trouble useing the axe

I am just stating the fact that the axe and the stance and how it is aimed is so unrealistic it is ...well horrible!

Using the axe has more to do with timing it right ,than aiming in this game!

Actually you can go to first person to aim a melee weapon. Similar to aiming down the sights on a firearm.

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I've found that, if you look UP just a bit (like, right over their heads) when attacking with melee (including fists), you're chance of scoring a headshot is much better (I learned this when trying to KO zombies with my fists; once I realized it, I was able to knock them down in 1-2 hits).

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Zombies just got more realistic, when have you seen a zombie die from an axe to the arm or the torso for that sake. 

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It's already fixed in the experimental servers, so yeah don't worry.


It will be fixed soon.

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Zombies just got more realistic, when have you seen a zombie [snip]


When have you seen a zombie?

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When have you seen a zombie?



Yes id like to know when you have seen a real zombie to?

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It's utter crap really. This isn't Zombie Simulator where zombies can only be killed from head shots with an axe or finding food is the most exciting thing to do. It's DayZ where zombies can exist but PvP is most important. Nuff said. 

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They aren't zombies, they are living infected. While it may not kill you in one blow, anyone slammed full on in the body with a fire axe isn't getting up.

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Zombies just got more realistic, when have you seen a zombie die from an axe to the arm or the torso for that sake.

They aren't zombies, they are infected humans

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Little question on melee weapons I havent been able to test just yet.


In order to connect with your swing of the bat, axe or whatever. Do you have to hit exactly on the little crosshair to connect? or does it take in the whole area of the swing?


Never had issue with taking down infected much with melee just sometimes I notice it seems like I completely whiff and they are right in front of me...

Edited by cels

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It's completely useless now. I got a better chance killing a zombie with my fuckin fists

It'll be fixed, not sure why they let that go, in .45 on experimental they fixed it.  But, yes, you are better off punching or even shooting them since they don't immediately respawn anymore.

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I don't know why we even have experimental if stuff this simple makes it to stable without adjustment.


Probably because people don't want to lose their precious gear in the stable hive in every up-coming update.

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I still kill zombies with 1-2 hits with a splitting axe. Like stated above 1st person is your friend in melee combat. I've killed many players with weapons such as a kitchen knife when they are using both a motorcycle helmet and an axe that attacked me because they are just swinging madly.

Best thing I've found is dodge the jump attack then hit them in the back of the head while they recover

Each weapon requires a different tactical approach now, as they should.

My opinion; axes are fine as is, nerf the knockout chance of the fists.

Edited by akafugitive

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Jesus, are you all just fucking terribad? This "BUG" I actually like. Takes some skill downing zeds now. Stabbing weapons are really fucking good now due to their precision with scoring headshots. 

Axe still kills in 1 hit if you get a head shot, it's really easy to do it if you can catch the zombies unaware, and if not, aim a bit higher and just fuckin' swing. Not like a little scuffle will ruin your day.


All in all, I like this change and I hope it stays.

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Yeah, I've just been punching them. I don't bother with melee weapons.

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When have you seen a zombie?



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You can still get them to chase you down hill where they will jump at you and die when they miss.  Or, if you are on the coast lead them towards a dock at an angle, they run straight at you and will run right off a dock into the water (I've done this with whole groups of zeds on my tail, it's hilarious)..  Lots of ways around zeds without actually having to fight them.  Know your enemy guys.

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If they are 'infected' and not zombies, then why do the devs call them zombies in the patch notes? Pretty sure they are zombies... Also the 'Z' in dayz is a rather obvious hint don't you think?

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